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Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« on: July 02, 2008, 08:57:07 AM »

Paulette, you are free to express your opinions here, but I disagree with your conclusions on this program. I do not agree with you that the upcoming presidential election will be cancelled and that Marshall Law will be declared. I believe that the election will take place as scheduled, and that either John McCain or Barack Hussein Obama will be elected to the presidency.

I also believe that an Obama victory, G-d forbid, will cause much more violence than an Obama defeat. If blacks and Muslims see that their man has been elected president and that they are taking over the once great United States of America, it will lead to an unprecedented wave of violent crime and terror, in my opinion. This is what happened when the black racist David Dinkins was elected mayor of New York. When Rudy Giuliani was elected mayor four years later and cracked down on black crime, there was much less violence. The same thing has happened in many other major cities. On a national level, this will be much worse if Obama is elected president, G-d forbid.

Anyway, Paulette is entitled to her opinion and she expresses it in the following audio program:
« Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 09:13:47 AM by Chaim Ben Pesach »

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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2008, 09:12:35 AM »
I agree with Chaim. 

I think that type of conclusion only feeds the and dailykos conspiracy theorists who claimed last year that Bush Jr. would be declared a dictator.  He probably can't wait until he could go back to Texas.     

I also agree with the 2nd paragraph.

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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2008, 09:38:17 AM »
Chaim is right in my opinion, there will an election and a president will be chosen... the rest is anybody's guess as to what happens next. However, if Obama wins G-d forbid things will become worse day by day, decent and honest people won't have much of an alternative but to go on Conservative Talk shows and complain about it.
If Obama looses, all speculation will be hosed down very quickly because even the media and multi national corp don't do well in a crisis or riot... It will be squashed in the media and the press will leave it alone, even though Now their suggesting unrest will take place- none sense- It's a bluff!
However, Sharpton and Jackson will promote and incite unrest regardless  but without the media support they'll go unnoticed and briefly they'll be extinguished.

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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2008, 10:36:04 AM »
Then election will happen. There is a good chance that if Obama wins that he will not make it through the first year, (especially if Clinton is the VP  :::D). Once that happens the people of color will riot and an outright civil war will take place.
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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2008, 11:03:04 AM »
 Dear the wonderful Men on this forum...I have over 630 posts here.. I post night and day... nobody reads my posts, and ~Some ladies (or as I call them-female dogs) cry & whine.. I dont do that- I just get in your face, and say the most outlandish thing I can- so that people will wake up.. its all part about being a hard core in your face type person.. The FACT is- regardless of these crazy conclusions- People NEED to WAKE UP.

  (Now, I will tell you THIS though: Newsmax reported that the Marines are training in IA, IN, and ILL for Marshall Law, which is where I got my idea.  As far as a Dictatorship? I dont see that. I see a different America b/c of the beasts.)

  Now, Men, I am so glad that you had a STRONGER conclusion, and THIS IS WHY, a woman should NEVER BE IN CHARGE.  (Sorry girls) My case in point. (Also, I cant let it be said that I walked on the Earth and was dull. ^-^ Poor David.. its a good thing that he takes no bull from ME.  ::) NONE.)

OK, Onward. Maybe people will now take me a little more serious....or NOT, but at least they might read what I have to say once in awhile, because Life is VERY serious, and IN Life- there IS humor.

  Shalom, G-d bless I appreciate all of the input, its NOT easy doing audios, and throwing out wild and outlandish things for people to hear. Your INPUT makes me WANT to get stronger and MORE accurate, in public speaking.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2008, 12:03:36 AM by Paulette »
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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2008, 12:35:50 PM »
I was thinking that this election will result in a Civil War at some point in the future, for many reasons or scenarios, if it doesn't turn out right.  If Obama and the left come to power.
I do think right thinking people should set their mind to that eventuality. 
How do you prepare young people for that America?
My child often asks me if that could happen here.
The idea of war and rioting in our streets seems so foreign to the average American despite 9/11.
The media has diminished the image of terror taking place in downtown Manhattan to the point it seems like a dream or movie.  Did that really happen here?  I'm almost not sure.  ;)
Your point is well taken Paulette.

I do believe that there will be an election in November as planned.

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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2008, 01:04:13 PM »
I've thought myself that such a scenario could happen Paulette. The globalist forces don't give a flying flip about our rights or our freedoms and if they can't get us to vote in globalism then they will do what they can to force it on us.

I do believe that THIS election will happen, and we must work under that assumption regardless, because we have to fight "Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama". I don't know what will happen in the future, but we must fight as much as we can and pray and trust and love G-d regardless of what occurs.

There will be riots if he doesn't get elected, but there will be more riots if he does get in. Innocent people's lives are on the line; innocent people's lives of all races are on the line. There will be massive chimpouts from blacks either way, but the fact that one of their own apes got into a position of such high power would make them much, much more uppity and will dangerously embolden them.

The only thing I really disagree with you on is that women should never be in charge. I think whoever has the best leadership skills should be in charge. I think you should learn Karate too, because that will help you to defend yourself and others if need be.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 01:08:59 PM by Rubystars »

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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2008, 02:32:46 PM »

The idea of war and rioting in our streets seems so foreign to the average American despite 9/11.

America quickly forgets. Every single person their 30's does not remember the riots of 1968 since none of them were born at the time:

If Obama wins life will go on as usual in the average American house. Americans are too obsessed with Digital TV, the NFL, drinking, spending money on useless things, and getting fat to care about politics. American inner cities will probably become more violent.  Slowly but surely our taxes will go up and we will turn toward socialism but the average American won't notice or care.

« Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 02:37:38 PM by Baltimore »

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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2008, 02:38:44 PM »
You don't have to go back that far. Look what happened from Katrina in No Orleans. That was just caused by the weather...
Infidels fighting Obamazombies and Islamazombies in the wastelands of the former United States.

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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2008, 02:51:34 PM »
I was thinking that this election will result in a Civil War at some point in the future, for many reasons or scenarios, if it doesn't turn out right.  If Obama and the left come to power.
I do think right thinking people should set their mind to that eventuality. 
How do you prepare young people for that America?
My child often asks me if that could happen here.
The idea of war and rioting in our streets seems so foreign to the average American despite 9/11.
The media has diminished the image of terror taking place in downtown Manhattan to the point it seems like a dream or movie.  Did that really happen here?  I'm almost not sure.  ;)
Your point is well taken Paulette.

I do believe that there will be an election in November as planned.

  The strategy of being READY is to ALWAYS believe that the WORST WILL happen. It is crazy to live that way- BUT that is how my Nana WW2 taught ME- I dont know HOW people dont take a lot of this stuff as being serious..Anything that these abominable creatures put out there is serious. These events will all occur- probably at a later time..BUT- what (IF) it should occur now?  ARM yourselves. Dont let your kids out of your site. MOST of ALL: REMAIN CALM. DO NOT LET THIS EFFECT YOUR PSYCHE. Listen to Law Enforcement in your town, city.  I cant write anymore- I will repond in a p.m. I am just tired- I have been on this obama situation 14 hours a day. That audio was meant to WAKE PEOPLE UP.
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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2008, 09:53:41 PM »
Magnificent audio!!!! I ALWAYS SAY, DO NOT SIT BACK!!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2008, 01:09:04 AM »
very good audio

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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2008, 02:08:31 AM »
Strictly an FYI for everybody, the correct spelling is martial law.

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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2008, 02:23:28 AM »
Strictly an FYI for everybody, the correct spelling is martial law.

I always get annoyed when people mix up "ancestors" and "descendants". As in someone with no children saying "My descendants 400 years ago were from England". That always bugs me.

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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2008, 03:01:08 AM »
I've thought myself that such a scenario could happen Paulette. The globalist forces don't give a flying flip about our rights or our freedoms and if they can't get us to vote in globalism then they will do what they can to force it on us.

I do believe that THIS election will happen, and we must work under that assumption regardless, because we have to fight "Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama". I don't know what will happen in the future, but we must fight as much as we can and pray and trust and love G-d regardless of what occurs.

There will be riots if he doesn't get elected, but there will be more riots if he does get in. Innocent people's lives are on the line; innocent people's lives of all races are on the line. There will be massive chimpouts from blacks either way, but the fact that one of their own apes got into a position of such high power would make them much, much more uppity and will dangerously embolden them.

The only thing I really disagree with you on is that women should never be in charge. I think whoever has the best leadership skills should be in charge. I think you should learn Karate too, because that will help you to defend yourself and others if need be.

  Very well put- as far as defending myself- well- I have had to, many times growing up on L.I., NY- Dad was a SEAL. Nope, didnt take Karate- would probably get beaten by a karate fighter- but I am a terrible person to have to fight, I wont go down. BUT- when I was young, I learned to twirl a baton, I am EXCELLENT at it- Well, if ya follow my drift here- I have had to use that baton.... I can twirl a Winchester and my 22 G. As well as my 13th Century Sword.
  I wont ever be a leader and I have to follow what I believe here- I have not seen a really effective leader since Margaret Thatcher- women like that are FEW and FAR between. I know- I seem to have a bad attitude with women in power.. I do. I have worked with very powerful females in CORP. Finance- they are viscous, cruel, and wont think twice of bringing a whole CO down, while having their time of the month. A Proverbs 31 woman is really where it is at. Rubystars- I believe you to be an excellent character- I hope that you will do everything in your power to be the great type person that you believe a woman can be. My hats off to you. :)
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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2008, 03:52:21 AM »
Paulette, sexual education is necessary at a very early age to prevent AIDS and unwanted pregnancies.
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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2008, 03:57:53 AM »
 Well, in my little world- when I was growing up- see, Mom sat with me, and SHE told me ALL about the 'birds and the bees'.  Schools are not suppose to be responsible for parenting.  As a result of firm upbringing, I didnt have an issue with my chastity at all. It is all in good parenting- people are now just conditioned to think this way.
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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2008, 04:03:00 AM »
Well, in my little world- when I was growing up- see, Mom sat with me, and SHE told me ALL about the 'birds and the bees'.  Schools are not suppose to be responsible for parenting.  As a result of firm upbringing, I didnt have an issue with my chastity at all. It is all in good parenting- people are now just conditioned to think this way.

Yes it was the same in the Soviet Union but times have changed.
Would you rather sacrifice many lives with AIDS than teach them how to protect themselves?
I don't think so.
Condoms should be freely available so that people don't spend extra money NOT to get AIDS and die or get pregnant and undergo abortion.
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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2008, 04:12:17 AM »
Well, in my little world- when I was growing up- see, Mom sat with me, and SHE told me ALL about the 'birds and the bees'.  Schools are not suppose to be responsible for parenting.  As a result of firm upbringing, I didnt have an issue with my chastity at all. It is all in good parenting- people are now just conditioned to think this way.

Yes it was the same in the Soviet Union but times have changed.
Would you rather sacrifice many lives with AIDS than teach them how to protect themselves?
I don't think so.
Condoms should be freely available so that people don't spend extra money NOT to get AIDS and die or get pregnant and undergo abortion.

  Parents need to be responsible. I see where you are coming from, I know- but am tired of all the excuses I hear of bad parenting. People are stupid in this day and age to go out and sleep around. Its not my fault if people cant control themselves and get aids. Irresponsible parenting should not be the problem of schools, who need to teach what they use to teach: History, Math, Science, and English (Or whatever language you are) Handing condoms out just makes for a lisense to sleep around and 'experiment'  and that is a sick and very unhealthy way to live.
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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2008, 04:17:17 AM »
Well, in my little world- when I was growing up- see, Mom sat with me, and SHE told me ALL about the 'birds and the bees'.  Schools are not suppose to be responsible for parenting.  As a result of firm upbringing, I didnt have an issue with my chastity at all. It is all in good parenting- people are now just conditioned to think this way.

Yes it was the same in the Soviet Union but times have changed.
Would you rather sacrifice many lives with AIDS than teach them how to protect themselves?
I don't think so.
Condoms should be freely available so that people don't spend extra money NOT to get AIDS and die or get pregnant and undergo abortion.

  Parents need to be responsible. I see where you are coming from, I know- but am tired of all the excuses I hear of bad parenting. People are stupid in this day and age to go out and sleep around. Its not my fault if people cant control themselves and get aids. Irresponsible parenting should not be the problem of schools, who need to teach what they use to teach: History, Math, Science, and English (Or whatever language you are) Handing condoms out just makes for a lisense to sleep around and 'experiment'  and that is a sick and very unhealthy way to live.

Actually being sexually inactive for a long period of time is unhealthy.
I know you're saying these things for religious reasons nothing else.
But people will go and sleep around with or without protection, we are human beings
so better safe than sorry.
If we start killing people with AIDS we won't even need muslims to do their job.

Free Javakh!!!
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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2008, 04:37:51 AM »
Well, in my little world- when I was growing up- see, Mom sat with me, and SHE told me ALL about the 'birds and the bees'.  Schools are not suppose to be responsible for parenting.  As a result of firm upbringing, I didnt have an issue with my chastity at all. It is all in good parenting- people are now just conditioned to think this way.

Yes it was the same in the Soviet Union but times have changed.
Would you rather sacrifice many lives with AIDS than teach them how to protect themselves?
I don't think so.
Condoms should be freely available so that people don't spend extra money NOT to get AIDS and die or get pregnant and undergo abortion.

  Parents need to be responsible. I see where you are coming from, I know- but am tired of all the excuses I hear of bad parenting. People are stupid in this day and age to go out and sleep around. Its not my fault if people cant control themselves and get aids. Irresponsible parenting should not be the problem of schools, who need to teach what they use to teach: History, Math, Science, and English (Or whatever language you are) Handing condoms out just makes for a lisense to sleep around and 'experiment'  and that is a sick and very unhealthy way to live.

Actually being sexually inactive for a long period of time is unhealthy.
I know you're saying these things for religious reasons nothing else.
But people will go and sleep around with or without protection, we are human beings
so better safe than sorry.
If we start killing people with AIDS we won't even need muslims to do their job.

 If we could only get so lucky, to see all the muz get aids.
 Yes, I confess, that my convictions are strong, but I was taught these religious convictions since I was what? 2-3?
 I believe that all stores carry protective things- so- people can get a job and support their own sex habits- I cant tell people what to do, but I am not going to change, just b/c people WANT to sleep with everyone. People should sleep with their husband/wife, sex is suppose to be a gift from Gd, it is distorted now, IMO, and PERSONAL belief.
 I AM abstinent, (which makes my David ben Moshe, love me even more)
 I am ok. I am not going blind or anything.  ;)
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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2008, 08:52:03 AM »
Paulette - you are one of a kind. Very good shows, though some parts I have differences with. A job well done on the whole. Thanks for being such a STRONG women.

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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2008, 03:00:56 PM »
Actually being sexually inactive for a long period of time is unhealthy.
I know you're saying these things for religious reasons nothing else.
But people will go and sleep around with or without protection, we are human beings
so better safe than sorry.
If we start killing people with AIDS we won't even need muslims to do their job.
And your evidence for this is?

Are you asserting that we are animals--beasts of the field--with zero self-control over our actions?

These are mighty bold things to claim on a conservative Kahanist forum.

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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2008, 03:23:37 PM »
Actually being sexually inactive for a long period of time is unhealthy.
I know you're saying these things for religious reasons nothing else.
But people will go and sleep around with or without protection, we are human beings
so better safe than sorry.
If we start killing people with AIDS we won't even need muslims to do their job.

Who said anything about killing people with AIDS? 

Also, I have to agree with C.F.'s latest post.  Human beings, unlike animals have free will.  We're not just creatures of instinct.  Recreational sex should be discouraged.  It has nothing to do with sex being "dirty."  It's all about the proper place for it being in a marriage. 

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Re: Paulette's Latest Program (07/02)
« Reply #24 on: July 03, 2008, 03:44:25 PM »
Actually being sexually inactive for a long period of time is unhealthy.
I know you're saying these things for religious reasons nothing else.
But people will go and sleep around with or without protection, we are human beings
so better safe than sorry.
If we start killing people with AIDS we won't even need muslims to do their job.

Who said anything about killing people with AIDS? 

Also, I have to agree with C.F.'s latest post.  Human beings, unlike animals have free will.  We're not just creatures of instinct.  Recreational sex should be discouraged.  It has nothing to do with sex being "dirty."  It's all about the proper place for it being in a marriage. 

  ~RIGHT Lisa and C.F. RIGHT!!! COME ON People!!! This conditioning is all over the planet!! I dont know how aids got brought up here- the audio was about how bad things COULD get.  I have never in my life- slept around!!! The very thought of taking a most holy and PRECIOUS thing and just doing whatever is shocking to me. But, I was brought up EXTREMELY strict, and learned this so young I cant even remember- the thing was- SAVE YOUR CHASTITY AND GIFT for your Wedding night, with the person you intend to be with forever- I realize THAT is always not the case either- some people get married for stupid dumb reasons, and end up div. but even THAT person should RESTRAIN themselves! 
  ~I know some people that have like a common law marriage- and they have been with eachother for 20 years or so, they should get married, IMO- BUT, I am not going to be the one to "force" people to do that. I can, however, influence young men and women to save themselves and be pure- it is STRENGTH to do this. Society has taught that this is "weak!" NO ITS NOT- It is STRONG- the other is WEAKNESS. BIGTIME
~IIC believes the way he believes, and I am not going to 'missionize' but I have to agree with you all.

Anyway- obama is a pig and has been with BOTH male AND female- EW! (Larry Sinclair, STRONG possibility- he was recent in DC) EW! >:(
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