But wait, that would contradict the hypothesis that Wright/Obama public quarrel is just a set-up. Wouldn't it? because this statement by Wright undermines Osama's credibility. If Wright and Osama agreed to a public split as a cover-up, Wright would not be saying now that Obama agrees with him privately. He would be saying something like: "Yes, Obama is not one of us."
When Wright stated that, maybe he didn't know it would get
Wright gave this statement in the National Press Club on monday-morning.
Und am Montagmorgen hat sich Wright vor rund 30 Fernsehkameras im "National Press Club" in Washington gestellt.
I think it was the black rage, that took control over him. He was simply angry.
Look in the psyche of this man! Years over years black people and selfhating whites praised him, accepted him, never asked him about preaching hate. And now is the same hate that was over decades no problem an issue.
At the point, when they told wright in the press club that even Obama doesn't agree with him, the truth slipped out.
I think he is simply not able to understand what now is happening.