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Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?

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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Jimmy, I recognize you have a real point. I call upon the many noble and decent Catholic brothers and sisters who I know do not support the policies of the Vatican to pressure their pontiff and his circle for real reform. I am bothered that strict Catholic theology teaches that the church is never, ever wrong, so I am not quite sure how effective that will be, but the effort must be made, and Lord willing, someday it will have a real impact.

I am a Catholic and you are living in the dark ages - with regard to Catholics views toward Jews at least - I went to Catholic school and regularly attend church - I never heard an antisemitic word - in fact, we were taught that hatred of the Jews is a sin - and especially heinous since Jesus was a Jew. As for the church's views on immigration, I can't agree more - but just about all the organized churches are of the same ilk. As for pedophile priests - I agree that the church has handled this terribly - they should be drummed out and handed over to the cops and treated like anyone else who puts their hands on a child. Unfortunately, pedophiles will find their way into any place that allows them access to children - that includes churches, schools, youth groups, camps, counseling - the list goes on and on - I know people who have had terrible experiences with ministers and yes, rabbis, camp counselors and pediatricians - so the Catholic Church is not alone in this sin. Pope John Paul II saw the holocaust up close and personal and personally led the church down a path of taking responsibility for its horrific acts against Jews over the years. Pope Benedict has been honest about the intentions of Islam - I don't think this guy is any fool when it comes to the Muslims in our midst. The Catholic church is run by human beings (just like other religions) - they screw up, they allow their prejudices to blind them and there is always a share of the unscrupulous among them. But remember, the Church is a bastion against the crazy encroachments of gay "rights"; abortion on demand; euthanasia and slavery - it stands for family values, traditional marriage, respect for life no matter how old, sick or infirm - it has stood against the insanity of radical Islam before, and I believe it will do so again. You need to take a look at the Church of today, and stop living in the past.

Jimmy, Steve and Massuh put it very well. 

Now I'm not a Christian/Catholic, so I don't think it's my place to get into the details here.  It looks like you all have strong views on the situation.  But let's just try not to fight each other here.  Instead let's focus on our common enemies -- radical Islam, terrorism, massive Third World immigration, traitor politicians, the biased mainstream media, etc., and what we can do to save America and Israel. 

I had two catholic friends and they were very conservative pro Israel people so I don't think what you say speaks for all of them.  My current Catholic friend wants the pope to declare a crusade to wipe out the muslims but he is disappointed at how liberal the pope is. 

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:

--- Quote from: jdl4ever on January 30, 2007, 09:53:15 PM ---I had two catholic friends and they were very conservative pro Israel people so I don't think what you say speaks for all of them.  My current Catholic friend wants the pope to declare a crusade to wipe out the muslims but he is disappointed at how liberal the pope is. 

--- End quote ---
Yeah, and these are exactly the kinds of Catholics we need. I know how many Catholics are genuinely right-wing, patriotic citizens. Unfortunately, the Vatican is not in line with these friends. Can it ever change? I do not know.


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