Shalom fellow JTF'ers, some of you may have remembered "skippy" (real name: Tina Greco) and noticed many porn posts on the forum the past few weeks, currently is being spammed with porn and it wouldn't surprise me if it's one of Skippys various usernames.
First of all, I would figure I would start by stating that Skippy is NOT a righteous Jew or even follows Judaism, she has willingly given up her faith to worship Yashka, she is a Messianic Jew and has tried to hide this on many occassions.
I first saw Skippy (posted as Kiwi) on, a forum for those who discuss military way of life (but not limited to) Israel. Skippy would frequently post pictures of half naked IDF men nude or engaged in homosexual acts on the forums, this is well known. She always acted very secular.
I became suspicious of her when she stated she posted on when she pmed me for the first time on the JTF forums. I started researching her posts and noticed she was involved with not only StørmFrønt but also Blood & Honour (Combat 18). She was eventually banned from Israelmilitary because of her racist white supremist views and insults of other members.
I thought I would share some photographic evidence that she maybe the one actively engaged in posting of pornography, her Christian beliefs and how she tried to cover it up, and her ties with white supremist groups and even stabbing Jews in the back by posting JTF member pictures on the StørmFrønt site.
(I have removed the StørmFrønt picture by request of Chaim)
First of all, note her post from today

She states she's a nurse, keep this in mind. Either someones pretending to be her (in that case, they did a lot of research to get these details), or it seriously is her.

Notice in her PM to me that she claims to be a member of StørmFrønt but that they don't know she's a "Jew". Or is it the other way around and we don't know that she is a Nazi? Double agent? Hmm. Note that she claims to be involved with spying on Combat 18 as well.

Kiwi sends me a picture of her, notice the link? If you search on StørmFrønt for the JTF, Skippy made another post with pictures of JTF members from this very same link highlighted. I cannot post the picture due to Chaims request.

Take note again that she mentions she's a nurse, as mentioned on her post here on the forums.

Hmm that's odd, she edited her post. Notice the time difference? Post was made march 16th, 2007 but yet the post was edited October 26th, 2007, a little over 8 months. Perhaps something to hide? She edited many of her posts on

Good thing she can't delete quotes, that's right, Skippy is a messianic Jew as she calls herself. She even had a forum signature on the forums advertising a "Jews For Jesus" forum. Now why would she edit these posts? A little suspicious no?

Kiwi goes on to explain about Jews For Jesus

The current user spamming porn on forums, is it the same person? Why do they have a picture of Skippy? Apparently Skippy is very selective in who sees her picture, a friend? Skippy her self?
Conclusion of this post, Skippy is a fraud, she states she is a nurse who lives in New Zealand of Jewish background, she claims she is for white nationalism and identifys as white and see's other colored Jews as lesser than herself. She claims to be righteous and a kahanist, however she is anything but. Everything about Skippy is an illusion. She has a perverted mind who posted her homosexual pictures of men on, spammed pornography not only on JTF but the Kahane forums on her various user names, and her loyalty is in question on if she identifys with the nazis or the Jews considering she just posted a picture of JTF members on StørmFrønt. It's very possible that she herself does have Jewish ancestery, perhaps she doesn't. Consider the facts for what they are