Shalom cjd,
thanks for your terrific reply!
I'm glad you see that you and I agree on Obama. I am certainly
NOT advocating that Serbs support Obama over McCain - far from it.
As far as Serbian Americans are concerned I advise that they do NOT vote for Obama under any circumstances.(See my latest post on this forum if you have any doubts).
As Chaim has pointed out in the JTF videos I linked to above McCain's 100% backing and endorsement of Clinton's insane policies in the late 1990's of attacking Serbia by carpet bombing its civilian infrastructure on behalf of vile al Qaeda trained and funded Islamist Nazi terrorists,caused the deaths of many thousands of innocent Serbian men, women and children.
If Serbian Americans still wish to vote for McCain despite what he did to their brothers and sisters in Serbia it will be a matter of personal moral choice and a conscience vote for individual Serbian Americans to make.
I try and imagine how I would feel as a Jewish person if one of the candidates for US President was fully behind a massive NATO bombing campaign of Israeli civilians on behalf of the Palestinian PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis leading to the deaths of many thousands of innocent Jewish men, women and young children in Israel.
It is only natural and normal that I could not possibly vote for such a candidate.
If I was a Serb living in the United States I could not and would not vote for McCain or Obama,however I do understand the terrible dillemma we are all facing in this election in order to get the least evil candidate into office.
Shalom and Kol Tuv, cjd and thanks once again for your wonderful reply.