People need something to follow, and Islam is the most attractive to them.
am just curious what they find so attractive about it
They did a study on this in the UK, and interviewed some converts here.
Many women find it less demanding to be Muslim because they don't have to conform with the body image that is promoted in the western world.
All those stick bugs what are porn stars, women having to be like the actors in sex in the city etc.
Muslim men have great way of over coming this when they convert western women, they praise them to the hilt, treat them very respectfully until they are married of course.
This is very attractive to women that have live in society where men see women as sexual objects, they find Islam tends to treat them as human beings.
Many women convert for that reason, and its the direct influence of Western males that do it.
Even on this forum it is greatly shown.
Someone posts a woman pic of a large woman, or some one that is not pretty, and the mock and joke about the female. Some of the comments are very uncalled for. Shows complete lack of mature behavour.
Its true is there are not many pretty women in this world, so Islam allows the ones that don't think they are a safety net.
People tend to forget the self esteem of women is very important in what judgments they make.
Abuse comes in many forms, physical as well as emotional. And women tend to have a greater tolerance to the physical abuse.
Islam doesn't tend to use much emotional abuse in its culture. Not as much as most western males.
And men very much the same reasons, they don't fit into the normal, and find Islam does not focus on physical demands of the soicety, and there for more attractive culture.
Western Society doesn't accept the people who they don't see fitting their mold as normal, Isalm doesn't care.
Therefore Islam is growing.
People are just not taking the years of abuse from their fellow westerners, and turning towards the east.
Thats In My Humble Opinion of course.