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Iranian saying hello :P

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Read some funny stuff on this site, anyways hello.


Is it possible for you to write a more descriptive opening statement?

Thank you.


--- Quote from: Yirmiyahu Ben Moshe on April 29, 2008, 10:33:32 PM ---Hello,

Is it possible for you to write a more descriptive opening statement?

Thank you.

--- End quote ---

Alright, :P.

My background is esphahani iranian, but i reside/born in canada, not muslim nor is my mother, grand mother, grand father and etc. Most of my family is agnostic/athiest. And i wanted to say that jews in iran are NOT treated like "BS". In esphahan the city/province i lived for 3 years, it is the only province that has a lot of jews, christians and "muslims" that live happily with each other. So i dont get why on this forum jews are under "moderation" because they are "jew", or they are heavily discriminated... Iranians jews are free to move to where ever they want, so how is iran holding them "hostage"...

BTW: Everyone is under "moderation" in iran.

Also i want to learn more about israel, Judaism, khazer jew origins,war with iran and some of the trolling/b.s crap about iran posts on this forum.


--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 29, 2008, 10:45:42 PM ---
--- Quote from: Yirmiyahu Ben Moshe on April 29, 2008, 10:33:32 PM ---Hello,

Is it possible for you to write a more descriptive opening statement?

Thank you.

--- End quote ---

Alright, :P.

My background is esphahani iranian, but i reside/born in canada, not muslim nor is my mother, grand mother, grand father and etc. Most of my family is agnostic/athiest. And i wanted to say that jews in iran are NOT treated like excrement. In esphahan the city/province i lived for 3 years, it is the only province that has a lot of jews, christians and "muslims" that live happily with each other. So i dont get why on this forum jews are under "moderation" because they are "jew", or they are heavily discriminated... Iranians jews are free to move to whereever they want, so how is iran holding them "hostage"...

BTW: Everyone is under "moderation" in iran.

Also i want to learn more about israel, Judaism, khazer jew origins,war with iran and some of the trolling/b.s crap about iran.

--- End quote ---

What is your opinion about muslims that spread propaganda like : " the jews did 9-11"?
Do you agree with them?


--- Quote from: Ambiorix on April 29, 2008, 10:49:14 PM ---
--- Quote from: Khashayarsha on April 29, 2008, 10:45:42 PM ---
--- Quote from: Yirmiyahu Ben Moshe on April 29, 2008, 10:33:32 PM ---Hello,

Is it possible for you to write a more descriptive opening statement?

Thank you.

--- End quote ---

Alright, :P.

My background is esphahani iranian, but i reside/born in canada, not muslim nor is my mother, grand mother, grand father and etc. Most of my family is agnostic/athiest. And i wanted to say that jews in iran are NOT treated like excrement. In esphahan the city/province i lived for 3 years, it is the only province that has a lot of jews, christians and "muslims" that live happily with each other. So i dont get why on this forum jews are under "moderation" because they are "jew", or they are heavily discriminated... Iranians jews are free to move to whereever they want, so how is iran holding them "hostage"...

BTW: Everyone is under "moderation" in iran.

Also i want to learn more about israel, Judaism, khazer jew origins,war with iran and some of the trolling/b.s crap about iran.

--- End quote ---

What is your opinion about muslims that spread propaganda like : " the jews did 9-11"?
Do you agree with them?

--- End quote ---

Lol? I've never heard of this, my theory is that the american "government" did it to itself to show attention that arabs are going "nuts". That is my "opinion".


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