Big problem on youtube!!!!
I have lots of serb friends and lots of american friends the problem is that the serbs are really anti american there,I understand their anger because of what the american government has done to kosovo!!!
But they need to understand that this is the american government and not the american people,in fact alot of americans I know on youtube(90 precent of them) support serbia and their fight against the islamic albanian forces!!
Let me tell you something in regard to your above mentioned message..

Look you are a Jew, not an American, but a Jew.
If we Serbs respect honest and good Jews that does not mean that we automatically think the same about whole America. We respect all normal humans who live under the rules of God and justice. You do not have to be an Orthodox Christian to be a good person and according to our point of view there are good people among all nations.
Unfortunately the US does not follow the laws of justice but like a real cowboy they are following the rule of the strongest. We the smaller nations are constantly victims of that policy. The US as the world's strongest country should use it's position to improve this world by sharing knowledge and resources with other nations and to use force only for the establishment of peace. In reality the US is exploiting other nations and the nature to benefit its self which is an extremely selfish and egocentric behavior. The US is creating war conflicts all over the word, for example in Yugoslavia,
and camouflaging the origin of these conflicts by providing a picture to the world about a so called regal conflict between neighboring nations.
We are not dealing with conflicts between surrounding nations but with the US’s and European plans whose intention is to divide great nations into small nations, so that they can control and overpower them better. That’s one of the reasons why the US and the EU supported the collapse of former Yugoslavia. First of all Yugoslavia was a great ally of Russia and a great country, the 4th strongest military force of Europe, and that is the main reason why America wanted Yugoslavia to disappear.
They managed that by convincing the Serbian Catholic (Croats), Serbian Muslims (Bosnians) and others to stab the Serbs in their backs. They did not even have to invade Yugoslavia to create the collapsing of the state because they had naïve and foolish people to accomplish that!
The USA are connected with the Western European alliance.
Together those two continents founded after WW2 the collective western military force which is called NATO. The western European countries had always hostile intentions to the Serbs and imperialist ambitions towards the East.
We Serbs were always victims of their ways and tools to gain control over the world's continents. That the USA has an anti Serbian policy was definitely confirmed by their behavior towards the Serbs in WW2. Since 1944 when the USA under the pressure of Western Europe decided to support the communist movement of Yugoslavia they became our serious enemies! The US anti-Serbian policy is still in continue and today it is expressed in the separation of Kosovo from Serbia.
Today the US is recognizing the Republic of
- fascist Croatia
- Bosnia Hercegovina
- and Kosovo.
I hope that you know understand why the Serbs are anti American.
Pro American Serbs are national traitors who are paid by foreign factors to surrender their territories to foreigners!