Author Topic: Croatian Restaurant in Melbourne, Australia hails leader of Nazi-allied Croatia  (Read 22461 times)

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Offline Jasmina

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 @ americanhero: please ignore Dalmacija and if you are truly against Albanians and pro Kosovo is Serbia, then you are one of us and you are welcomed to fight for our cause! We will not expect you to hate your country, but you should NOT expect us to forget what Ustashe did to our fellow Jews as well! If we agree with that, then we are OK!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline Americanhero1

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@ americanhero: please ignore Dalmacija and if you are truly against Albanians and pro Kosovo is Serbia, then you are one of us and you are welcomed to fight for our cause! We will not expect you to hate your country, but you should NOT expect us to forget what Ustashe did to our fellow Jews as well! If we agree with that, then we are OK!

I agree that what they did was wrong and i support the serbs and the jews


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  islamiscancer was "ordering" stuff to you as well! Now I am 'ordering" and you don't feel confortable when a woman tells you what should you do! you are very aggressive person with a lot of issues! you better resolve your problems with "orders", OK?
  Because if somebody gives you hard time you  are my "friend"  right away and you write me PM how I am "the best" and then you suggest how X and Y should be ban because YOU can't stand him anymore! And that is EVERYTHING I have to say to you!

No, no..

Do not make it to personal.
Please we must not turn this into a personal fight.

It is not good for you to behave like this.
You are a Serbian woman you should be more kind and less cold!
You are not like this. I have a totally different picture of you and there is no problem.

Please leave those PM-issues we do not need that.

In Serbia men are dealing with politics and Serbian women had always other interests.
I do not know where you have been grow up but this is the way it goes in Serbia.
Maybe we are dealing here with cultural differences? ? ?

But I understand you I am sometimes maybe a little bit aggressive, not to much do not say that Jasmine, but believe me I am not doing it on purpose!
« Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 03:32:07 PM by DALMACIJA »

Offline Jasmina

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"In Serbia men are dealing with politics and Serbian women had always other interests.
I do not know where you have been grow up but this is the way it goes in Serbia.
Maybe we are dealing here with cultural differences? ? ? "

  I do not have anymore comments! :o

The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!


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"In Serbia men are dealing with politics and Serbian women had always other interests.
I do not know where you have been grow up but this is the way it goes in Serbia.
Maybe we are dealing here with cultural differences? ? ? "

  I do not have anymore comments! :o

Nemoj tako JAsmina!

Ja tebe volim ti si dobra devojka!
Zasto uvijek moras sve da pogresno shvatis...?

Procitaj moje poruke malo pazljivije mozda ce ti stvari biti onda malo jasnije.

Ajde cao..!

Offline Jasmina

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  Americanhero was born in Croatia, but as he said, supports our movement and doesn't support what Ustashe did to the Jews! we need righteous people, with strong beliefs in G-d, to join our forum! I will NOT allow anyone to be destructive to our movement! That means that I will react anytime I see fights between our members, for no obvious reasons! I will ask you again DON'T FIGHT if we want to build something here!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!


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person with a lot of issues! 

Believe me I do not care about words coming from other persons.
You can say what you want against me that is not going to make me a bad person.

Look when people do not have serious arguments they start to say thing like this.
I think that this kind of speaking is really disrespectful and I would appreciate if people would talk to each other with more respect. F

Sentences like:
“You are a traitor, you are crazy you are this you are that” 
This is not making any sense and this behavior is considered as primitive and unserious behavior among people who participate in serious diplomacy for example.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 04:05:07 PM by DALMACIJA »


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  Americanhero was born in Croatia, but as he said, supports our movement and doesn't support what Ustashe did to the Jews! we need righteous people, with strong beliefs in G-d, to join our forum!

You must know that if you allowed one Croat into this forum you are giving green light to the enter of also other Croats. Maybe there are some honest and righteous Croats but you will also have to deal with Croats who will pretend to be one of them and it is very difficult to see if a person is real or is faking. To avoid that problem a smart Serbian nationalist would not allowed members of genocidal nations into their organization. This must also sound logic.

  DON'T FIGHT if we want to build something here!

Please, do not see everything as a fight!
We are just debating each other and sharing different points of views.
If you see that the majority of the Serbian members is irritated by this Croats than you as a serious moderator should do something about it.

Further, you are moderator and that is great but do not let Croats fool you with their so called support for Serbia. Croatia openly recognized the false  state of Kosovo and is committing a strong anti Serbian politic.

Offline Jasmina

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  I suggest to focus on real issues!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline Jasmina

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  Look, we have one man who supports us! I will not ask to be banned because he was born in Cro. If he says something that proves otherwise, I will ask administrators to do whatever they decide to do! But that is true for all trouble-maker members!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!


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 I suggest to focus on real issues!


But if somebody knows a lot of a certain subject than you must listen en respect that person!

Offline Nikola1389

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I may be the only Croatian on this forum but i have never bashed Serbia in anyway nor have i supported the Croatian Nazis

You supprt the broders of todays Croatia.
You support that Croatia is only a state of the Croatian people.

You have no problems with the today's state of Croatia, that is logic because you are a Croat. For you the today's Croatian government and state is a normal state. In reality Croatia is a fascist state and that is not recognized by you!

That's why you do not fit in this organization!

I have already stated a couple of time that i know a majority of Croatia is still fascist And about 85% of Croatians are still aliened with Nazism.About me stating that Croatia is only for Croatians i will admit i said that but i later retracted that statement when i did more research on it.

brate,those ppl are idealists,thats a totaly diferent thing,they are educated ppl,who know that croats and serbs are one people!

And i'll try to make clear what i said in the last few posts,You can't support kosovo and croatia in the same time,that makes you a hipocrit,what your country can take etnical serb land,kill off the serbs/banish and make it they'r own land,but albanians can't coz they'r mustlim and mabey pose a threat to the futur croatia(witch i seriusly dought,coz in the 90's shiptar centers were not on kosovo or tirana,they were in Ljubljana and Zagreb)And for those ustasha who really see no alternativ,there is a country(i never said croatia doesn't exist,i just commented its current borders)it's croatia,but in a more realistic borders,there they can have they'r ethnicly clean population and live happily ever after or what not...

And Dalmacia,i totaly disagree with ur comment on women,mabey you said it dispite jasmina or in momentary anger,but i really think women should be respected!They give birth thus giveing us the most precious gift of all,life!And mostly becous of that they don't have a chance to make a career,and thats why they need GREAT support(Blasted Democra scum(DS  ) )

pozdrav i laku noc nikola

Offline Jasmina

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 I suggest to focus on real issues!


But if somebody knows a lot of a certain subject than you must listen en respect that person!

  Of course I will respect that person!  :) That is true for you, too!  :)
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline Jasmina

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And Dalmacia, I totally disagree with ur comment on women, maybe you said it despite Jasmina or in momentary anger, but I really think women should be respected! They give birth thus giving us the most precious gift of all, life!And mostly because of that they don't have a chance to make a career, and thats why they need GREAT support

  Thank you Nikola! I don't care about people who doesn't want to begin to understand why women can have their successful career, can be strong and could stand behind what they say and  why they can be involved in different areas then kitchen!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline Shlomo

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But if somebody knows a lot of a certain subject than you must listen en respect that person!

Unless that person is being truly disrespectful to someone they are supposed to have an alliance with. DALMACIJA, you are a good man. We all have respect for you. But you can't expect someone to listen to you if you tell them you can't respect them because they are a woman - especially when we are the ones who put her here because she does a wonderful job. The Torah tells us that we should be wise and word things in a way that people can accept and to be kind to one another.

If it wasn't for very courageous women in the Torah, there would be no Jewish people today. If it wasn't for women bringing more civility towards men, we would be in a terrible position and the world would be a very dark place. Men, on average, are more aggressive, conquering, and physically stronger... but women, on average, are more kind, sensitive to others, and read social situation about 10 times that of most men. They also have our children, teach us in school, make excellent doctors and scientists, and the list goes on and on... there is absolutely no reason to be disrespectful of someone because they are a woman.

Please DALMACIJA, we have to be united if we want to become a mass movement. This type of fighting only hurts us... it hurts JTF.

Also, let Americanhero have his say. He seems to be one of the very few people born from that region that love the Jewish and Serbian people. Remember that in every horrible culture (and nazis are HORRIBLE and DESPICABLE), there are a few good souls that Hashem puts there. For the record, it is completely understandable to have distrust. I don't think any of us, not even Americanhero, would have trouble understanding this. It's reasonable and I think he's showed you he understands.

But let's keep an intelligent debate going and show kindness the moderators.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 08:56:25 PM by Shlomo »
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac)

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heres my input as a member and former moderator

@american hero, what dalmacija means is, that you can be an angel, but still you love todays croatia which is based on nazi and fascist beliefs. irony.

@dalmacija, seriously this woman/man bs has got to end, i agree on some level, i WON'T marry a career woman, because a child needs a good mother and a supporting father, if the mom is gone as much as or more than the father, the child will be "f-ed up". Trust me, i do support career women/women with power, but for my own child i will marry a smart and beautiful woman that knows how to cook etc.

Offline Nikola1389

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yeah,the Ku'ran tells us not to eat pigs,but we still do
what i ment to say,i don't care what any book has to tell me,i h8 when ppl say the bible says this ku'ran that torah ends badly
do you know who else says things like that?A normal peaceful sane man,and its enough for you to just say that

and let me describe the situation with this conversation:Imagine palestina got jerusalem,and there is some guy who says i love Jews but jerusalim belongs to me evin tho i kill(ed) jews there to get it


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I did not express my sself correctly sorry for the misunderstanding!

Thank you Sholomo for your correction..
Thank you for reminding me what is more important

Thank you SerbinCetnik for giving a realistic explanation to me.
I do not know what I would do with out your advice!


Offline Shlomo

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Thank you, DALMACIJA. You are such an important member on the forum and you have such a good soul.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac)

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No problem glad i could help, im tired of these non-sense "fights"

Offline Jasmina

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No problem glad i could help, im tired of these non-sense "fights"

  Me too!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline Nikola1389

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thats sweet  :-*


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Thank you, DALMACIJA. You are such an important member on the forum and you have such a good soul.

Others should also be informed about it like you are ;)

Seriously, I hope it is like that...
« Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 11:54:03 AM by DALMACIJA »

Offline Boyana

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Just my observation!
My husband is Jewish and I have Jewish surname.
Am I safe and welcome in Croatia at the present?
Is my husband safe there!
Regards Boyana


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Just my observation!
My husband is Jewish and I have Jewish surname.
Am I safe and welcome in Croatia at the present?
Is my husband safe there!
Regards Boyana

Dear Boyana,
I am a Serb from Krajina which is today part of Croatia.
I know a lot about Croatia and I know their mentality towards the Serbs.

You should ask the question to me and not to a person who lives in America and who is half Croatian. Believe me that is not the right person who will anwser your question.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 04:52:18 PM by DALMACIJA »