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The Wages of White House Cowardice
by Dr. Jack Wheeler, To The Point News
Thursday, 15 May 2008

Wheeler advises that Condi and the State Department are cowards and aren’t prepared to upset anybody except the Israelis. He guestimates that Bush will order a strike against Iran after Nov 4/08. He also noted that Bush mentioned the Peace process not once in the knesset and thinks that is significant.

[..] As Bush was delivering his speech (to the Knesset), a few score miles to the north the Islamofascists of Hezbollah were busy raping and taking over Lebanon. The magnitude of this disaster for peace and hope for democracy in the Middle East is vast, and one that the Bush White House adamantly refused to prevent.

The Shiites of Hezbollah get their money, weapons, and training from Iran and Syria, the two great Middle East sponsors of Islamic terrorism. The only way to solve the problem they jointly present is to destabilize their governments and precipitate regime change.

And that’s impossible because of our State Department’s pathological opposition towards regime change. Any attempt to destabilize an enemy regime through covert or military means is seen by the pinstripes as their personal failure, the failure of their personal diplomatic skills. That’s why they hate the Pentagon. That’s why they insist on practicing diplomacy without arms, on playing music with no instruments.

And that’s why the Hezbollah is triumphant in Lebanon.

The death toll of Cyclone Nargis that hit Burma May 2-3 is 130,000 and climbing. Up to 2 million people are in danger of dying due to hunger and lack of medical attention. The Burmese government has blocked all but a trickle of aid. We have US Navy ships ready to help. It is sheer absolute cowardice by the Bush Administration not to inform the Burmese government and their two-bit military that the US Navy will deliver aid directly to the cyclone victims and any Burmese soldier who tries to interfere will be shot on sight.

This was in fact proposed by some folks in the Pentagon, whereupon Condi went ballistic - for it could precipitate regime change, and offend the Burmese junta’s patrons, the Chicoms in Beijing.

Let’s see: save hundreds of thousands of lives, or not offend the Chinese; save hundreds of thousands of lives, or keep a group of the most evil men on the planet in power. Condi and the State Department cowards opted for the latter - and thus so did President Bush.

If Hussein Obama wasn’t such an effeminate metrosexual pantywaist, he would have brushed off the defensive chip on his padded shoulder and condemned Bush for embodying the “false comfort of appeasement” himself.

Instead, he doesn’t have the brains - nor do his Pelosicrat hysterical defenders - to grasp that his “protest too much” claim of not being an appeaser only serves to highlight in voters’ brains that he is - that he would be vastly more of a coward in the White House than GW.

John McCain is many things, an infuriating, stubborn, thick-skulled jerk who seems to get neurotically off on annoying conservatives. But one thing he is not is a coward.

It is for very good reason that the Palestinian terrorists of Hamas have endorsed Obambi and are scared of McCain.

America experienced the wages of true White House Cowardice thirty years ago with the presidency of Jimmy Carter. Does America want to experience that again multiplied many times over with Obambi? Americans elect a president in their image at the time. Is the image America has of itself today that of an effeminate pansy who is all empty talk and no guts? Is that how America sees itself?

George Bush has proved to be an enigma. His speech at the Knesset was magnificent. I strongly encourage you to read the entire full text. When he said:

“I have been fortunate to see the character of Israel up close. I have touched the Western Wall, seen the sun reflected in the Sea of Galilee, I have prayed at Yad Vashem. And earlier today, I visited Masada, an inspiring monument to courage and sacrifice. At this historic site, Israeli soldiers swear an oath: ‘Masada shall never fall again.’ Citizens of Israel: Masada shall never fall again, and America will be at your side…”
…and I saw the Knesset give him a wildly cheering standing ovation, it brought tears to my eyes.

This is a speech no Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama could ever give. Yet at the very same time, his Secretary of State’s main purpose in life is to sell Israel down the river in yet another phony “peace” deal with Palestinian terrorists.

When Bush tells the Knesset:

“America stands with you in firmly opposing Iran’s nuclear weapons ambitions. Permitting the world’s leading sponsor of terror to possess the world’s deadliest weapons would be an unforgivable betrayal for future generations. For the sake of peace, the world must not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon…”
…there sits Condi in the audience, maniacally dedicated to preventing the destabilization and overthrow of the Mullah regime in Iran.

In Washington this week there’s a fellow who has just escaped from Iran. He’s a member of one of Iran’s most powerful families, and he’s making the rounds on Capitol Hill and the Pentagon. He’s having a hard time getting anyone at State to listen to him, but he is scheduled to give a briefing to Cheney’s staff at the White House.

In his briefing, he makes a persuasive case for a decapitation strike against the Iranian Mullacracy. He describes the almost total disaffection for the regime by the great majority of Iranians, how they pray that America’s fighter planes and cruise missiles will come out of the sky and wipe out the curse of their government.

He advocates taking out the entire government headquarters in Tehran, the Pasdaran (Revolutionary Guards) centers, the power stations, communication centers, and gasoline depots. His briefing is specific and detailed. A number of influential folk are arranging for him to meet with the President. It seems clear that the only way for Bush to avoid the “unforgivable betrayal” he denounces is to order just such a decapitation strike.

Will he have the courage to do it? We don’t know. We do know that Condi and State will do everything possible to prevent it, including leaking classified details about it in advance to the press.

But don’t think it’s Condi. It’s State itself. She’s been taken prisoner by the State bureaucracy. She hasn’t the capacity to stand against it. And neither, tragically, has George Bush. But John McCain might be enough of a stubborn jerk to pull it off.

John McCain may be the guy to put an end to White House cowardice, to State Department cowardice. He’s the only chance we’ve got to do so. So if you, as a conservative, are upset at the thought of President McCain - just think of how upset the mullahs of Iran will be next January.

If they’re still alive.

The most interesting thing about Bush’s Knesset speech is what he didn’t say. With Condi right there, sitting next to Laura, he said not a solitary thing about the Palestinian-Israeli “peace process” she’s worked so hard on. For word is that’s a signal - that before he leaves office, GW is going to take the mullahs out.

He probably won’t before the election, but certainly will after November 4 if Obambi wins. No way is he going to let the mullahs survive and thrive in an Obambi White House. And probably he will anyway if McCain wins, to clear the decks and take care of unfinished business.

That’s the word. It would be the end of this round of White House cowardice. And with Johnny, we can hope there’ll be a lot less of it to come. Hamas, Hezbollah, even Burmese generals, should be nervous.

What others say about Dr Jack Wheeler. The Wall Street Journal called him “the originator of the Reagan Doctrine”. The Washington Post called him “The Indiana Jones of the Right”.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03