Channel four always seems to be showing documentaries based on muslims in britain etc
Funny that, because muslims in Britain always seem to exploding themselves in crowded and often enclosed public places, and preaching hatred against non-muslims.
You say it is good that they are exposing it buuttt i think it gives them too much attention, which can also be a bad thing. It encourages them.
Well, to be honest, I would rather Islam showed its true face in Britain. The sooner dealt with the better.
The BNP will turn on jews after the muslims....wait probably after the muslims AND hindus...then will come the jews.
Oh really? Even the BNP's Jewish members and candidates?

They just use it as their scapegoat......they can't distinguish a white anglo-saxon english person from a polish or a swedish...just so long as they are white.
No, what you might mean is that
you cannot distinguish, because to you and and the 'Mo Crew' all non-muslims are simply 'infidels', and reside in Dar-Al-Harb. No, Islamification is not just a 'scapegoat', it is a problem which we are taking very seriously.
Lol its funny how my friends dad who is an asian muslim and is fairly coloured has been employed by the BNP to service their computer system. They pay him twice the going rate and treat him with respect.
What, are they supposed to behave like a bunch of Hollywood Neo-Nazis from American History X?

Marzutra, there are some very annoying people within the Jewish community in Britain, but that has very little to do with them being
Jewish; there are lots of annoying and anti-British British people. There is a tiny Jewish communist contingent and they have caused problems, but mostly British Jews are either, an asset to the country or completely innocuous. Some of these families have lived in Britain for 400 years and they were partners in the British Empire...