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Please read my suggestion to all JTF members
« on: July 02, 2008, 04:54:02 AM »
I think that many people here believe in G-d. I personally believe in the power of collective prayer. I suggest that all forum members say a short prayer for Israel one time a week. It should be the same time we can agree on. For example, every Sunday at 12 p.m. Eastern time. It is 9 a.m. in California and 6 p.m. in Europe. I suggest that those who know Hebrew could write and post a short prayer in Hebrew (in Latin letters, so that those who cannot speak Hebrew can read it). It should perhaps be just 1 sentence, so that those who don't speak Hebrew can memorize it. It should ask HaShem on his intersession on behalf of Israel or ask Him to bring a righteous government to Israel or ask Him to bring about a change in the Israeli public opinion in support of a righteous government as soon as possible. Something like that. It would be great if even non-religious members participate in this prayer. There are about 3000+ members of the forum in the English and Hebrew section. A collective prayer of 3000 people will surely resonate. What do you all think?

If we agree on the prayer text and the time, I will post a message every Sunday (or the day we agree on) reminding people to say the prayer.

Offline Haim_Ben_Shimon_3JFB

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Re: Please read my suggestion to all JTF members
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2008, 09:14:03 AM »
fantastic idea i think that it will be very effective prayer from 3000 people minus spies minus traitors minus  some other we will have much less but still a big number.

Offline Shamgar

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Re: Please read my suggestion to all JTF members
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2008, 10:43:53 AM »
Great idea. Although Israel is in my prayers daily, it might mean extra points if I say the prayer in Hebrew.  O0  God has a great sense of humor, I am proof of that.
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Offline AsheDina

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Re: Please read my suggestion to all JTF members
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2008, 11:28:25 AM »
fantastic idea i think that it will be very effective prayer from 3000 people minus spies minus traitors minus  some other we will have much less but still a big number.

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Offline nikmatdam

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Re: Please read my suggestion to all JTF members
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2008, 12:22:15 PM »
death davening
From: "nikmatdam" <[email protected]>

with our backs to the wall... with no option left us to fight with guns and tanks (unless please G-d there is a coup d'etat soon from within the idf)... with no visible means to prevent the total destruction of eretz yisroel from commencing with this illegal and unjustified disengagement plan about to take place at any moment... and with the certain knowledge that the majority of jews world-wide do not agree with these forced policies being rammed down our collective throats... we declare in desperation and concern our intention to implement the following strategy in the weeks and months ahead...
in the spirit of our exalted teacher moshe rebenu (moses) and our holy forefather yaacov avinu (jacob) we will as a group in synagogues everywhere and also individually without a minyan...  institute a campaign called: "operation death davening"...
as it says in shemot (exodus):(2:11-12): "and it was in those days that moshe grew up and went out to his brethren and observed their burdens... and he saw an egyptian man striking a hebrew man of his brethren and he turned this way and that and he saw that there was no man... so he struck down the egyptian and hid him in the sand..." (one explation of our sages is that he slew him with the utterance of the Divine 72-letter eneffable name of G-d)
and also previously in bereshit (genesis): (48:21-22): "and yisroel (israel/yaakov) said to yosef... 'i am about to die and G-d will be with you and will bring you back to the land of your fathers... and as for me i have given you shechem one portion more than your brothers which i took from the hand of the emorite with my sword and with my bow....'" (which one explantion of our sages states is not to be taken literally but only figuratively... he took the city with his prayer and study of torah eventhough there was an actual slaughter of the place by shimon and levi by the sword)...
and so what this campaign entails is our calling upon the jewish government of israel and the gentile governments of the rest of the world who support this oslo... road map suicide process against israel... to immediately cease and desist from implementing, carrying out and supporting these strategies which we all know can and will only lead to the total decimation of the jewish people and our holy land... our one, unique and G-d-given homeland... "the promised land" of israel...
and be you all forewarned that if you do not comply or heed our call...  we announce our intention to pray (daven) morning, noon and night... 7 days a week.... for the downfall of all of your governments and the death of all your leaders and supporters in and out of industry, military and government...
and what is more... we shall not be disuaded from our aim to free the jewish people nor will we be turned back from our resolve to save eretz yisroel... our cause is just and in righteous indignation we call upon the aid of the Al-mighty to slaughter all of you in the wrath of His holy attribute of absolute midat hadin (Divine justice) and thus frustrate and deny your realization and achievment of your evil intent against us and your wicked plot against our land...
furthermore we seek to bring down G-d's awesome punishing might to be unleashed upon a thoroughly jew-hating world of reshayim (evildoers) in order to, as He has promised us, avenge the innocent blood of our people that all of you have shed throughout our long history... particulary during this last tekufa (period) from the holocaust down to this very day...
lastly we will pray for your downfall and death to prevent your perpetrating another holocaust upon world jewry of which we have ample proof and evidence in abundance as to the veracity of this claim which we level at you and accuse you of harboring against us... and thus we know with certainty that this is your real design and true plan and has been all along going back at least 100 years if not more...
(text of prayer to follow)... nik.
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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re: death davening...
From: "nikmatdam" <[email protected]>

to help us in our effort to daven for deliverance from our enemies... two short prayers in english which can be inserted at the end of shmone esreh or in hebrew during shema koleinu... or they can stand alone and be recited at any time or in any place... nik.
from yesha...
"our Father and King... hear our voices, have compassion and mercy over Your people and over Your land... speedily refute the evil counsel of our enemies, to rend our people and our land to pieces... act on behalf of those slaughtered for Your unity... pour out Your wrath upon those who oppress us and avenge, before our eyes, the spilt blood of Your servants... bless those who protect our land, strengthen their spirit to quell and uproot our enemies from our land; place Your fear upon all of Your creatures... guide us with proper counsel before You and spread the tent of Your peace over all the breadth of Your holy land and may we greet Your anointed one speedily in our days for You hear the voice of our prayer..." amen....
(hebrew transliteration of above)...
"Avinu, Malkeinu...shema kolenu, chuse v'racheim al amcha v'al artzecha... mehayrah chafar eitzat oyvainu hara'ah... lekroah amenu v'artzainu l'gezarim... aseh lema'an t'vuchim al yichudecha... shefoch chamascha al tzorenu, v'nakeim l'ayneinu nikmat dam avadecha ha shafooch... bareych meginay eretz kodshaynu, v'amaytz roocham lehadbir oo l'magayr sonaynu mayartzeinu... v'tein pachdecha al kol masecha, tikneinu b'eitzah tova milfanecha, oofrose sukat shelomecha al kol merchavei eretz kadshecha v'nireh p'nei meshichecha b'mahayrah b'yameinu... ki Atah shomayah kol tefilateinu..." amen...
and my humble offering (with no hebrew version yet)...
"Hashem... please redeem us... please save k'lal yisroel and eretz yisroel... please destroy our enemies completely and utterly and wipe them off the face of the earth... and avenge the blood that they have spilled of our people throughout all of time like You promised.... and prevent them from shedding any more of our blood in the meantime... and may we live to see the great vindication of our people, our heritage, our nation and our land... and behold the great kiddush Hashem; the great sanctification of Your Holy Name and the great unification of Your Sacred Name when You bring moshiach and build the beit hamikdash despite our sins and flaws and failings to You... and despite the goyim and erev-rav unjewish jews trying to stop You from bringing the geulah shelaymah and prevent You from fulfilling Your Divine destiny for the world for tikkun olam for us and for them.... and may we then live with You in yerushalayim ir hakodesh... this time forever... to serve You, obey You, keep Your torah and come back to Your torah the way You wish us to... please may this happen in our lifetime... we beg You, we urge You, we supplicate You, we petition You, we beseech You, we implore You, we plead with You, we yearn for You... we seek to propitiate you... and we yearn for You to come and take us home to You... this time forever..." amen...   

"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline Masha

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from yesha...
"our Father and King... hear our voices, have compassion and mercy over Your people and over Your land... speedily refute the evil counsel of our enemies, to rend our people and our land to pieces... act on behalf of those slaughtered for Your unity... pour out Your wrath upon those who oppress us and avenge, before our eyes, the spilt blood of Your servants... bless those who protect our land, strengthen their spirit to quell and uproot our enemies from our land; place Your fear upon all of Your creatures... guide us with proper counsel before You and spread the tent of Your peace over all the breadth of Your holy land and may we greet Your anointed one speedily in our days for You hear the voice of our prayer..." amen....
(hebrew transliteration of above)...
"Avinu, Malkeinu...shema kolenu, chuse v'racheim al amcha v'al artzecha... mehayrah chafar eitzat oyvainu hara'ah... lekroah amenu v'artzainu l'gezarim... aseh lema'an t'vuchim al yichudecha... shefoch chamascha al tzorenu, v'nakeim l'ayneinu nikmat dam avadecha ha shafooch... bareych meginay eretz kodshaynu, v'amaytz roocham lehadbir oo l'magayr sonaynu mayartzeinu... v'tein pachdecha al kol masecha, tikneinu b'eitzah tova milfanecha, oofrose sukat shelomecha al kol merchavei eretz kadshecha v'nireh p'nei meshichecha b'mahayrah b'yameinu... ki Atah shomayah kol tefilateinu..." amen...

If everyone agrees, I can repost this prayer once a week before the time we all agree on. I think it would be good if we all read it in Hebrew.

Offline Shamgar

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Re: Please read my suggestion to all JTF members
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2008, 03:47:07 PM »
Can someone attach a recording of the prayer in Hebrew?
Infidels fighting Obamazombies and Islamazombies in the wastelands of the former United States.

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Offline AsheDina

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from yesha...
"our Father and King... hear our voices, have compassion and mercy over Your people and over Your land... speedily refute the evil counsel of our enemies, to rend our people and our land to pieces... act on behalf of those slaughtered for Your unity... pour out Your wrath upon those who oppress us and avenge, before our eyes, the spilt blood of Your servants... bless those who protect our land, strengthen their spirit to quell and uproot our enemies from our land; place Your fear upon all of Your creatures... guide us with proper counsel before You and spread the tent of Your peace over all the breadth of Your holy land and may we greet Your anointed one speedily in our days for You hear the voice of our prayer..." amen....
(hebrew transliteration of above)...
"Avinu, Malkeinu...shema kolenu, chuse v'racheim al amcha v'al artzecha... mehayrah chafar eitzat oyvainu hara'ah... lekroah amenu v'artzainu l'gezarim... aseh lema'an t'vuchim al yichudecha... shefoch chamascha al tzorenu, v'nakeim l'ayneinu nikmat dam avadecha ha shafooch... bareych meginay eretz kodshaynu, v'amaytz roocham lehadbir oo l'magayr sonaynu mayartzeinu... v'tein pachdecha al kol masecha, tikneinu b'eitzah tova milfanecha, oofrose sukat shelomecha al kol merchavei eretz kadshecha v'nireh p'nei meshichecha b'mahayrah b'yameinu... ki Atah shomayah kol tefilateinu..." amen...

If everyone agrees, I can repost this prayer once a week before the time we all agree on. I think it would be good if we all read it in Hebrew.

  I BELIEVE that THIS prayer ought to just have its OWN platform, where people can go- and pray it, and BELIEVE IT. No 'sub-topic' or topics, just the Prayer for Yisrael- and people can respond with whatever comes to their hearts, on a daily basis.  In Hebrew and English.
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Re: Please read my suggestion to all JTF members
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2008, 07:58:39 PM »
More Prayer = More Power
Little Prayer = Little Power
No Prayer    = No Power

A week without prayer makes one weak!

Amen! Great idea!  Let us stand in the gap to prevent this satanic beast BHO.
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

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Re: Please read my suggestion to all JTF members
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2008, 06:25:39 AM »
Yes, this is a great idea..... O0

Prayer does change things!!!!!

שמע ישראל

Offline Haim_Ben_Shimon_3JFB

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Re: Please read my suggestion to all JTF members
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2008, 08:00:50 AM »
you see what i am saying we barely got a "meenyan" 10 people for prayer to do this thing but its still aight i guess. Masha why don't you mention this on Ask JTF this week everyone listens to it so i guess we will get more people to hear about your great idea.