Great program!

Thanks, Chaim.
That moron prominently features that "poem" on his website. You can also listen to it. Genius, genius, genius, umm hmm.
Oh my..

Is this for real?! Umm-hmm.
Edit: Okay, I found a link to a source that contains the (full??) text of the "poem" (so-called poem):,M1Here is what appears on there, word by word (p. 173-174):
"The most memorable low point of the strike was reached when Leslie Campbell, a leader of the Afro-American Teachers Association, read aloud on listener-supported FM radio station WBAI a poem alledgedly written by a fifteen-year-old girl:
Hey Jew boy, with that yarmulka on your head
You palefaced Jew boy – I wish you were dead.
I can see you Jew boy – no, you can't hide,
I got a scoop on you – yeh, you gonna die....
I'm sick of seeing in everything I do
About the murder of six million Jews;
Hitler's reign lasted only fifteen years....
My suffering lasted for over 400 years, Jew Boy....
When the UN made Israel a free independent state
Little 4- and 5-year-old boys threw hand grenades.
They hated the black Arabs with all their might,
And you, Jew boy, said it was all right.
Then you came to America, land of the free,
And took over the school system to perpetuate white supremacy,
Guess you know, Jew boy, there's only one reason you made it –
You had a clean white face, colorless and faded.
I hated you, Jew boy, because your hang-up was the Torah,
And my only hang-up was my color.".
- Unquote. -
Unbelievably vile to me..