Author Topic: Osama Obama Husseins Terrorist fund raisers  (Read 1092 times)

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Osama Obama Husseins Terrorist fund raisers
« on: April 23, 2008, 03:13:29 PM »   

You really should go to the link above it has more links about it

April 23, 2008
Another Terrorist Fundraiser for Obama
Another day, another terror supporter for Obama.

Front Page Mag:

Two years ago, Hatem El-Hady was the chairman of the Toledo, Ohio-based Islamic charity, Kindhearts, which was closed by the US government in February 2006 for terrorist fundraising and all its assets frozen. Today, El-Hady has redirected his fundraising efforts for his newest cause - Barack Obama for President.....

"KindHearts is the progeny of Holy Land Foundation and Global Relief Foundation, which attempted to mask their support for terrorism behind the façade of charitable giving," said Stuart Levey, Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.

Not only was Kindhearts engaged in providing funds for HAMAS in Lebanon and the West Bank, it had hired as a fundraising specialist the man identified as the designated HAMAS bag man in the US, Mohammed El-Mezain.

He even has personal page on Barack Obama's official website.

CJ points out that Michelle Obama is listed as a friend of el-Hady and concludes that :

In other words, Michelle Obama’s name isn’t there because El-Hady put it there — it’s there because she chose to be listed as his friend.
Can any one verify this? I mean, maybe Michelle Obama is like "Tom" over at MySpace. Her name is added to everyone's friend list from Illinois just to make them feel like less of a loser?

I dunno, it seems like if el-Hady was close enough to the Obamas that Michelle would go out of her way to specifically add herself as a "friend" that el-Hady would have a lot more friends than two.

But that's just me and I don't want to believe this even if it is the horrible truth.

Nevertheless, this is part of a general pattern: those who support terrorism also support Obama. Obama isn't responsible for every scumbag that supports him, but his stated goal of withdrawing from Iraq meshes perfectly with those of al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations; and for a guy like el-Hady, his stated willingness to talk to the terrorists in Hamas and their paymasters in Iran, Obama would definitely be the candidate of choice.

Terrorists and their supporters tend to view Obama as a man willing to give them at least some of what they want. As I pointed out just a couple of days ago, a guy calling himself "JubaIAI"--named after the mythical Juba sniper of the Islamic Army in Iraq--flies this avatar over at YouTube.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 03:16:13 PM by mord »
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