We have to remember the implications of an Obama presidency. A Muslim getting CIA briefings, in charge of the nuclear arsenal, being able to veto any bill that doesn't have a 2/3 majority, appointing Supreme Court judges. He will be in charge of budgets and will be the leader of the free world. If he pulls out of Iraq, where will all the refugees go? Do you think he will hesitate to let them in by the hundreds of thousands? What about all other immigration?
Obama believes first and foremost in diversity as you can see from how the people behind him during his speeches. He will break the European white majority during his presidency. When he talks about "special interests" and "those who would choose to divide us", he's talking about wealthy and upper middle class Jews and whites who he has nothing but contempt for. He likes the people who contribute to his campaign but he will do his best to destroy any company, market, political or ethnic group, or any interest that he sees as his oppenent.
No one should sit back and complain if he's elected president if they never worked against him, even in the smallest way.
If we have masive terrorist attacks you know the most he will do is give a motivational speech, fire a couple rockets and the media will say he acted amazing.
If he's elected president and we are attacked by terrorists in this country, we need to place direct blame on his supporters. They will be guilty of negligent homicide.