Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles
Pre-Marital sex. What is your take??
Tzvi Ben Roshel1:
--- Quote from: Karen on July 15, 2008, 08:07:49 PM ---I am for pre-marital sex only if in a serious relationship. No one night stands, floozy encounters, summer date kind of crap. I wouldn't want to marry someone without knowing if we....work in bed. I am against having children out of wedlock though. That's just bad for the children. I think of marriage as an institution that protects children, and if you aren't having any children, you're using safe sex, with someone you love and are serious with, how can it hurt?
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If you are Jewish, and since this is the Jewish section on dating, etc. IT is agains't what G-d commands in the Torah, so your or anybody else's opinion on something that G-d says not to do is not held valid (at all), even if it seems logical or okay, something forbidden is forbidden, end of discussion.
--- Quote from: Katie on June 25, 2008, 03:57:02 AM ---oo i bet this is a hot topic on the forum... id love to hear the reasons of the two people that voted that only jewish women should stay virgins and that for the men its optional.. so who do you propose they have sex with? other men? or shiksas? i mean i've heard shiksas are for practice but that doesn't seem very fair to the jewish women, who do they practice with? :::D :::D
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--- Quote from: דוד בן זאב אריה on June 12, 2008, 03:01:29 PM ---I agree with Yacov. But only for Jews I don't want to tell people who aren't religous what to do
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But not all Jews are religious
virginity is way over rated, but remember shiksas are only for practice. Now get out of my face and go get a life. dismissed
Jarhead Jew, virginity is NOT overrated. Furthermore, using another human being for sex, regardless of his/her religion is immoral.
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