Author Topic: My Video On BNP  (Read 9370 times)

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Offline briann

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Re: My Video On BNP
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2008, 05:10:00 PM »
Honestly I didn't know they deny the holocaust, it's a disgrace if they do. So far as I know they have Jewish members in their party so wikipedia may be lying.
It seems as if they were at least in the past antisemitic. May be they have changed.

I'm simply not sure if it's wise to trust groups like BNP and Vlaams Belang.

Again. I cant stress this enough.   They have completely dropped the Holocause denial, and have publicly stated that this was a 'STUPID' position in the past.  and are FAR more Zionist than the mainstream parties.  They have taken extraordinary measures completely erase their anti-semitic past.  I know their members very well.  and nearly all are righteous christian zionists... who love Britain.

ALSO.. they removed the nordic/Pagan symbols from their website...  They have dropped ALL action to remove the legal ban on holocaust denying, and most importantly.. they allow practicing Jews... of which I know a couple.

ALL of their articles now are anti-Islam and anti-immigrant.. and that is all.  If we don't align ourselves with them.. .we are making a HUGE mistake!!!

The MSM HATES the BNP, so they will ALWAYS stress their stupidity in the 80's.

What about their support of the holocaust denier David Irwing? They must completely remove the likes of him.

Irwing is a subhuman.   I'll ask some of my BNP friends if they have removed all references to him.  From what Ive seen, theyve done an excellent job removing anything and everything that is pro-nazi.. and pretty much.. every neo-nazi has abandon the BNP.

BTW.   Irwing is a HERO!!! in Iran.  Ackmadinjijad constantly refers to him as a brave warrior against evil western zionism.

I think that the BNP has to express a MORAL support of Israel, condemn holocaust denial as well and to express its regrets for the antisemitic and racist stands which it either promoted or tolerated in the past. It must be public, and it must be made clear that this is a change of moral and ideology, rather than an opportunistic political maneuver. 

If they fail to do so, they are not kosher for Jews.

The whole opportunistic slant is just the media's way of slanting this.  The BBC absolutely hates the BNP, and they will never put them in a positive light. 

And yes... the BNP has publicly supported Israel, and condemned holocaust denial.   It does still have racism in it.. but not nearly as much as say... the NAACP, etc.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: My Video On BNP
« Reply #26 on: April 15, 2008, 05:37:49 PM »
Well as a Jew I remain skeptic for now. In principle, I have no objection for euroJews to support a former antisemitic party which have completely rehabilitated. I hope you are not fooled by a phony, masked hater.

Offline briann

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Re: My Video On BNP
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2008, 05:54:08 PM »
Well as a Jew I remain skeptic for now. In principle, I have no objection for euroJews to support a former antisemitic party which have completely rehabilitated. I hope you are not fooled by a phony, masked hater.

I'm not fooled by Carter..