Save Western Civilization > Save Europe
Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
How many of you think Catholicism is almost as big a plague on Western civilization as Islam?
FACT: Virtually all popes favor Israeli surrender, or at least negotiation with, the Muslim world. A few have been cheerleaders for holocausts against Jews and pretty much all non-Catholics.
FACT: A significant core of devout Catholics (i.e. Sobran, Buchanan, Gibson) are enthusiastic Jew-haters and Holocaust deniers and these guys have an awful lot of influence.
FACT: For many years Catholicism taught that Jews, all of them, are responsible for killing Jesus. Yeah, that changed in Vatican II, but how much of that was sincere and how much was in order to appease its critics?
FACT: The Vatican and most, if not all, of its cardinals (Los Angeles' very own Roger Mahony is a prime example) are Mexico-worshipping fascists who demand that America surrender now to the illegal hordes. Gee whiz, do you think that most Hispanics are born into Catholicism might have something to do with this? ::)
FACT: The Catholic Church is, at its core, the worship of religion and the deification of man. It's also the First Church of Hypocrisy. The RCC calls it a mortal sin for a married couple to use any form of contraception or engage in any act that's not "open to life", but pardons time and time and time and time again its thousands of pedophile priests who not only molest, but actually RAPE tens of thousands of little boys. It refuses to turn in these perverts to the authorities and hides/destroys evidence against them, because Church "law" is superior to secular law (hmmm, what other religion teaches that?). Even now, when it's been completely dragged through the mud and discredited in the eyes of pretty much every single non-Catholic man, woman, and child on the planet, the Vatican STILL stonewalls on the priest-abuse issue.
With all due respect to the probable majority of American Catholics that are average, regular people having nothing to do with this wickedness, I think the RCC should be officially renamed to the First Nazi Church of Perpetual Sodomy. Chaim is right about Catholicism and I am not afraid to says so.
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Surely I can get one response to this thread... :-\
Personally speaking, I have never experienced ill will from numerous Catholic friends and acquaintances over the years.
The only ethnic/religious group which should concern Jews today...
The enemy destroying Jewish souls and Jewish bodies, is...
Israel has proven it can defeat combined and heavily armed Arab armies.
Israel has proven its ability to survive against impossible odds for thousands of years.
Israel has proven its great abilities and achievements in all areas of life except:
-AHAVAT YISRAEL....Love for all Jews
-Loving ourselves as Jews, without feeling it necessary to always be seeking approval of others.
-Acting as a united people to ensure our survival regardless of internal and external pressure; be it from governments, nations, individuals, or popular opinion.
They don't worry me....only the Jews do so.
The catholic church and the muslims are the biggests cults ever, imo.
First of all, I agree with Massuh that the worst enemy of the Jews are the Jews themselves. If the Jews would do what the Torah commands, no one would be able to touch them. The Jews would bring final and eternal redemption for the Jewish people and the righteous Gentiles if they would simply obey G-d's Torah commandments.
Obviously, I strongly disagree with the Catholic Church's strong support for open borders, illegal aliens, "affirmative action", more foreign aid, the anti-Israel positions, the anti-American positions, the pro-Muslim and pro-Third World positions, etc.
But we face an emergency threat to the very survival of America and Israel from the world's 1.5 billion Muslim Nazis. And the Muslim Nazis are supported by traitor multinational corporations, the traitor news media, self-hating Americans, self-hating Europeans, and last but definitely not least, self-hating Jews both in America and in Israel.
At a time like this, should we be picking a fight with the Catholic Church? We are going to turn off many white ethnic Catholics, who should be our natural allies. Many white Catholics do not agree with the Church's leftwing and "politically correct" positions. But they still honor the Church, because they were born into that religion. If you attack their Church, even if technically they agree with you on the illegal aliens and the other issues, many white Catholics will feel that you are attacking them.
JTF's position is that we want ALL decent Jews and decent Gentiles to unite in the urgent battle to save America, Israel and Western civilization. Obviously, that includes Catholics who understand the emergency situation. Therefore, JTF does not support attacks on the Catholic Church even though we understand the very troubling issues that you raise.
You can continue to express your opinions on this forum, but your attacks on the Church do not reflect JTF's views for the reasons stated.
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