Author Topic: Obama sets up internet 'war' to fight slurs -HIS PEOPLE WILL BE ON JTF NEXT!  (Read 4580 times)

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A crack team of cybernauts will form a rapid response internet “war room” to track and respond aggressively to online rumours that Barack Obama is unpatriotic and a Muslim.

As he gears up for his general election fight against John McCain, Mr Obama and his chief advisers are aware of the danger of such rumours, amid polling data showing that a significant number of Americans believe he is a Muslim or are suspicious about his background (JTF CAMPAIGN=RESULTS!). Such doubts were a factor in his poor showing with white, blue-collar voters during his primary battle with Hillary Clinton.

In recent days Mr Obama has — unprompted — brought up the subject of the chain e-mails and blog sites making the false claims. Some state that he is a radical Muslim who was sworn in as a US senator on the Koran; others that he sympathises with Palestinian radicals. Many focus on his middle name of Hussein, which was taken from his Kenyan father.

Mr Obama referred to the e-mails in a speech last week to AIPAC, the powerful Jewish lobby.

Mr Obama said: “They are filled with tall tales and dire warnings about a certain candidate for president and all I want to say is, ‘Let me know if you see this guy named Barack Obama because he sounds pretty scary’.”

Jen Psaki, a spokeswomen for Mr Obama, told The Times that the internet team was still being finalised.

She added: “The only way to run a campaign is to respond immediately when inaccurate information is put out. The [the e-mails] are saying he’s a Muslim. He’s not.

“He’s a Christian. He often brings up the e-mails that are out there and the smear campaign that’s been run against him on the internet.”

The “war room” comes as the Obama campaign prepares a series of biographical speeches, television advertisements and campaign appearances to tell his life story, an attempt to make voters more familiar with him. Despite his long nomination fight against Mrs Clinton, his campaign aides concede that millions of Americans still feel that they do not really know him.

Mr Obama’s Kenyan father, who left the family when he was 2, was a Muslim, but not particularly religious. The Illinois senator lived in Indonesia from the age of 6 until 10 with his white, American mother and Indonesian stepfather, who was a Muslim.

Mr Obama has never been a Muslim, or worshipped at a mosque. He moved from being agnostic to finding Christ in his 20s, with the help of his former Chicago pastor: the Rev Jeremiah Wright, a figure whose incendiary sermons now haunt his candidacy and has increased suspicions among some voters about his patriotism.

A poll in mid-March found that 13 per cent of Americans think that Mr Obama is a Muslim — a 5 per cent increase since December 2007. Another found that 23 per cent of Democrats who hold negative views of him believe that he is a Muslim. The same survey showed that 61 per cent of voters view him as patriotic, compared with 76 per cent for Mrs Clinton and 90 per cent for Mr McCain.

Senior aides to Mr Obama have opened talks with the Clinton camp to discuss pooling their formidable fundraising talent. Between them the two Democrats raised nearly $500 million (£254 million) during their nomination fight.

David Plouffe, Mr Obama’s campaign manager, is due to give a presentation to some of Mrs Clinton’s top fundraisers in New York on Thursday.

In recent weeks Mr Obama has also pinned an American flag badge to his suit lapel after being criticised by Republicans for not wearing one.

He locked horns with Mr McCain yesterday over the faltering economy, the number one issue with voters, as the Democrat started a 17-day economics tour with a speech in North Carolina lambasting the Republican over his support for the fiscal policies of President Bush.

The Arizona senator pre-empted his rival’s address by painting him as a liberal tax-and-spender.

Offline briann

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When you have a budget of 3x your competitor.. you can do this.   

Offline Dan

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We have something more powerful than money on our side...  ^-^!

Offline nikmatdam

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sarah... what have you seen or heard...? is he or isn't he secretly a muslim...? nik.

it is my understanding the once you convert or are born a muslim and then leave... a fatwa ~ death sentence is pronounced over you... so the buzz around most muslim quarters should be about what a traitor this man is to the islamic cause... like happened by and to salman rushdie when he wrote the "satanic verses"... so if there is not such a clamour about him among muslims... that must mean he really is a hidden agent trying to sabotage the american gov't. for islam... and they are just laying-low in hushed and bated breath hoping and praying he gets elected on their secretive, sinister agenda...

similarly... with this approach... francisco gil-white accurately points to and proves by the arab world's lack of their usual frenzied war-mongering and blood-curdling cries for jihad when hezbollah attacked northern israel last summer... that they too were laying-low and trying to downplay this action which upset them... for with hez.'s premature rush to action whereby could be blown all of their carefully laid and greater plans to take over all of lebanon and only then destroy israel when iran gets the nukes... but by going-off too soon hez. was risking an all-out counter-offensive by the idf which would thwart all of their plans... so the muslim world leaders all rushed to say what a mistake and miscalculation hez. was making and the u.s. prez cautioned is. to tred lightly in leb. so as not to upset the supposed "democratic" apple-cart that was then almost in the process of consolidating its hold over the country again supposedly "against syrian and shiite muslim interests..." in the last several weeks we've all seen what an utter lie all of that rubbish and garbage-talk really was back then... it was all just pure deceptive falsehood to protect the coming islamic terrorist-storm (the slime's latest incarnation of their evily-vaunted ss stormtroopers of ww2) completely surrounding and choking-off israel... this is the true goal of the slime in the middle east and is the real story behind the iraq war... just read all about it at and see for yourselves... unfortunately all of the israeli "leadership" (sic) is also slime-based and controlled and so they are going along with israel's suicide for their own personal gain, survival and advancement... this is why none of them will ever tell the truth about fatah that it was nazi-spawned to continue the holocaust of the jewish people... and so this is what we all face today... and it never was any different... as i told you guys before... i have a picture of ben-gurion with eichmann in "palestine" in 1937... the two colleagues were taking a tour of the land together and planning the shoah... along with all the rest of the amer., german and british nazis that is... when will you people wake up...? nik. out...
« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 07:13:17 PM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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nik, you are right, and what Gil-white said there sounds exactly correct.  The recent "takeover" by hezbollah thugs in beirut also solidifies the evidence that gil-white was right.  (actually, I did hear that the terrorist thugs got routed by Druze in South lebanon despite their success at bullying the lebanese govt in the north and elsewhere).

You say you have an actual picture of ben gurion with eichmann?   Where is this located?

Offline nikmatdam

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i think it is in a book i have in storage... i'll have to find it again... but i know i have it somewhere... the slime has included jews already for several hundred years (i call them the jr. slime because they are only jr. partners) and they were in league with the sr. slime back in the day to do the european holocaust and they are all teamed up once more to do it all over again in eretz yisroel... lo alenu... chas v'shalom... nik.
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline Zelhar

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Sarah are you anti, pro or neutral Obama?

Offline Sarah

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Sarah are you anti, pro or neutral Obama?

I am anti Obama, but not to a hateful extent. I reckon there is a snide side to him, that he superficially  covers just to gain support.

I didn't write this piece Nik, it was just an article i got from the However although he was most certainly born a muslim, since he father was one, i do not believe that he currently practices Islam at all. Though having grown up in two countries, indonesia and kenya, both of which are fairly strict in Islamic conduct etc....loads of his views, mannerisms and even mentality would have been geared to an islamic way. Plus his attitude to muslims is questionable.....since he spent a good time of his life in muslim company.
I personally, whether he would be a muslim or not, find him very off-putting.....though i'm not American, so my say is probably pointless.

Yeah that is a good point Nik, the guy outwardly says he isn't a muslim and to prove this somewhat tried to express a degree of disgust towards Islam, however the arab countries and leaders support him a great deal...?! Something very Obama doesn't have experience.

I thought Daivid-Ben Gurion, was a very strong zionist?!

Offline Zelhar

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Nik what picture are you talking about ?!

Offline nikmatdam

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 sarah... in answer to your question... secular labor zionism is code for shabtai zviism and jacob frankism... movements in the late 1600's and 1700's respectively... they are satanic slime jews in league with the goyish slime powers-that-be to destroy authentic torah judaism and undermine any attempt to rebuild the beit hamikdash and prevent any other real messianic prophecy in the tenach from coming to pass... that is why the world-slime-powers put israel in their disgusting hands to ensure this outcome and in order that these perfidious jews would eventually aid them in the eradication of all torah jews from the world... then and now...

the pic i have is a photograph of eichmann with ben-gurion touring "palestine" sometime in 1937... it is not doctored... it is fully documented... i just have to re-locate it... nik. out...
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 02:11:38 PM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline spiritus_persona

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Now there's this thing that his half brother said about him.  It makes me think, why would the muslim world support an infidel?  Either Obama is a muslim or his half brother was lying?

And speaking of internet war, Obama must get offended too easily if he goes on a witch hunt like this.  In the old days, we would've called him a retard, nowadays, we call him mentally challenged. :::D
Me: Muslims get offended too easily.
Muslim: What!?  That is an outrage!  Take that back or I kill you!

Offline Zelhar

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If the Muslims believed Obama had truly renounced Islam then surely the more outspoken of them such as Bin Laden and Al-Zawahiri would have condemned him. I think that they consider him their manchurian candidate even to a greater degree than he comprehends.

@Nik: I find your equating of Secular Jews to Shabtaism wrong and inappropriate. Are you saying that any labour zionist is equal to a traitor who is in league with Amalek? And you have to post that photo, because I find it very hard to believe. Eichmen has met with Hagana representative in Cairo but not for the purpose of committing genocide but for emigration of Jews from Germany to Eretz Yisrael. As you should know The Nazis had explored other alternatives before they undertook to their 'final solution'. 

Offline nikmatdam

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i've said repeatedly that this erev rav pshat comes from the vilna gaon in the 6th and final chapter of a sefer on moshiach ben yosef which he wrote called "kol hator" as far as secular labor zionism being satanic and shabtai tzvism... obviously it doesn't apply to every single secular jew in israel... but you just have to read barry chamish's book on the subject to learn the truth... (go to his web site or to stop being afraid to open your mind and entertain things you don't want to believe are true... that is not objectivity and it is not intellectually honest... nik. out
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline Zelhar

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I think the Gr"a had preceded the enlightenment and the reform movement, certainly the labour movement which arose in the late 19th century so how could he equate them to Shabtaism?

You refer to Bary Chamish to learn the truth?! The man is kookoo. I don't need to read Chamish's delusions. I am Israeli, I know Israelis,and as much as I critisize them they are not similar to the Shabtaim. Secular Jews are, generally speaking, materialistic and egocentric, non-spiritual and when it comes to national politics- insane. Shabtaim are spiritual heretic and... completely insane.

Offline nikmatdam

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i am only referring to the power base... the slime leadership in isr. not to the hamaon am (the general population)... fine you don't want to read chamish (so much to your own detriment)... so go get a book by rabbi marvin antleman called "to eliminate the opiate..." (2 volumes)... he proves it also... they sick, deranged meglomaniacs whose only goal is to preside over the destruction of true torah judaism and to help slaughter all religious jews in eretz yisroel... all for their slime masters who emanate from rome...

and the gra had ruach hakodesh and forsaw these slime running israel at the end of days just prior to moshiach's arrival... the ramban said the same as well in chumash... when they brought back yaakov for burial... the ramban said from here we see... "maesa avot siman l'banim..." ("the deeds of the fathers are a sign for the children")... meaning whatever they did we will later on in history do as well... they went down to egypt and returned... at least avraham did... and so did we later... and here the ramban says yaakov returning dead... a guf bli neshama (a body without a soul)... is a sign for the end of days of a return of jews to the land of israel "dead"... spiritually dead... soulless as these slime monsters are... a jewish body without a true jewish soul... so stick that in your pipe and smoke it... nik. in a huff and a puff... out...
« Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 03:56:41 PM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline dvir

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New kid in the shtetl, here (first post), so I might need some coaching on board etiquette.

I thought this "yeish l'tsayein"/worth mentioning - the information from the missionaries to Africa, that is. Something to use against the Obama zombies.

More tachmoshet/ammunition:

It's obvious why support for Obama has arrived from other countries, but how many would vote for him if they knew his plan is to disarm America: 


Offline nikmatdam

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good points new guy... good points... and welcome... nik.
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline dvir

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Thanks for your reply, nikmatdam. I didn't know the information from the missionaries to Africa had been posted April 25th. 

Seems like BHMO is what Buber refers to as (like Napoleon) a "demonic 'Thou'" and the "elementary barrier of history" ("I and Thou" [c. 1923]). Although McCain is a milquetoast of a speaker, what we have is basically good against evil.     

Shomeir  ' '  eit col ohavav v'eit col  ha r'shaim yashmid/Hashem preserves all those who love him: but all the wicked he will destroy. - T'hilim 145:20

Yeivoshu v'yisogu achor col son'ei Tsion: yi'yu cachatsir gagot shekadmat shalaf yaveish/All who hate Tsion will be confounded and turned back. They will be as the rooftop grass that withers before it sprouts. T'hilim 129:6


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BTW: Difficult to believe about David Ben-Gurion. I have an interview in which Ben-Gurion confronts the liberal journalists who are trying to get him (even by citing Talmud) to compromise about the status quo of Y'rushalaim and Ha Golan and to "sympathize" about the "refugees". He wouldn't do it. He slams his fist on the table and says, "zo Artseinu/this is our Land!" He was a man fighting for his life from the heart. He basically said that they were "playing pacifist", but that they wouldn't be doing that if they were dead. I think the journalists were the "slime monsters". It was on

I live in walking distance of a hideous moque where an organization (outlawed by Israel since 1996) has raised $57 million for Hamas since 1989.

We have a common enemy and a divided camp is not a good thing.


Offline WesternPatriot

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Obamas followers treat him like he is a Jesus Christ, they have this religious fervor about him. This site shows that, it's like reading an apologetic book. How dare you speak ills of our holy, sinless leader?!

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Good point, WesternPatriot. It is a mob mentality and people aren't thinking.

I was surprised when confronted on an Orthodox board ("A Dwelling Place") after writing that B.O. was lying about being a supporter of Israel. There were several complaints. They even revised wjhat I had posted in order not to offend the Obama "supporters". I was "corrected" about Obama being a mussie. The board owner wrote, "I repeat, he is a Christian, not a muslim." That may have been a knee-jerk reaction in response to accusations (by the Obama propagandists, of course) at the time that the Clinton crowd had started an e-mail "slur" campaign.

Later, I posted a translation of an article from an Israeli news agency in which Obama was quoted as saying that he was "one of the greatest supporters of Israel". The tone of the article made it clear that that was an extravagant claim. I posted with that, that Israeli political analysts had rated Obama as the candidate least supportive of Israel. John McCain was considered most supportive, Clinton was second. Even later, the atmosphere changed and more "negative" information, particularly that Obama's advisers and staff are very anti-Israel, was seen there.

Obama's record is very poor and his experience extremely limited. He voted "present" in the Illinois State Senate 129 times. From the time Obama was sworn in as a U. S. Senator to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he had logged only 143 days of experience as a Senator. Of course, that doesn't include the days he wasn't there. He only sponsored two bills that became law.

Michelle Malkin's website documents some of many mistakes that Obama has made in speeches.

Here's one:

"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today — our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."

That is Veterans Day, Senator Obama.


What is "Muslim scholar"?


An oxymoron.  O0


Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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i've said repeatedly that this erev rav pshat comes from the vilna gaon in the 6th and final chapter of a sefer on moshiach ben yosef which he wrote called "kol hator" as far as secular labor zionism being satanic and shabtai tzvism... obviously it doesn't apply to every single secular jew in israel... but you just have to read barry chamish's book on the subject to learn the truth... (go to his web site or to stop being afraid to open your mind and entertain things you don't want to believe are true... that is not objectivity and it is not intellectually honest... nik. out

Nik, Zelhar is right.  You (and chamish, gilwhite etc) are oversimplifying.   The evidence by Rabbi Antelman about the top zionists delving in sabbateanism is circumstancial, suggestive, and/or not overwhelming in many cases.   But even still, the top officials don't necessarily represent all the adherents of labor party etc.   And even for those Antelman provides evidence for... What about all the rest he doesn't have anything on?   Furthermore, I don't know what you're talking about, but I have NEVER heard of such a thing from the Vilna Gaon.  He was one of the biggest zionists around, and he predated the whole movement.

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it is on-line... it is a book written by one of his talmidim... kol hator ("the call of the turtle dove)...a reference from shir hashirim about the coming of moshiach... redemption... his name was rabbi hillel sisgal... i'll get the name right later... in the 6th and final chapter he quotes the gra to have made these comments... of course he wasa zionist... all righteous jews yearned to go back home... there wasn't the corrupt andevil secular labor zionism yet on the scene... and a vast majority of jews in the world in the 1770's wereobservant and hoping to live to see the moshiach...
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline Minuteman

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The fact that he is even bringing up chain e-mail I believe proves that he is threatened by them.  Chain mailing people on Liveleak, Youtube, Myspace and other places is priority of the next couple of months.  I use JTF Koran Quotes from JEWSAGAINSTOBAMA.COM.   You can mass send many of the videos about Obama done by Chaim and others on this forum.

Offline nikmatdam

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ok here are the words of the vilna gaon... scroll down to chapeter 2 sub-section 2... number 2. the truth about the erev rav jews and the truth about all of us who do nothing to oppose their rule over eretz yisroel... read this and weep... it is better had we never been born... for the judgement we face for our lack of will to fight them... and we are not speaking here of traitors who work with the slime... no... for just by our doing nothing out of fear or indifference or yeush (not knowing what to do or thinking our matzav ~ situation to be hopeless)... we bring down a din upon us that is so awesome in its magnitude of punishment that it would have been far, far better for us had we never been born... nik. out...

Chapter 2
Section 2
The Two Meshichim of the Generations
“We must do our utmost to promote the complete
union of the two meshichim, Mashiach ben Yosef and Mashiach
ben David, ’the wood of Yosef and the wood of Judah.’
This is the great foundation for the unification of the
Holy One Blessed Be He and the Shechina to bring about the
return of the Shechina [to Zion].  -- We must participate
in G-d’s assistance to the heroes, i.e., to the two
meshichim alluded to in the verse: “and saviors will
ascend Mount Zion.’ The saviors wage war against the
coupling of Seir and his father-in-law [Ismael] on Mount
Zion.  We can assist by gathering in the exiles, by
rebuilding Jerusalem, and by establishing and maintaining
people of truth -- Just as in the case of the general
Redemption, the first mashiach is Mashiach ben Yosef and
the one who completes the task is Mashiach ben David, so in
the case of every activity--general or personal--related to
the footsteps of the beginning of the Redemption naturally,
the first supporter is Mashiach ben Yosef; the supporter
who completes the task is Mashiach ben David.  This is on
the level of the two meshichim of the generations, which is
considered the aspect of ’Judah saves Yosef.’”
1.     In the case of the general Redemption, the first
mashiach is Mashiach ben Yosef, and the one who completes
the mission is Mashiach ben David.  Likewise in the case of
each and every activity, general or private, carried out in
connection with the footsteps of the beginning of the
Redemption, when the awakening comes from below naturally,
little by little--all the activities demonstrate the
 Gaon’s important principle: the first heavenly assistance
 comes through Mashiach ben Yosef, and the task completed by
 Mashiach ben David.  The two meshichim of the generations
 are the miraculous powers that maintain the existence of
 Israel, and strengthen it during the exiles; they are also
 the miraculous supporters during the footsteps of the
 Mashiach.  Mashiach ben Yosef is the miraculous power
 behind the physical and material existence and
 strengthening, whereas Mashiach ben David is the miraculous
 power behind the spiritual existence of Israel generally
  and particularly.  Both meshichim of the generations play
 a role in many of the aspects, as explained in the Gaon’s
          The two meshichim cooperate and help one another:
 Mashiach ben Yosef, as revealed in the words “Yosef still
 lives”; and Mashiach ben David, as revealed in the words
 “David, King of Israel is alive and exists.” They are
 alive and exist in every generation, carry out their
 missions, and affect one another with their powers and
 special attributes.  Thus they need one another.  Without
 the abundance of their strength, their might, and their
 endowments, Israel could not exist for even one moment, G-d
 forbid.  However, they--their powers, images, and
 endowments--are hidden as long as our many sins cause
 Israel and the Shechina to remain in exile.  We must know
 that these two great powers can operate and their strength
 can affect, even totally affect events, only when no one
 disturbs or separates them.
          At times, the tasks of the two meshichim are
 apportioned differently, both with regard to levels and
 with regard to influences, depending on whether the aspect
 of Leah or Rachel, that is, of Daat or Malchut is involved.
  Mashiach ben David is the one who causes the upper
 abundance to flow.  Mashiach ben Yosef, on the other hand,
 is the one who receives and carries out what is included in
 the aspect of Judah saving Yosef.  If the aspect of Yosef
 and Judah together is involved, i.e., Yesod and Malchut,
 then Mashiach ben Yosef causes the abundance to flow, and
 Mashiach ben David is the recipient.  All this is true at
 the beginning of the Redemption, when the wood of Yosef and
 the wood of Judah are “pieces of wood in your hand, ”
 when they are still divided into two, on the level of the
 awakening from below.  At the time of the complete
 redemption, however, when the two pieces of wood have
 become “one in My hand” (the hand of G-d), then the
  meshichim will be like two inseparable friends; they will
 have become one, they will have become the King Mashiach
 who is on the level of the trustworthy friend of the final
 redeemer, Moshe Rabbeinu, may he rest in peace.  This is on
 the level of the great thousand, when G-d will become king
 over all the land, etc.  (this is affirmed in gematria:
 [and]   together, equal 1000).  Since we are standing on
 the threshold of the beginning of the Redemption, we must
learn and know all the aspects and tasks of the two
 meshichim, the meshichim from below, regarding the paths of
 the beginning, with the help of G-d.
 2.     The purpose of our work in ingathering the exiles is
 to set up people of Truth who will promote the unification
 of both meshichim in the gates of Jerusalem so that the
 Shechina will return.  The purpose of the Redemption is
 that there be a true redemption and sanctification of G-d.
 According to the Gaon, may he rest in peace, we must
 participate in G-d’s assistance to His heroes, who are
 the two meshichim.  We must learn well all the practical
 aspects and tasks in order to carry out whatever is

          In all generations, the major tasks of the two
 meshichim together, Mashiach ben Yosef and Mashiach ben
 David, are self-defense and to wage war against the three
 heads of the outer shells or layers: Esau, Ismael and the
 mixed multitude.  The special task of Mashiach ben Yosef is
 to counter Esau, the outer shell on the left.  The special
 task of Mashiach ben David against Ismael is to counter
 Ismael, the outer shelf on the right.  The two meshichim
 together are duty-bound to operate against Esau and Ismael,
 who are likened to an ox and a donkey of impurity.
          Armilus, the angel of the mixed multitude, is the
 one who attempts to couple Esau and Ismael, and this could
 destroy Israel and the entire world, Heaven forbid.  The
 main desire of the mixed multitude is to couple Esau and
 Ismael and to separate the two meshichim.  Our main task to
 counter, even battle such deeds; we must destroy the might
of the mixed multitude, the layer of the wicked Armilus,
 and drive them out of Israel.  The mixed multitude is our
 greatest enemy, for it separates the two meshichim.  The
 outer shell of the mixed multitude operates only by
 delusions and indirectly.  Therefore the war against the
 mixed multitude is the most difficult and bitter, and we
 must wage war against it and overpower it with all our
 might.  Anyone who does not participate in the war against
 the mixed multitude, is actually becoming a partner of the
 “layer” of the mixed multitude.  Whoever he is, he
 would have been better off had he not been born.
  The primary power of the mixed multitude is at the gates
 of Jerusalem, particularly at the entrance to the city,
 which is on the western middle line.

 3.     The two meshichim are the guards and defenders of
 the existence of Israel throughout all the generations,
 even during the exile.  Their main place is at the gates of
 Jerusalem, the opening of the walls.  This is revealed by
 the words: “our feet were standing in the gates of
 Jerusalem.”“Our feet” refers to the two meshichim in
 the line of of Netzach and Hod.  But when is it possible to
 stand with a sense of security? When Jerusalem is rebuilt
 like a city that has been joined together.  Concerning
 this, it is written: “On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have
 appointed guards for all day and all night.”“All
 night” includes during the darkness of the exile.  But as
 long as Jerusalem is desolate, the guards have only enough
 strength to guard, not to wage war against the Sitra Achra.
  For they guards cannot stand on the Holy Land in its
 destruction because of the fastness of the outer layers of
 impurity.  When, then do “our feet stand”?
  When Jerusalem is rebuilt.  Then the city is joined
 together: Jerusalem of below is joined with Jerusalem of
 above.  Their central spot is at the entrance to the city
 on the middle line, to the west of the walls.
          Regarding the two meshichim it says: “and
 saviors will ascend Mount Zion.” The word “ascend”
 means that the two meshichim will prevail: that is, the
 wood of Yosef and the wood of Judah will prevail on the
 levels of Heaven and Earth.  Their levels are determined by
 their actions, and their actions are determined by their
 missions.  An activity at the time of the awakening from
 below, naturally, from the left line which is the quality
 of Din, is part of the task of Mashiach ben Yosef from the
 land, and the level is the aspect of Yosef ben Rachel
 (Yesod of Malchut).  An activity designed to draw down help
 and mercy, goodness and the blessing of G-d Almighty that
 come from abundance from above, belongs to the aspect of
 Yosef son of Jacob (Yesod of Tiferet).
          When the activity occurs at the time of the
 awakening from below, but from the right line, then the
 quality of Lovingkindness is involved, and this is the task
 of Mashiach ben David.The level in this case is the aspect
 of Judah son of Jacob (Malchut of Tiferet).
          When the activity is designed to generate a great
 amount of Chesed and Rahamim, then it is from the aspect of
 Judah ben Leah (Malchut of Tevunah).
          When the activity comes at the time of the
 awakening from below, but from the middle line, at the
 level of 999 in Yesod, then it is the mission of Mashiach
 ben Yosef, as revealed in the words: “even all that is in
 the Heavens and Earth.”
 4.     As explained by the Gaon, the two meshichim play a
 role in many aspects depending on their tasks, as discussed
 below, and depending on the repairs entailed (?).  The
 missions of the meshichim from below and from above depend
 on their deeds, and the deeds depend on the root of their
 souls.  The two meshichim from below are the first involved
 in leaving the exile.  They are the two Hebrew midwives in
 Egypt, as mentioned by the Gaon in his Tikunei Zohar
 Chadash regarding the verse: “and they [the midwives] let
 the children live” because they occupied themselves with
 saving Israel.  Likewise in every generation there are
 meshichim from below who are the forefathers of the
 meshichim of the generations; their helpers belong to their
 categories.  The two meshichim appear in many different
 aspects according to their missions and deeds, each one by
 his flag with the letters of his forefathers.  They are
 “a scepter and a lawgiver.” It was promised
  that “the scepter will not leave Judah, nor a lawgiver
 from between his feet.” This means that they appear in
 all generations.  They are “the wood of Yosef and the
 wood of Judah.” Whenever they appear, at first the wood
 will be in pieces “in your hand.” Finally, they will
 become one in the hand of G-d.  They are the holy ox and
 holy donkey who wage war against the impure ox and impure
 donkey, i.e., Ismael and Esau.  They hold fast to two hosts
 that are 499 from the right section and 499 from the left
 section, which equal 1000 minus one, like the gematria of 
 [999] “’the foot of an ox and donkey’, ” as revealed
 in the verse: “happy are you who sow on all water.” They
 are the   “’feet of G-d’” that are in Netzach and
 Hod.  They stand firmly in the gates of Jerusalem.  This is
 what is meant by “our feet in your gates, O Jerusalem, ”
 as already mentioned.
 5.     There are many appellations to cover different
 aspects of the two meshichim.  These are: “a star has
 come out of Jacob, and a scepter has risen from Israel”
 [Num.  24:17] -- “Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of
 Jephuneh” [Num.  14:6] -- “they will obtain joy and
 gladness” [Isa.  35:10] -- “the sons of Jacob and
 Yosef, Selah” [Ps.  77:16] -- the light of the moon and
 the light of the sun [Isa.  30:26].
          -- There are references and hints regarding two
 meshichim in the Bible [i.e., a duality or plural form
 appears]: “your children will be students of the Lord,
 and your children’s peace will be abundant” [Isa.
 54:13]; the two cherubim; the two apples (“spread apples
 about me” [Song 2:5], as is known); “rivulets of
 water” [Song 5:12]; the two hosts, of the right and of
 the left; “they will certainly come with joyful song”
 [the verb ’to come’ appears twice, though in a
 different grammatical form] (the words quoted go together
 with: “the one who bears the measure of seeds” [Ps.
 126:6]); the learning of Torah and performance of deeds of
 lovingkindness -- “saviors on Mount Zion” [Ov.  1:21];
 guards of the walls of Jerusalem -- the quality of Din and
 the quality of Lovingkindness; “the horns of an ox”
 [Deut.  33:17]; “the holy ones in the earth, and the
 mighty; all my delight is in them” [Ps.  16:3]; “the
  [the plural form is used] of the earth” [Ps.  76:10];
 “the humble [the plural form is used] shall inherit the
 earth” [Ps.  37: 11]; “’the sealed deed and the open
 deed’” that were hidden in pottery in Anatot [Jer.
 32]; “the feet of the herald” [Isa.  52:7]; the homes
 of the righteous about which it is written: “those who
 trust in the Mount of the Lord, in Mount Zion”; “the
 sound of your observers; they raise their voices [in
 unison] ...  because every eye [the word ’eye’ appears
 twice] will see when the Lord returns to Zion, ” etc.
 [Isa.  52:8]; “a strong city; it will be our salvation”
 [Isa.  26:1]; “and you strong foundations of the earth”
 [Micha 6:2]; the two aspects of “we will do and we will
 obey” [Ex.  24:7] and the return of their crowns shortly,
 as our Sages said on the verse: and “the redeemed of the
Lord will return and come to Zion with glad song, ” etc.
 “they will obtain joy and gladness”;
 north and south as is written: “awake, you from the
 North; and come, you from the South” [Song 4:16] as is
 known --
         “You will raise up generations-old
 foundations” [Isa.  58:12] (this verse is included among
 the hints of my father, author of -- the words: 
 “’generations-old foundation’” equals   [546]
> “‘the students of Elijah’” in gematria) -- The
 words “the covenant of the forefathers” is in the line
 of Mashiach ben Yosef.The words ! “the merit of the
 forefathers” is in the line of Mashiach ben David.  This
 [the Shechina] will also be restored at the time of the
 ingathering of the exiles, with the help of G-d.  --
 Regarding the words: “affection” and “love”:
 “affection is in the line of Mashiach ben Yosef, as is
 written in the Midrash: “abundant affection is known to
 Zion”; and it is known that Zion is in the line of Yosef.
  “Love” is in the line of Mashiach ben David, as it
 says: “I have loved you with an everlasting love” [Jer.
          -  - - G-d will establish our handiwork over us to
 unify the two meshichim, as explained above, according to
 the verses “every eye will see when G-d returns to Zion,
 ” etc..  The ‘handiwork’ refers to bodies set up to
 handle the process of the Redemption, which includes: the
 ingathering of exiles; the rebuilding of Jerusalem; the
 routing of the impure spirit from the land and the
 fulfillment of the commandments related to the land; the
 redemption of Truth by setting up people of truth; and the
 revelation of mysteries of the Torah - - -.
          -  ---Likewise the wisdom from below.
          -    - - - For with the revelation of the
 Mashiach, and the 999 footsteps involved, the upper wisdom
 and the lower wisdom will be revealed, as written in the
 Holy Zohar: “In the 600th year of the Sixth Millennium,
 the gates of the upper wisdom and of the lower wisdom will
 be opened, the world will be repaired...  in order to raise
 the Knesset Israel from the dirt, ” etc.  All these are
 the mission of Rabbi Eliyahu, the Gaon of Israel, whose
 light will last till the day is established with the aid of
 the Rock of Israel and its Redeemer.  Therefore, the Gaon
 tried to understand with his holy spirit also the seven
 wisdoms from below which are known to be like mixtures and
 samples at the bottom of the mountain, in order to explain
 the wisdom of the Torah and to hasten the Redemption --
 whose great purpose is sanctification of G-d as is written:
 “and all the peoples of the earth will see the salvation
 of our G-d, ” also in order to repair the
  world in the Malchut of the Almighty, etc.
          As mentioned above, the goal of our work is to
 promote the fulfillment of the commandment of ingathering
 the exiles and settling the holy land as the way of the
 beginning of the Redemption, as explained in the following
 chapters, -- in order to hasten the Redemption in deed with
 the awakening from below, and to rout the spirit of impurity
 from the land.  Then there will be a unification of the Holy
 one blessed be He and the Shechina through the unification
 of the two meshichim in a union and strong, everlasting,
 bond, which is the mission of the two advocates of the
 Jews, Hanoch and Eliyahu -- Metatron and Sandal ) and
 together equal  in gematria--a fact that is revealed in the
 great mystery of “Kol HaTor”).  This is the path to our
 G-d so that the Shechina will return to Zion, and the
 Redeemer will come, speedily in our day, Amen.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2008, 01:26:53 AM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."