Author Topic: Long Article about our good Chaim in the biggest German political magazine  (Read 3981 times)

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Offline Ulli

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The Title is "Alliance of the islamophobes". With pictures of Chaim and our ad  O0,1518,556292,00.html

For a leftwing newspaper is the article fair. (You could think it is hatefull, but in comparison with Niggemeier this is really fair ;D)

Translation by Golden Pheasant

30. Mai 2008, 06:33 Uhr

Demagogy in the Net

Alliance  of the Islamophobes

By Yassin Musharbash

New trouble with "Politically Incorrect": At the Internet-portal, which is hostile to Islam, you can find a cleared ad of the rightwing US-organization „Jewish Task Force“. SPD1-expert on domestic affairs Edathy claims, that the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution 2 should monitor the website [PI].

Berlin – Chaim ben Pessach, also known as Victor Vancier, is without a doubt a friend of meaty slogans. If he talkes himself about Iran into rage , then he likes to speak from the „Powers of the Islam-Nazi-terror-genocide“. And on the flyers of the Jewish Task Force, her  head is Ben Pesach, is the quran called simply „Terror Bible of Islam“. On Youtube you can find clips of ten minutes duration, in which he is drooling, shouting and lathering and he is warning from the downfall of the USA and Israel, caused by Muslimes.

"It is fair, to describe him as a little bit crazy", said in 1987 even his lawyer. The US-judge Leo Glasser had another oppinion: This man is "a danger for the society".

Glasser sentenced Vancier to ten years in federal prison, because he was involved in a run of bombings, one under many in one firebombing against the Avery Fisher Hall near the Lincoln Center in New York on October the 20. in 1986 - the day, on which the national symphonic orchestra of Moskau should perform. Vancier had in this time the oppinion, that such attacks would be a reliable instrument, to bring attention to the oppression of the Jews in the Sowjetunion. Five and a half years he spent in prison.

Now all this was before 20 years, and Chaim ben Pesach was in Germany practically unknown.
The same is true for his before 17 years founded "Jewish Task Force", which is describing itself as a confraternity of "rightwing Jews and upright gentiles". And probably nothing would have changed, if Chaim ben Pessach had not made the decision to make promotion in a German medium for his organisation und it's currently campaign "Jews against Obama".

Edathy want to write to the president of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution 2

The medium of his choice, is the German language Internet-portal "Politically Incorrect" (PI), for itself a platform of islamophobes, where the disgust is mixed with the resentment and the hate.

In relation to the youngest honour-killing in Hamburg is anticipated that the Sharia-deathsmen will have also in the future nothing to fear 3. About the building of a mosque in Berlin is written: "The    do-gooder4 will not surrender and they want to impose with all might the fanatic Moslems as neighbours of the citizens.

Because of such polemics is PI in Germany again and again an issue of the media - and sits deliberately between all chairs: The one side blames PI of beeng rightwing, the militant-islamic threatens them with death. Since two weeks the forum of the the Global Islamic Media-front  is agitating against the founder of PI Stefan Herre. [link5] So it is pointed to the fact that you can get easily his telephone-number and address. "Somebody should visit him", is written there. One user wrote, that "enemies of Islam should be liquidated in this times".

The JTF-promotion brought PI back in the media: "Terror-advertisement on Politically Incorrect", was the headline on Mai the 14th by the Journalist and Blogger Stefan Niggemeier. Other blogs wrote about the issue too. Now has begun a struggle. According to the statement of PI-founder Herre are legal actions from ben Pesach against Niggemeier possible (Until now Niggemeier has no letter received.)

The chairman of the Interior Committee of the German parliament, Sebastian Edathy (SPD1) has intervened now. In the conversation with SPIEGEL ONLINE he announced, that he will advise the president of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution 2, Heinz Fromm of PI. "This is more than marginal, they have crossed the line", he said. On PI you find "islamophobes of the most extreme character", they use systematic "anti-democratic feelings". He himself is called in the commentary section of PI an "Islamofacist"6.

Chaim Ben Pessach has taken in the meantime the word too: In a declaration, that was published by PI, he atacked Niggemeier: The JTF is no terrorist organization, but totally legal. He has no one injured or killed, his damagings of Sowjet diplomatic property have never had another goal than malicious damage.

The JTF is not listed in a terror-file

In fact JTF is not listed in any terror-file. In an e-mail, addressed to SPIEGEL ONLINE, Ben Pessach denies to have relations with the, from the EU as a terrorist organisation classified, "Kahane Chah".

But one thing is for shure: The JTF is founded on the same ideology, verbatim the ideas of the in 1990 assassinated New York Rabbi Meir Kahane. And his "Jewish Defense League", which leader Chaim ben Pessach was for a period, was according to the FBI violent and extremist.

The founder of PI Herre is not able to find anything to criticize in his alliance with Ben Pesach. Of course he has read the issue in Niggemeiers blog. Hereupon he has written to ben Pesach. The answer was this declaration, everybody can read on PI. And this has strengthen his will to let the ad online, like he told SPIEGEL ONLINE.

50 Euro the month is the rent for the ad. This is not much. But there is more behind this: Who picks whom in the assumed neccessary fight against the islamisation of the West? Herre's position is clear: "How it is possible, that a brave man like Chaim, who opposed a totalitarian dictatorship only with damaging property and injured or killed nobody, sentenced in even this country, is in some people's eyes a terrorist? For ben Pesach is there a right for a recommencement too. He is noticing in the critique the unsavory taste of anti-semitism.

The PI-founder doesn't want to say the name of the PI-operator

Apparently Herre has not very systematic looked at ben Pesach. "The unethical regime of the Sowjets locked him up for years", wrote Herre in an e-mail to SPIEGEL ONLINE. This is not the truth: Ben Pesach was sentenced in the USA.

"I see in PI a brave blog, which says openly what the vast majority of Germans and Europeans think privately", replies Ben Pessach meanwhile the compliment. The idea to advertise there, came from JTF-members in Germany, told he SPIEGEL ONLINE.

Herre will enjoy the warm words. He appears anyway stoic and untouched if he is confronted with accusations and threats of any kind.: " I am not frightend And what we do is no incitement of the people."

For Herre are the rules of what he calls political correctness a horror. Because of this he has intentionally accepted the advertisement of the as rightwing criticized academy Weikersheim.

But one thing is important for Herre: He is only the founder, but in a legal sense not the operator of PI. Whose name he don't want to tell. And the contents are not on a German server.

The secretiveness could have the cause of self-protection. But it could have another not undesirable effect: Even if the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, should monitor PI, because of the request of Edathy - Because of the special contruction of the blog - they will not get so far.


1 SPD =
2 Verfassungsschutz =
3 Meant is a sincere punishment by a court
4 Selfhating leftist Jews and Christians
6 He is  ;D


Here is the comment of PI to this issue:
« Last Edit: June 01, 2008, 12:06:01 PM by Golden Pheasant »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Offline mord

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In  Spiegal this is a really big magazine O0 O0  O0 O0 here a babelfish translation 

Berlin - Chaim Ben Pessach, also admits of markiger sayings as Victor Vancier, is certainly a friend. If it over Iran in rise up turns out, then it speaks gladly of “powers of the Islam Nazi terror genocide”. And in the handbills of the “Jewish task Force”, whose boss is Ben Pessach, the Koran is called simple “terror Bible Islam”. On YouTube one can call zehnminütige tie-clips up of him, in which he geifert, roars and foams and before the fall of Israel and the USA caused by Muslims warns.

 “Legal organization”: Explanation of Ben Pessach on pi
“It is fair, it as a little errs to describe”, said 1987 even its lawyer. The US judge Leo Glasser saw that differently: The man is “a danger for this society”.

To Glasser condemned Vancier to ten years federal prison, because it had been involved in a series of bomb attacks, among other things an arson attack on the Avery Fisher resound at the Lincoln center in New York on 20 October 1986 - which day, on which a demonstration was set for national Muscovite of the symphony orchestra there. Vancier was the opinion, such attacks is at that time a probates means, in order to make attentive on the suppression of the Jews in the Soviet Union. Five one half year of its punishment it served.

Now is past all 20 years, and Chaim Ben Pessach was and is practically unknown in Germany. The same is valid for its before 17 years created “Jewish task Force”, which describes itself as union of “right Jews and upright non--Jews”. And also thus, Chaim Ben Pessach would have remained probable several weeks ago to would not have decided recruiting in a German medium for its organization and their present campaign “Jew against Obama”.

Edathy wants to write protection of the constitution boss down

The medium, on which its choice fell, is the German-language Internet portal “Politically Incorrect” (pi), even a platform Islam OF, where indignation mixes gladly with resentment and hate. With reference to the youngest “honour killing” in Hamburg for example it is already once before-felt there that “Islamic Shariahenker in Hamburg in addition, in the future nothing might have to fear”. Over a citizen of Berlin building of mosques stands there: “The property people give up not and want with all power the citizens the fanatical Muslims as neighbours to force upon.”

 Of these alternating faded in pictures the JTF advertisement consists.
Because of such polemic pi is in Germany again and again medium topic - and sits thereby between the chairs: The one side accuses, the militant-Islamist to the operators leaning to the rightness threatens it with death. Since two weeks about in the forum of the global Islamic medium front against pi founders Stefan Herre is agitated. (more…) Thus it is pointed out that his address and telephone number are to be gotten to know simply. One is it “a visit abstatten”, is called it there. And a user writes: “Enemies Islam should be liquidated in THESE times immediately.”

The JTF advertisement brought pi anyhow back into the media: “Terror advertisement on Politically Incorrect”, headlined to 14. May the journalist and blogger Stefan Niggemeier. Other blog put after. Now a controversy was inflamed. According to statement of pi founder Herre thinks Ben Pessach about a complaint against Niggemeier. (Still with no appropriate letter was received.)

Sebastian Edathy anti-Semitism Jewish Defense League Stefan Niggemeier Federal Office for protection of the constitution honour killing
to MIRROR KNOWLEDGE The chairman of the Bundestag Committee for Internal Affairs, Sebastian Edathy (SPD), likewise intervened now. In the discussion with Spiegel online he announced, the boss of the federal office for protection of the constitution, Heinz pious, to make attentive on pi. “That is not any longer grenzwertig, there is a border exceeded”, said it. With pi one finds “Islam OF of most extreme sort”, purposefully serves one “anti-democratic tendencies there.” It was called in comments on the pi side “Islamofaschist”.

Chaim Ben Pessach likewise announced itself meanwhile to word: In an explanation, which published pi, it attacks Niggemeier: The JTF is not completely legal an organization of terror, but. It never injured or killed someone, and more than damage would have never had its “damage of Soviet diplomatic property”, how it describes the bombs, as a goal.

The JTF stands on no terror list

Indeed the JTF stands on no terror list. In an email at Spiegel online Ben Pessach denies also to have relations with of the European Union as of terror classified “Kahane Chah”.

One is certainly certain: The JTF is based on the same ideology, i.e. the ideas 1990 murdered extremist New Yorker rabbi Meir Kahane. And its “Jewish Defense League” again, which managed also Ben Pessach a time long, was violent” and “extremist” according to FBI estimate “.

Pi founder Herre can discover nothing problematic at the alliance with Ben Pessach meanwhile. Naturally it read Niggemeiers Blog entry. Thereupon it wrote Ben down Pessach again. The answer was that explanation, which is to be reread now on pi. And those encouraged it “in it, stands the advertisement to leave”, as he said Spiegel online.

 Who clicks on banner with pi, lands on the homepage of the JTF
In the month JTF costs 50 euros the advertisement. That is not much. But it concerns naturally much more: Who looks for itself whom as alliance partner in the allegedly necessary fight against islamizing the west? Herre positions itself unambiguously: “As it can be that a courageous man was also condemned such as Chaim, which only revolted itself against a totalitarian dictatorship by damage and killed or injured nobody for these acts in evenly this country, in some eyes a terrorist is?” Also for Ben Pessach would give it a right to a new start. He notice the “thread taste of the left anti-Semitism” in the criticism.

The pi founder does not want to call the pi operator

Particularly thoroughly Herre was apparently not occupied however with Ben Pessach. “The injustice regime Soviet Union closed it for many years in the prison”, wrote Herre by email Spiegel online. That was not at all like that: Ben Pessach was condemned in the USA.

“I regard pi as courageous blog, which says publicly, what most Germans and Europeans think”, answer Ben Pessach meanwhile the radix complement. On the idea to recruit there members of the JTF would have brought, said it in Germany it Spiegel online.

The warm words might make Herre happy. It gives itself anyway stoisch and unimpressed of would start and threats, all the same which kind and from which direction: “I cannot be intimidated. And which we make, is also no incitement of the masses.” Herre are the rules its that it calls abschätzig political correctness, a Gräuel. Therefore it accepted about also completely consciously advertisement - likewise disputed and as leaning to the right criticized - of the study center Weikersheim.

To one Herre attaches certainly importance: He is only the founder, in the legal sense however not the operator of pi. Whose names can it - unfortunately - also not call. And contents would stand besides also not on a German server.

The Geheimniskrämerei may have self protection to the reason. In addition, it might have another, not unwanted effect: Even if the protection of the constitution should concern itself on Edathys demand with pi - during this construction it will not far come.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 08:24:40 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Dan

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That's Awesome... finally some positive coverage even for the leftist

Offline Zelhar

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that's very good!

Offline underthesun

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The article on contains the original "spiegel" interview with chaim in english.

They translated only one answer for their report.
It is a shame - especially the answers to
"Do you think of the Koran as a “terrorist” book?"
"Do you think of Islam as an “evil religion”
are brilliant!

Instead of falling for the trap, Chaim gave them the facts.

Offline AsheDina

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That's Awesome... finally some positive coverage even for the leftist

  Where's a Chaim ben Pesach when the USA and world need him so desperately? Chaim...come OUT of hiding now! WE NEED YOU.
שמע ישראל
I endorse NO Presidential Candidates

Offline MasterWolf1

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Our stupid enemies really think they try to hurt us they just give us more publicity and approvals

Offline Ulli

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This translation is killing me. Why use leftists this twisted and complicated language?  >:( >:( >:(

P.S.: You find the translation on the top of this thread. I hope you are able to understand.  :)

Niggemeier is responding quoting an Haaretz article (hatefull & hysterically like we know him):
« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 04:56:34 PM by Golden Pheasant »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline mord

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Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Ulli

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Niggemeier's research relies on:

1. Robert I. Friedman
2. Uri Blau (haaretz)
3. ADL
4. Michael Karpin
5. New York Times
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline underthesun

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Niggemeier is responding quoting an Haaretz article (hatefull & hysterically like we know him):

Funny! Niggemeier is much more careful with his word this time ;)
And his Comments are closed :::D

Offline mord

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Niggemeier's research relies on:

1. Robert I. Friedman
2. Uri Blau (haaretz)
3. ADL
4. Michael Karpin
5. New York Times
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline underthesun

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Thanks for the comments!
I didn't know Friedman and the ADL.

Offline underthesun

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Niggemeier's research relies on:

You forgot his 6. source:

That is a good one, but Niggemeier is probably watching the videos only to count peas. Really listing to what is said is the prerequisite to form an opinion.

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1. Robert Friedman was NOT a Jew. His father was Jewish but his mother was an Arab. Under Jewish law, only those with a Jewish mother are Jewish. Friedman was an extreme leftist who went to university in Lebanon, and who completely supported the Arab Muslims against the Jews and against the West.

2. Friedman was also a homosexual who died of AIDS.

3. The ADL is a self-hating, leftwing group that defends Islam and that supports Israeli national suicide.

4. The New York Times defended Hitler in the 1930s. They insisted that Hitler was not a dictator. The New York Times correspondent in Berlin, Frederick T. Birchall, received a Pulitzer Prize "for unbiased reporting from [Nazi] Germany" in 1934. Only after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in December 1941, and Nazi Germany declared war on the United States, did the New York Times start to condemn Hitler.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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I think this is excellent publicity for our movement and our ideas, and the righteous among the readers of these sites will be positively influenced by exposure to this debate.  Chaim is showing that he is a man while the niggemeire and other leftists are little children.

Offline underthesun

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The article on pi-news about that article in Spiegel was the 4th most viewed in whole may: 8455 readers

Offline Ulli

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The article on pi-news about that article in Spiegel was the 4th most viewed in whole may: 8455 readers

Oh - great! :)

The message has arrived in the German Jewish Community:

To be sincere: Henryk M. Broder don't like us, but they know at least the message. We are on the map he he he

I will translate it in the evening

"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline underthesun

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1. Robert Friedman was NOT a Jew. His father was Jewish but his mother was an Arab. Under Jewish law, only those with a Jewish mother are Jewish. Friedman was an extreme leftist who went to university in Lebanon, and who completely supported the Arab Muslims against the Jews and against the West.

2. Friedman was also a homosexual who died of AIDS.

3. The ADL is a self-hating, leftwing group that defends Islam and that supports Israeli national suicide.

4. The New York Times defended Hitler in the 1930s. They insisted that Hitler was not a dictator. The New York Times correspondent in Berlin, Frederick T. Birchall, received a Pulitzer Prize "for unbiased reporting from [Nazi] Germany" in 1934. Only after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in December 1941, and Nazi Germany declared war on the United States, did the New York Times start to condemn Hitler.

So the media was as biased those days as it is now.

Offline ItalianZionist

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Nazi bastards.

Offline mord

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In the  2nd blog they call Chaim the Fuhrer

Ich habe mal nachgeforcht: Chaim Ben Pessach aliasVictor Vancier [aka Chaim Ben Yosef] war Führer der Jewish Defence Leaguevon 1984-1987  ??? ??? :o :o  I know it means leader but i think they said FUHRER to put subconcious thoughts in peoples minds :-\ :-\
« Last Edit: June 01, 2008, 08:40:57 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Zelhar

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It's interesting how the article mentioned Islamic calls to kill for liquidation of people who speaks against them but still it condemns people who opposes Islam non-violently. This is crazy mentality of sheeple. I think they are are terrified from the muslim violent response so they chose appease them.

Offline Ulli

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It's interesting how the article mentioned Islamic calls to kill for liquidation of people who speaks against them but still it condemns people who opposes Islam non-violently. This is crazy mentality of sheeple. I think they are are terrified from the muslim violent response so they chose appease them.

I noticed this too. There are a lot of steps from totally evil to righteous. This article is not as evil as I exspected. Specially I was surprised of it, because the author's father came from Jordan and he defended in the past Al Jazira.

Perhaps was Chaim the whole time right and the ideology of JTF is now, at least under educated persons, not so unacceptable, like this leftist multiculture muzzieloving selfhaters think.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani