Author Topic: Lawrence Auster explains Britain’s cowardly retreat to Islam  (Read 8195 times)

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Lawrence Auster explains Britain’s cowardly retreat to Islam
« on: January 22, 2007, 04:22:54 PM »
In a secretly taped speech to a closed meeting of his party members in a room in a pub a couple of years ago, British National Party chairman Nick Griffin said that Islam is a “wicked, vicious faith,” and was arrested and tried for the crime of “stirring up racial hatred.” When he was acquitted, all manner of British politicians said the law should be toughened up to make sure that saying that Islam is a “wicked, vicious faith” would land a man in prison.

In a secretly taped sermon in a British mosque a few months ago, an imam praised the Taliban for killing British soldiers and urged the Taliban to cut off their heads. That’s beyond stirring up racial hatred, that’s calling for murder; that’s treason. Yet when this and other murderous and treasonous outpourings by Muslim imams were shown on the tv program Dispatches recently, there was no reaction from the mainstream media or from the government. Similar statements calling for jihad war and the destruction of Britain have been made in the past by Muslims in Britain, and in most cases no legal steps have been taken against them. Britain’s laws against “race hatred” are mainly designed to punish and silence white Britons, not Muslims.

However, let’s not just blame the government for this. If the people remain supine, why should the government changes its appeasing ways, which, in the absence of popular outrage, the government probably think most of the people support?

Who could have imagined in 1215, or 1415, or 1715, or 1815, or 1915, that the British would end up like this? Who could have imagined, when Winston Churchill mocked Labor Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald as the “Boneless Wonder sitting on the Treasury Bench,” that 70 years later the entire British nation would have turned into the Boneless Wonder?

Here are the key excerpts from Richard Littlejohn’s column in the Daily Mail about the Dispatches broadcast:

Over four months, Dispatches recorded an assortment of mad mullahs calling for “jihad” (holy war) against the “kuffaar” (unbelievers).

Muslims are urged to hit women who refuse to wear the hijab, kill homosexuals, reject British law and democracy and set up in this country an Islamic state within a state.

Praise is lavished on those who kill British soldiers, particularly the Taliban. “The hero of Islam is the one who separated his head from his shoulder,” screams one imam at the Sparkbrook mosque, in Birmingham, which has been hailed by Tony Blair for its contribution to its “multi-faith and multicultural activities.”

The unrelenting message is one of Muslim world domination and denigration of “infidels.” At the nearby Green Lane mosque, Channel 4’ s undercover reporter was directed to a secret website where the popular convert Abu Assama preaches that Jews and Christians are the enemy of Islam and it is the duty of all Muslims to fight them….

At the Regent’s Park mosque, in London, as well as many others throughout Britain, DVDs disseminating the most disgusting slurs on the “kuffaar” are on open sale.

Needless to say, the “moderates” who run these mosques deny any knowledge of the preachers of hate and their violent propaganda, which almost exclusively follows the teachings of the extremist Wahhabi movement in Saudi Arabia.
Littlejohn then points out that the revelations have been entirely ignored by the leading media organs and by the government and the parliament.

Meanwhile Peter Hitchens suggests that there is nothing to be done about this ongoing surrender to Islam, because the problem is not that official Britain hasn’t realized what is happening. The problem is not that official Britain has realized what is happening and doesn’t like it but is too cowardly and intimidated to do anything about it. The problem is that official Britain has already consciously accepted what is happening and has signed on to it. Hitchens writes:

The real menace to this country does not come from terrorist bombs, which a calm, resolute people can cope with. It comes from the liberal elite’s decision to appease Islam.

The louder the Blairites talk about the ‘threat to our way of life’ from Muslim extremists, the more they themselves increase that threat.

Criticism of Islam, jokes about Islam, are rapidly becoming taboo, even legally restricted. Yet Muslims have total freedom to say what they like about the rest of us.

Quietly, the Civil Service, the police and the education system (and many big companies) have already begun to adapt themselves to the idea of an Islamised Britain. [Emphasis added.]

Was Ruth Kelly, Minister for Political Correctness, really shocked when a group of Muslim lobbyists abruptly demanded partial recognition of Sharia Law and the official celebration of major Muslim holy days?

She shouldn’t have been.

Any observer of what is happening in this country would have known this demand was coming. It will be made with increasing force as the Muslim population grows and the Muslim vote—already decisive in many constituencies—grows with it, because all the major parties are without principles and will do anything for votes….

Islam responds to tolerance by demanding more. It responds to retreat by advancing. It is wisely cautious when weak, ruthless and ferocious when strong. It recognises no equals and makes no compromises.

Once it is dominant, all others are subjected to it. Those who live in the Pennine towns, or in parts of London, can already see its flexing of muscles.

The number of Muslim women wearing headscarves, or total veils, has risen sharply in the past few years. Large new mosques have appeared on many skylines. Many more are being built. This is happening now, here. Our Government is helping it.
I don’t want to believe what Hitchens is saying, but I must confess that the moment I read the words,

“Quietly, the Civil Service, the police and the education system (and many big companies) have already begun to adapt themselves to the idea of an Islamised Britain,”
everything clicked into place and the treasonous sickly conduct of the British elites made complete sense. Indeed, what else can explain their behavior other than that they have already decided to surrender to Islam?

In other words, what I predicted a year ago would happen in Europe someday, has, according to Hitchens, already happened, at least in Britain.
"Negroes are a form of animal and it is against the will of God and nature to mate with such creatures. It is specifically forbidden in the Holy Bible. The Negro is still in the ape stage, actually a higher form of gorilla. They are retarded, 200,000 years behind the white race. They suffer from sickle-cell trait, a hereditary racial characteristic of negroes, and is found in no other race - Negroes have diseased blood". - Prof. Charles Carroll

Offline mord

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Re: Lawrence Auster explains Britain’s cowardly retreat to Islam
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2007, 12:22:31 PM »
Thats why London is called 'Londonstan' ' Kenny deadstone' the mayor must be thrilled
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Lawrence Auster explains Britain’s cowardly retreat to Islam
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2007, 01:28:13 PM »
Britain is not being Islamified.  The majority of the Muslim immigrants become irreligious after a while.  They then get into the mobile-phone, easy-money, insanely cruel culture that the middle class whites have fostered.

Britain will not remain a white-skinned country for much longer but neither is it on the 'verge' of being Islamified.
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Re: Lawrence Auster explains Britain’s cowardly retreat to Islam
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2007, 01:34:24 PM »
Britain is not being Islamified.  The majority of the Muslim immigrants become irreligious after a while.  They then get into the mobile-phone, easy-money, insanely cruel culture that the middle class whites have fostered.

Britain will not remain a white-skinned country for much longer but neither is it on the 'verge' of being Islamified.
It will be filled with little Sarahs?
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Lawrence Auster explains Britain’s cowardly retreat to Islam
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2007, 02:33:50 PM »
It will be filled with little Sarahs?

With the exception of large ethnic concentrations in Manchester, London, Leicester, most immigrants will blend into the 'one size fits all' culture that the EU and the senior politicians and bureaucrats have, hand-in-hand, been working with the media to create.  As the UK becomes progressively overpopulated the culture will become ever nastier, dirtier, and more desperate.  That much is certain.  But it will never, even at the present rate, turn into a Muslim-controlled land.

The problems we have here are created by the Anglo-Saxon economic model.  Social problems are caused by people not caring about each other.  Rudeness, bad manners, violence, drunks, crime - all these are problems caused by our social and economic systems.

It's hilarious to hear some people claim Britain is turning into an Islamic republic.  The media picks on Muslims because it knows that it only takes a few radicals to plant bombs and kill people.  It is not emphasizing integration because it cares about British children and certainly no one is worried about Sharia law being imposed on Britain.   ;D

Just look at the smiles on the bourgeoisies' faces when they see slick young Asians going about, clubbing and picking up little white girls with their bling bling.  They couldn't care less about that.  Those 'Muslims' are 'integrated'.  They are just as British as people whose descendents from the Isles can be drawn back hundreds of years.

Britain is knackered and no amount of scaremongering about Islam will ever change that.  :)
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?


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Re: Lawrence Auster explains Britain’s cowardly retreat to Islam
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2007, 02:38:11 PM »
Britain is finished and nothing will ever change that.

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Re: Lawrence Auster explains Britain’s cowardly retreat to Islam
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2007, 02:53:50 PM »
All muslims must be cleansed from all western countries, case closed. These poor creatures must be returned to their place of origin, where they can stone eachother, cut off limbs and heads, bomb each other such as in iraq (I love when they kill eachother), they would be much happier in that type of enviorment. We westerners do not appreciate their cult ways. Any 'convert' to this cult should be sent packing also, never to return.

Offline davkakach

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Re: Lawrence Auster explains Britain’s cowardly retreat to Islam
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2007, 05:51:01 PM »
Laurence Auster is one of my favorite writers.  I used to read him regularly and donate money to him (when I had more spare time and more disposable income...).
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline Ithaca-37

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Re: Lawrence Auster explains Britain’s cowardly retreat to Islam
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2007, 08:34:55 AM »
A previous post in this series:  "Britain is not being Islamified.  The majority of the Muslim immigrants become irreligious after a while.  They then get into the mobile-phone, easy-money, insanely cruel culture that the middle class whites have fostered."

This is a perfect regurgitation of the left-wing reassurances that were sold throughout Europe in the 1970s, explaining that there was nothing to fear from Arab immigration, because the Muslims would become moderated by the nanny state, drug use, legal prostitution, etc.  I find it amazing that this kind of thinking persists after 9/11, the riots in Paris and other cities, the bombings in London and Madrid, the assassinations in the Netherlands, etc, etc, etc.

Another type of comment that I find amusing is when a westerner suggests that because the Muslims have strayed from their reputed puritanical behavior (note reputed), that they are being civilized.  I have a vague recollection in my head that the 9/11 hijackers either went to a strip joint or were watching pornographic videos only days before they did their job.  So much for relying on 'the flesh' to de-fang the enemy.

I suggest that reading Londonistan by Melanie Phillips might shake some people out of their slumber.  And allow me to note one final idea:  Europe is dominated by Parliamentary forms of government, in which a minority can have a big hand in a coalition government.  It may soon pass that the nuclear weapons of France and/or England fall into the effective control of Islamic nationlists.  If you refuse to believe that this is possible, then just pull the blankets over your head and go back to sleep.


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Re: Lawrence Auster explains Britain’s cowardly retreat to Islam
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2007, 09:09:25 AM »
A previous post in this series:  "Britain is not being Islamified.  The majority of the Muslim immigrants become irreligious after a while.  They then get into the mobile-phone, easy-money, insanely cruel culture that the middle class whites have fostered."

This is a perfect regurgitation of the left-wing reassurances that were sold throughout Europe in the 1970s, explaining that there was nothing to fear from Arab immigration, because the Muslims would become moderated by the nanny state, drug use, legal prostitution, etc.  I find it amazing that this kind of thinking persists after 9/11, the riots in Paris and other cities, the bombings in London and Madrid, the assassinations in the Netherlands, etc, etc, etc.

Another type of comment that I find amusing is when a westerner suggests that because the Muslims have strayed from their reputed puritanical behavior (note reputed), that they are being civilized.  I have a vague recollection in my head that the 9/11 hijackers either went to a strip joint or were watching pornographic videos only days before they did their job.  So much for relying on 'the flesh' to de-fang the enemy.

I suggest that reading Londonistan by Melanie Phillips might shake some people out of their slumber.  And allow me to note one final idea:  Europe is dominated by Parliamentary forms of government, in which a minority can have a big hand in a coalition government.  It may soon pass that the nuclear weapons of France and/or England fall into the effective control of Islamic nationlists.  If you refuse to believe that this is possible, then just pull the blankets over your head and go back to sleep.


You admitted yourself that the European elites began the Arab immigration in the 1970s and have been using the same excuses since.  This alone should be evidence that Europe WANTS the current situation foisted upon it.

Do you think the powerful cliques of Europe will sooner give up their nuclear arsenals than put down Arab rebellions in European cities by force?  If so you are seriously deluded.

At the current rate Europe is going to swallow up Israel ... so you had better be supporting the EU's collapse.  I know I am.  Turkey should join ASAP.  We need to kill the EU monster before it kills us.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Ithaca-37

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Re: Lawrence Auster explains Britain’s cowardly retreat to Islam
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2007, 04:55:45 PM »
We'll have to file this one under Incapable of reaching agreement.  For now, I'll end my input by focusing on this line:  "Do you think the powerful cliques of Europe will sooner give up their nuclear arsenals than put down Arab rebellions in European cities by force?  If so you are seriously deluded."

On what do you base your faith that Europe can resist or even mollify militant Islam?  If the native Europeans had the will to put the militant Muslims back in their place, then we would have seen it by now.  As it stands now, the natives get weaker and the Muslims get stronger with each passing day.  And the Muslims need not be a majority in Europe to be a serious political (and thus military) power.  With the parliamentary forms of government used in Europe, it's only a matter of time until a Muslim minority becomes a controlling factor in a national coalition government.

"We need to kill the EU monster before it kills us."  The EU may indeed by a monster.  However,  I cannot grasp the sort of thinking that finds something positive in having the resources of a once-great civilization fall into the hands of militant Muslims.  We're scared to death of Iran's nuclear program, and rightly so, while casually ignoring the growing reality that Muslims may soon control the military arm of EU nations.