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Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Racism in the New South Africa
« on: April 28, 2008, 04:31:12 AM »
This is a very good recent article by Mike Smith. It is lengthy but give it a read!

Exploring Racism in the New South Africa

By Mike Smith – Cape Town, 26 April 2008

I do not think there is a single country in the world that has gone through more racial turmoil than the Republic of South Africa. Fourteen years after “Democracy” we seem to have problems worse than those under ‘Apartheid”. Lately we have seen ace journalist David Bullard fired for “Racist” blogging, the blog “Why South Africa Sucks” was deleted by Google, the Democratic Alliance has been accused of “Hating the ANC” and President (only in name)Thabo Mbeki has called for a national conference on Racism and Xenophobia.

Further more, there was the Lone White Nutter dubbed the “Skielik Skieter” who shot some blacks at a squatter camp outside Rustenburg. There was the Reitz hostel incident at the University of the Free State, videos of interracial school violence, police assault on civilians, and many more. All these incidents have a common theme; White “racists” against “innocent” blacks. White South Africans are being portrayed to the world as racist scum who probably deserve to be killed.

There is no doubt…”Racism” is at the top of the ANC agenda.

During the same period we have seen ten times more racist incidents by blacks against whites. Horrific rapes of children and the elderly. Senseless murders where nothing is stolen and white victims tortured by blacks, yet the media is quiet about it all. The ANC government never says a word. Oh they report it, but never mention the races of the victims nor the perpetrators. Mandela and Mbeki are quiet about these senseless murders of 3000 white farmers by blacks, almost as if they condone it.

Calls go out from the ANC and the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) for probes into “racism”, but what it effectively means is, “Probes against Whites for racism against Blacks”, never the other way around.

This post is not a tit-for-tat, “blacks-are-worse-racists”, kinda post. Nor is it an attempt to justify racism. This post…is a search for the truth.

Nowadays the word “racist” is liberally flung around to describe everyone and anyone who criticizes the ANC government, who oppose Affirmative Action, and who dare mention the outrages levels of corruption by black officials in power. Even opposition to multiculturalism is seen as just another expression of racism.

What does “Racist” really mean? Many of these accusers cannot give you a definition of “racism”. It is also not important to them. All that matters is that they get to play the racist trump and win the argument. When a Liberal or a black loses an argument, they play the race trump. With the words, “You are just a racist”, they end the argument and walk away feeling the winner.

So let us then explore this thing called “Racism”.

There are many types of racists, just as there are many definitions for what a “Racist” is. Let us first look at a definition for ‘Racism’. There are many legal and sociological definitions in the dictionaries, but generally it goes like this:

According to the United Nations’s legal definition:

“…the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.”

Just by the above definition alone we can see that the ANC government of South Africa is the most racist government this country ever had. The ANC because of its racism created a system of government unable to function effectively. The ANC have perfected institutionalized racism to a fine art, disguising it under a blanket of “Redressing past injustices”. All their policies are inherently racist. Affirmative Action, Black Economic Empowerment, Quotas in sport, Quotas at Universities, etc. are all racist policies aimed against the 10% minority whites of South Africa. One would think that with blacks making up 90% of the population, there would be no need for Affirmative Action, yet the ANC thinks we should have it. Affirmative Action discriminates against all whites, even the liberals and benefits all blacks even the already super rich.

Hernan Vera and Joe Feagin says in their book “White Racism”, that blacks cannot be racists because there is no centuries old institutionalized system of subordination or discrimination designed by blacks to exclude whites from rights, privileges and benefits of society….They have obviously never traveled to South Africa. Here it is just fine and dandy to have such an institutionalized system against minority whites.

Recently, Irvin Khoza, chairperson of Fifa's local organising committee, told a journalist "not to think like a Kaffir". The chairperson of Parliament's portfolio committee on sport and recreation, Butana Komphela, said that people who oppose the coloured Springbok coach, Peter De Villiers, have a “I-don’t-want-to-be-led-by-a-Kaffir” attitude. Even president Thabo Mbeki used the word “Kaffir” eleven times in a speech last year, but the word is only derogatory when Whites use it. In other words, it is fine for a black person to accuse another black person of conforming to a racist stereotype by using a word from a discourse that has a long history of doing just that, but whites are not allowed to do the same.

But what happens when they accuse you of racism?

Calling a White person a racist is just as bad as calling a black person a Kaffir. These accusers are so biased that they do not realize they are often engaging in emotionally abusive language and behavior. Calling someone a racist is at least acknowledged by most as a negative description. Calling someone a racist is charging someone with a serious moral failure and most people will therefore avoid being called a racist.

The moment you call someone a racist, you create an “Us and Them” scenario and you start to discriminate against someone whose ideas are different to yours. You are then the intolerant, bigoted one. You are then the one engaging in “Hate Speech”. You are then becoming the very thing you detest.

“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”
--- Friedrich Nietzsche, 1878

So what if there are people who hate blacks or blacks who hate whites? Hate is an emotion; a feeling; a mindset. Love is the same; it is just an emotion. Just like you cannot stop people loving one another, you cannot stop people hating one another. In South Africa, where “freedom” means Marxist oppression, “democracy” means a One Party State, it is quite possible that “Love” can mean “Hate”.

To the Marxist ANC, everything is black or white. There are no grey areas. Coloureds and Indians are termed “Black”. The ANC is so filled with hatred that they see love of ones own as hatred towards others. To them, if you love your own, you must hate others.

True Nationalism is not about hatred towards others; it is about love of ones own, but Nationalism is the mortal enemy of Communism; therefore it had to go here in South Africa. Nationalism is now viewed as Nazism, not only in South Africa, but also worldwide.

Communism is all about hatred. It is built on hatred, fueled by hatred and sustained by hatred. To keep the Marxist ANC in power, they have to fuel the hatred of blacks towards whites, but this policy is already backfiring on them. In the eternal struggle between Good and Evil, Love and Hate… Love is the stronger emotion and will always win. Love of ones own also means that one should be willing to protect one’s own…even if it leads to death and self sacrifice. Love, Self-love is the strongest personal emotion. It is therefore no surprise that the Communist wants us to hate ourselves.

After the Reitz incident, a reporter in the Afrikaans newspaper “Beeld” tried to make sense of the behaviour of the young white students. His conclusions were that their parents were racists and the kids picked up these racist values from Mommy and Daddy. It never occurred to him that these students could have had a Damascus experience after being forced together in a multicultural nest of a hostel. Forcing people to live together in multicultural societies is just as racist as forcing them apart. People should have freedom of association.

Racism does not fall out of the sky, neither is any man born a racist. People do not generate racism out of malice or nothing. Most of us on these websites are all reformed Liberals. We became what we are. What is it that makes whites become racists? Does it not come from frustrations and is it not a reaction to primary racism? Is “racism” not a relief and gratifying indulgence to get even and bolster self respect? Is it not the very nature of blacks, their beliefs, culture and behaviour that makes whites detest them? Certainly these aspects are worth exploring. Blacks should ask themselves, “What is it that blacks do that makes others hate them so much?”

Maybe if Blacks stop killing, raping and stealing from Whites, racism will disappear. Maybe if they educate themselves, get proper jobs and stop wallowing in the cesspit of eternal victimhood, we will start respecting them as equals. Indians and Chinese excelled under Apartheid. Many became very wealthy…but not Blacks. Blacks blame colonialism for their poverty and problems, but the truth is that colonialists have never robbed anyone. There are many colonies that excelled after colonialism, such as Singapore, Australia, etc.

So are white South Africans really racists? Would a racist employ blacks? Would a racist work with Blacks?...Treat them in hospitals, give them their own countries to live in? White South Africans gave their entire country to blacks. No, I don’t think white South Africans fit any of these definitions of “Racists”.

I can tell you what is racist though. Racism is making Blacks believe that White racism is at the basis of all Black problems. That is what Liberals do. Liberals are patronizing, paternalistic racists. Instead of acknowledging and accepting racial differences, they pretend that it does not exist. Therein lays the irony of their argument. They paint themselves into a corner, because to pretend these differences do not exist, one has to first acknowledge that they DO exist. Liberals are the worst kind of racists there can ever be. Racists at least hate other races, but Liberals hate their own. That makes them not only the vilest and most despicable form of racist, but also traitors.

Blacks now demands entry into a world, a society that does not exist, except in Liberal ideology. Liberals believe in a lie; a lie, that the only difference between Lions and Hyenas is the nature of their skin. They refuse to acknowledge that the nature of Hyenas is that of scavengers. Liberals lie to themselves and to others to further believe the lie they created in their minds. What they should be doing is to be honest with themselves and with others. Acknowledge that Lions and Hyenas are eternal enemies. That is just the way nature works. No amount of lying and self-[censored] is ever going to change that.

Many people have simplistic views of racism. They believe that racism is when one believes one’s own race is superior to that of others, but racism can also be towards a race that is more intelligent than one’s own, such as Jews or Asians. Xenophobia is a FEAR of others, not a feeling of superiority. In fact, Xenophobia is a feeling that others are superior to you and it is basically an extreme form of inferiority complex based on race.

One also gets “Racists” who are not “Superiorists”, but rather “Separatists”. The Liberal “Paternalists” I have mentioned already. So when one stands accused of the umbrella term “Racist”, does one have to conform to all of the above or only certain parts?

In order to accuse someone of “Hate speech”, you need to know what “Hate speech” is. Against what criteria is “Hate speech” measured or do “judges” just thumb suck and make it up as they go along? It seems rather open to interpretation to me.

I for one have traveled the world extensively and have experienced many different cultures, languages and religious beliefs. In fact I am fascinated by other cultures and religions and always try to learn as much from them as possible. I also speak several languages and can help myself in many more.

There is however one race and culture I find totally incompatible with my own and that is the African Black. Their polygamy, promiscuity and superstition are just a few of a long list of reasons. I found Blacks can teach me nothing and can contribute nothing that will enrich me as a person. Hate them? No. I simply choose not to associate myself with them. If that is your definition of a racist, then I suppose I am one. It is to me more important to be honest than politically correct. I have lived on the African continent long enough to know that Lions and Hyenas will never be friends.
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)

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Re: Racism in the New South Africa
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2008, 10:18:24 AM »
South Africa is falling apart. Especially ever since blacks have taken over. I feel sorry for the whites who live there.  :'(
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Re: Racism in the New South Africa
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2008, 10:23:26 AM »
Thanks Duke Nukem! I believe we will overcome though!  :)
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)

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Re: Racism in the New South Africa
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2008, 04:56:40 PM »
white heroes will win their freedom once again....
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