Author Topic: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)  (Read 8322 times)

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Offline White Israelite

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Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« on: June 08, 2008, 05:34:34 PM »
I thought this was....interesting

Any more information on this?

LINK FIXED GUYS! The wrong video was posted, this is the one I intended to post.

*A note on comments below were in response to the wrong video (linked to a Neo Nazi video unintentionally), that video has been removed from this post and I would urge any members who have clicked that original link to flag the video as hate speech.

The link above is the one I wanted to post.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2008, 08:57:15 AM by מאיר כהן »

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2008, 05:39:36 PM »
The Swastika is originally from India, and had nothing originally to do with the perverse Nazi German drek affiliation.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2008, 05:42:35 PM »
The Swastika is originally from India, and had nothing originally to do with the perverse Nazi German drek affiliation.

Right but there were ancient artifacts found in synagogues in Israel with swastikas, that is what is interesting.

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2008, 05:52:26 PM »
The Swastika is originally from India, and had nothing originally to do with the perverse Nazi German drek affiliation.

Right but there were ancient artifacts found in synagogues in Israel with swastikas, that is what is interesting.

Yes, I didn't know that. You also have to realize, that SShitler, turned the SwaSStika upside down and changed the angles and everything, and then used it for his "Aryan Übermensch/Herrenvolk" nonsense for hating the Jews, then eventually they collaborated with the Arab muSSlim Nazis.

Offline IslamIsCancer

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2008, 05:58:17 PM »
This video is not available in your country. :(((((
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Offline mord

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2008, 06:32:15 PM »
I did'nt see the swastikas in the synagogues, but i know  they have been found in a few synogues in the Galil i saw it when i was their and was amazed
« Last Edit: June 08, 2008, 06:43:23 PM by mord »
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Offline briann

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2008, 06:42:22 PM »
The swastika was used everywhere before the nazis.  By Americans as a good luck symbol, by Native Americans, Asian Indians, the Tibetans.. etc etc.  Theres no mystique to the symbol.. its just a symbol.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2008, 10:22:22 PM »
Every basket weaving culture around the world had a form of fylfot or swastika. The Nazi version is evil though.

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2008, 10:44:29 PM »
I cannot believe what I am seeing here. How foolish can people be?

These are videos OPENLY promoting Hitler and the German Nazis yimach shmam vezichram. These videos OPENLY not only legitimize but attempt to glorify Hitler and the Nazis.

I am really disappointed that so many of our members saw this Satanic Nazi filth, and NOT ONE understood what is going on here. Even a child can see that these videos are produced by supporters of Nazism.

« Last Edit: June 10, 2008, 10:53:08 PM by Chaim Ben Pesach »

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2008, 10:54:48 PM »
It always seems like there's an evil ulterior motive behind all media presentations these days.  :-\ It's obvious when it says Pan-Aryan front that it's a Nazi video though. I hadn't watched it until just now.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2008, 11:16:00 PM »
Re:  "[swastika]Theres no mystique to the symbol.. its just a symbol."

This is incorrect.

The swastika, which is found in most native cultures, and which can be found as far back as pre-Vedic India, has always had a metaphysical symbology.

In Vedic times it represented "The Sun Wheel", and appears to be based on astronomical stellar configurations.

"The Sun Wheel", as found in traditional ancient and native cultures, represents "Rebirth", "Dawn", "The Life-giving Sun", and is properly represented as spinning clockwise (drawn backwards from the Nazi version).

Hitler's "backwards" swastika, der Heukenkreuz, was a "Sun Wheel" spinning "counter-clockwise"; thus representing a metaphysical rebirth of Evil and Darkness.

This ancient Teutonic "Crooked Cross" was first seen drawn as a sign of protest on the helmets of German soldiers returning from defeat during World War I, and was a prominent symbol in use by the various occultic "Aryan Supremacy' groups like The Thule Society and similar societies found in Germany prior to the 1930's.

The Nazi ideology's linkage to ancient Vedic Sanskrit Hindu metaphysics has been well documented.

Those of you who saw the Brad Pitt film "Seven Years in Tibet" probably are unaware that the two German explorer/soldier main characters were based on the real life SS Officers sent by Adolph Hitler to Tibet, to study the ancient scriptures and cultures in Lhasa in an attempt to scientifcally prove a direct German Aryan descent from the Tibetan Buddhists; a belief held firm by Adolph Hitler and most of his inner circle of hard-core Nazis, all of whom were deeply involved in studies and practices of the occultic metaphysical teachings of the Hindu Vedas and Tantric Buddism.

The science of modern Linguistics has proven a root language identical in Latvia, Finland, and Sanskrit India, yet has puzzled over the events which could have resulted in this finding.

Offline Daniel Ben Hanania

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2008, 12:11:10 AM »
that bastards makes pritty good quality videos

Offline Ulli

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2008, 12:55:34 AM »
Re:  "[swastika]Theres no mystique to the symbol.. its just a symbol."

This is incorrect.

The swastika, which is found in most native cultures, and which can be found as far back as pre-Vedic India, has always had a metaphysical symbology.

In Vedic times it represented "The Sun Wheel", and appears to be based on astronomical stellar configurations.

"The Sun Wheel", as found in traditional ancient and native cultures, represents "Rebirth", "Dawn", "The Life-giving Sun", and is properly represented as spinning clockwise (drawn backwards from the Nazi version).

Hitler's "backwards" swastika, der Heukenkreuz, was a "Sun Wheel" spinning "counter-clockwise"; thus representing a metaphysical rebirth of Evil and Darkness.

This ancient Teutonic "Crooked Cross" was first seen drawn as a sign of protest on the helmets of German soldiers returning from defeat during World War I, and was a prominent symbol in use by the various occultic "Aryan Supremacy' groups like The Thule Society and similar societies found in Germany prior to the 1930's.

The Nazi ideology's linkage to ancient Vedic Sanskrit Hindu metaphysics has been well documented.

Those of you who saw the Brad Pitt film "Seven Years in Tibet" probably are unaware that the two German explorer/soldier main characters were based on the real life SS Officers sent by Adolph Hitler to Tibet, to study the ancient scriptures and cultures in Lhasa in an attempt to scientifcally prove a direct German Aryan descent from the Tibetan Buddhists; a belief held firm by Adolph Hitler and most of his inner circle of hard-core Nazis, all of whom were deeply involved in studies and practices of the occultic metaphysical teachings of the Hindu Vedas and Tantric Buddism.

The science of modern Linguistics has proven a root language identical in Latvia, Finland, and Sanskrit India, yet has puzzled over the events which could have resulted in this finding.

Yes the SS had the institution "Ahnenerbe"1 that studies this stuff in tibet. But not only this, but sorcery, witchcraft and demonology in all countries they could reach. They have their own temple with cult-ceremonies in the cellar of one tower of the "Wewelsburg"2. They made there evil experiments with living humans.

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Offline briann

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2008, 02:15:37 AM »
Re:  "[swastika]Theres no mystique to the symbol.. its just a symbol."

This is incorrect.

The swastika, which is found in most native cultures, and which can be found as far back as pre-Vedic India, has always had a metaphysical symbology.

In Vedic times it represented "The Sun Wheel", and appears to be based on astronomical stellar configurations.

"The Sun Wheel", as found in traditional ancient and native cultures, represents "Rebirth", "Dawn", "The Life-giving Sun", and is properly represented as spinning clockwise (drawn backwards from the Nazi version).

Hitler's "backwards" swastika, der Heukenkreuz, was a "Sun Wheel" spinning "counter-clockwise"; thus representing a metaphysical rebirth of Evil and Darkness.

This ancient Teutonic "Crooked Cross" was first seen drawn as a sign of protest on the helmets of German soldiers returning from defeat during World War I, and was a prominent symbol in use by the various occultic "Aryan Supremacy' groups like The Thule Society and similar societies found in Germany prior to the 1930's.

The Nazi ideology's linkage to ancient Vedic Sanskrit Hindu metaphysics has been well documented.

Those of you who saw the Brad Pitt film "Seven Years in Tibet" probably are unaware that the two German explorer/soldier main characters were based on the real life SS Officers sent by Adolph Hitler to Tibet, to study the ancient scriptures and cultures in Lhasa in an attempt to scientifcally prove a direct German Aryan descent from the Tibetan Buddhists; a belief held firm by Adolph Hitler and most of his inner circle of hard-core Nazis, all of whom were deeply involved in studies and practices of the occultic metaphysical teachings of the Hindu Vedas and Tantric Buddism.

The science of modern Linguistics has proven a root language identical in Latvia, Finland, and Sanskrit India, yet has puzzled over the events which could have resulted in this finding.

Firstly, the Nazis did NOT get their swaztika idea from the Vedic Hindus, they got it from the central Buddhist Asians, specifically the Tibetan/nepalese region(Like you alluded to).  The german anti-semites came up with the stupid idea that the mythical German Aryans came from central Asia...  But this is all stupid retarded nazism.  Nothing in Naziism makes sence  The discovery channel loves to have specials on the secret linking between naziism and occultism, etc etc... but its all just a bunch of silly nonsence, but people keep coming back for more. 

The counter-clockwise swaztika has no mystical power... and nowadays, its just a symbol admired by braindead neo-nazis, and apparently...Turkish people.

Offline Haim_Ben_Shimon_3JFB

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2008, 03:17:32 AM »
be careful watching this video i think the song has some codes to make you follow their satanic ideas

Offline mord

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2008, 07:19:15 AM »
Himmler was a complete pagan
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline White Israelite

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2008, 08:39:44 AM »
Oh wow guys, I appologize, I posted the wrong link up, that is NOT the video, fixing as soon as possible!! I just noticed the mistake now and know why people are getting upset, I was a little confused until I clicked the link and that video was by  ParthianWarrior who is a well known Neo Nazi (runs the Pan Aryan network) and claims that Iranians and Germans are tied racially, disregard the original link as it's been changed, the original link I intended to post has a news cast about the history of the swastika.

Here is the link
« Last Edit: June 11, 2008, 09:05:18 AM by מאיר כהן »

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2008, 09:55:18 AM »
Unless someone is a Hindu or Buddhist, I'd be inclined to believe that anyone using that symbol today is using it for Nazi purposes.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2008, 10:13:12 AM »
Re:  "...Firstly, the Nazis did NOT get their swaztika idea from the Vedic Hindus, they got it from the central Buddhist Asians, specifically the Tibetan/nepalese region(Like you alluded to)..."

Incorrect again.

Buddhism emerged from the teachings of Gautama, a Hindu Prince of northeast India, out of a long established Hindu Vedic religion of India which predated Gautama by several thousand years.

Gautama Buddha was a prince from northeast INDIA.

Ashoka, a Hindu Indian King, converted to Buddhism, and established the first Buddhist Empire, which sent missionaries throughout central Asia, and as far west as the Polish Court.

The poster's response to my previous post reflects a degree of illiteracy matched only by that of President George W. Bush and the members of his cabinet.

But...hey!  Who needs facts or history when you have Sean Hannity around?

After all, one can always post a large eagle logo to prove you're one of the "good guys", don't you think?

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2008, 10:20:36 AM »
What importance/purpose was the swastika in Judaism previous to the Nazis use of it? Is this hoax or factual?

This is the supposed synagogue that was found with the swastika?

From jewishvirtuallibrary

'The floor was of simple white mosaic with a swastika pattern in black tesserae in the center. This pattern has been interpreted as a decorative motif or as a good luck symbol'
« Last Edit: June 11, 2008, 10:25:04 AM by מאיר כהן »

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2008, 12:06:45 PM »
be careful watching this video i think the song has some codes to make you follow their satanic ideas

Unfortunately, Neo Nazis will use bands in their videos that have absolutely nothing to do with their cause also giving a bad name to the bands involved.

Although the lyrics were hard to make out, it had practically nothing to do with the video, it was Wumpscut - Wreath Of Barbs

Offline briann

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2008, 12:54:04 PM »
Re:  "...Firstly, the Nazis did NOT get their swaztika idea from the Vedic Hindus, they got it from the central Buddhist Asians, specifically the Tibetan/nepalese region(Like you alluded to)..."

Incorrect again.

Buddhism emerged from the teachings of Gautama, a Hindu Prince of northeast India, out of a long established Hindu Vedic religion of India which predated Gautama by several thousand years.

Gautama Buddha was a prince from northeast INDIA.

Ashoka, a Hindu Indian King, converted to Buddhism, and established the first Buddhist Empire, which sent missionaries throughout central Asia, and as far west as the Polish Court.

The poster's response to my previous post reflects a degree of illiteracy matched only by that of President George W. Bush and the members of his cabinet.

But...hey!  Who needs facts or history when you have Sean Hannity around?

After all, one can always post a large eagle logo to prove you're one of the "good guys", don't you think?

I guess I have to prove everything... otherwise you will continue to bring up George Bush and Sean Hannity (I have no idea why). 

Here is my proof:

The Nazis got their ideas about the swaztica and the mythical Aryan race from the Thule society and they originally got their ideas about the swaztika from Madam Helena Blavatsky.  Blavatsky traveled to the Ancient Kingdom of Tibet and in the 1880's and she published a book in which she claimed she has been shown an ancient occult text.  She was the one who tied the swaztika to the mythical Aryan race.  And this makes sence... since the Tibetans used the Swaztika all over the place, and beleived it had all sorts of powers.

The Tibetans could have gotten their use of the swaztika from nearly anywhere.  Yes it is used by Hindus... especially well known by Ganesha and by the Vedas use of it... But it was also used by the Chinese... as a symbol of prosperity. And Also by the Japanese as a symbol of magic.  The fact of the matter is... its used by nearly all of Asia... BUT Madam Blavatsky got it from Tibet.

It wasnt till later... that members of the Thule society started looking for other instances of the swaztika.  They found it in the Norse alphabet... it was also a rhunic letter.  They found it in Hinduism, in Roman artifacts,  in Celtic symbolism... etc etc. 
There were Nazis who spent their time combing through old artifacts... searching for this symbol.

By the way. stop with the insults.  You look very childish labeling me as an illiterate, etc.   And why are you so angry??   Ive never seen anyone respond to a post with such anger.  I wasn't making a personal attack at you... I was merely stating where the Nazis got their use of the symbol from.


« Last Edit: June 11, 2008, 02:08:33 PM by briann »

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2008, 01:16:48 PM »
This is the plane of the German WWI ace Werner Voss, he painted a swastika on its side:

Offline q_q_

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2008, 01:39:50 PM »
If somebody posts a link to a video, they should write the facts, to save people watching it.

In this case, the "facts" are that
a)the swastika is a hindu or buddist or indian symbol, predating hitler.  (we all know that)
b)it appears as a pattern on the floor of 1 or some synagogues in israel built in 400AD.

If you had posts the facts of the video, then people would not have had to watch it.
People would have known you had posts the wrong link.

Furthermore, people that responded without watching the video, should have said they didn't watch it.
Because otherwise their comments imply to people , that they did. And so it works to recommend the video to others.
Because of all of your negligence, Chaim ended up wasting his time watching it!

I think, if the person posting the video can't be bothered to summarise it, then they shouldn't bother posting it in the first place.

The point you were trying to make coul have been written in 2 lines. About synagogues of 400AD and swastika design on the floor.

Not really judaism related either.. That was just you advertising the video. Beefing it up.

Not a bad little fact, but not worth watching a video about. You could have saved people the trouble.

And as mentioned, it's not just the original poster who is to blame.. But all the idiots that commented without watching it.  Which suggested they had watched it and OKed it.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Swastika use in Judaism? (Video)
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2008, 02:22:38 PM »
If somebody posts a link to a video, they should write the facts, to save people watching it.

In this case, the "facts" are that
a)the swastika is a hindu or buddist or indian symbol, predating hitler.  (we all know that)
b)it appears as a pattern on the floor of 1 or some synagogues in israel built in 400AD.

If you had posts the facts of the video, then people would not have had to watch it.
People would have known you had posts the wrong link.

Furthermore, people that responded without watching the video, should have said they didn't watch it.
Because otherwise their comments imply to people , that they did. And so it works to recommend the video to others.
Because of all of your negligence, Chaim ended up wasting his time watching it!

I think, if the person posting the video can't be bothered to summarise it, then they shouldn't bother posting it in the first place.

The point you were trying to make coul have been written in 2 lines. About synagogues of 400AD and swastika design on the floor.

Not really judaism related either.. That was just you advertising the video. Beefing it up.

Not a bad little fact, but not worth watching a video about. You could have saved people the trouble.

And as mentioned, it's not just the original poster who is to blame.. But all the idiots that commented without watching it.  Which suggested they had watched it and OKed it.

Then what would be the point of posting the video to begin with?