Author Topic: Barak hussein obama's site blames MC Caines father for USS. Liberty  (Read 975 times)

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July 2, 2008
Obama Campaign Site: Israel “Murdered” U.S.S. Liberty Sailors
This blood libel of Israel, Jews, and John McCain’s father is sanctioned by Barack Obama’s official campaign
by Bill Levinson

It has been established that Barack Obama’s official campaign site exercises editorial control over the content of, and is capable of finding and removing “offensive” and “disrespectful” material within two days. The following has been online for almost three weeks. It accuses Israel of deliberatly murdering the crew of the U.S.S. Liberty, American Jews with divided loyalties of complicity, and John McCain’s father of complicity in a cover up. The following entry is sanctioned (tolerated) by Barack Obama’s official campaign although, now that it has been re-posted here and at Free Republic, it will soon go the way of Michael Pfleger’s and Jeremiah Wright’s testimonials.

McCain and the U.S.S. Liberty
By Tony Wicher - Jun 12th, 2008 at 12:11 pm EDT
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When Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., Commander in Chief, United States Naval Forces, Europe, ordered the cover-up on the attack of the USS LIBERTY GTR-5 it was a sure act of treason perpetrated on the American people and the crew of the LIBERTY to hide the true facts surrounding the unprovoked attack by the Government of Israel on our ship, the USS LIBERTY

As most of you know, the Government of Israel attacked our ship in international waters on June 8, 1967. On this bright, sunny day our ship had been positively identified as American and friendly. This very fact has been repeated by our attackers, Israel. They knew we were there but around 1:00 they forgot about us. This was the excuse given, that they accidentally took us off their war table, like we just vanished into thin air.

Doesn’t that sound like a fairy tale? Well, it is. How could this lie hold water with the Board of Inquiry conducted by Admiral Isaac Kidd along with Captain Ward Boston, JAG officer, reporting to the Judge Advocate General, USN and Admiral McCain. The answer to that question is very easy. It goes right back to Admiral McCain. He did not want the truth to come out. He ordered those two respected career naval officers to hide, cover-up and lie in their official Board of Inquiry which McCain signed off on in approximately 10 days. Can you imagine a Board of Inquiry of this magnitude could be completed and signed off on in ten days? It is unheard of, ever, in the annuls of US Naval history.

Also, can you imagine this same Admiral would recall all rescue aircraft coming to our aid, along with MacNamara and the president himself, LBJ.

We were set up to sink. The Israelis, along with our own government, would blame it on an Arab combatant, Egypt.

As we now know, Cairo was only 120 seconds away from a nuclear attack from the US Government, all for the benefit of Israel, the killers of 34 Americans, the wounding of 174 others and the near destruction of a $40 million ship that ended up being scrapped.

Captain Ward Boston said to Admiral Kidd that he knew this was wrong but must follow orders from Admiral McCain. As far as I and most of the crew are concerned, Admiral McCain, Jr. has LIBERTY blood on his hands. Captain Ward Boston has since recanted his remarks in the Board of Inquiry as lies ordered upon him by Admiral McCain, Jr. G-d bless him for his courage to come forward with the truth.

Now, we come to what has happened in the past few years. A man called A. J. Cristol, a Jewish bankruptcy judge from Florida, wrote a book called THE LIBERTY INCIDENT, in which he says Israel is exonerated for the attack on the LIBERTY because it was a case of mistaken identity. The book is full of lies, falsehoods and continues the cover-up for Israel’s blatant murder of American sons on the high seas. The survivors call this book a bunch of hog wash. Guess who endorses this book as factual? YEP! You guessed it - Senator John McCain. He knows all about the cover-up on the LIBERTY attack but he follows in his father’s footsteps and praises this piece of garbage. He, along with his father, has the blood of the LIBERTY crew on his hands.

Please email Senator John McCain and express your outrage for this continued cover-up never heard of before in US Naval history. All McCain cares about is the Jewish vote and pleasing Israel. No one should be allowed to get by with murder, not even Israel nor our elected officials. They all should be held accountable for the murders and wounding of Americans and the subsequent cover-up, especially Senator John McCain.

I love our country and I want it back to be the home of the brave and the land of the free where honest Americans care about our homeland, not Israel. We can’t fight anymore wars for Israel with the blessing of our congress. It is killing our sons and daughters and has bankrupted our government, all for the sake of Israel.

That, ladies and gentlemen, are the facts, sad but, oh so true.

Phillip F. Tourney, survivor

Per, there was plenty of blame to go around in the Liberty incident: our country, for not removing its ship from an active war zone, and Israel, for failing to identify a target before firing on it. In addition, an unidentified (presumably Arab) vessel was shelling Israeli positions from the vicinity. When Israel sent torpedo boats to investigate after the air attacks on the ship, the torpedo boats approached in a manner that suggested to the American commander that they were going to attack his ship, and he ordered a machine gun to fire on them. This of course convinced the Israelis that the ship was in fact an Arab combatant. Messes of this nature (blue on blue fire) happen all too frequently during wartime, and Israel later paid humanitarian compensation to the families of the dead sailors.

The bottom line is, however, that Barack Obama’s official campaign sanctions conspiracy theories, blood libels of Israel, and

BTW look up A. J. Cristol he was a fighter pilot for many yrs
« Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 01:32:01 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Re: Barak hussein obama's site blames MC Caines father for USS. Liberty
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2008, 01:35:03 PM »
About A.J. Cristol who  said the Liberty was not Israel's fault   

About the Author

In November 1951, during the Korean conflict, A. Jay Cristol joined the US Navy as an aviation cadet, earning his Navy Wings of Gold in April 1953. He deployed with VS-37, a Navy anti-submarine squadron aboard the aircraft carrier Princeton (CV-37) to the Western Pacific and the Sea of Japan. He was also part of TG70.4 during February 1955, in support of evacuating Nationalist Chinese from the Tachen Islands near the Communist China mainland in the South China Sea. He flew day and night missions as both a hunter pilot flying the Grumann AF-2W and a killer pilot flying the Grumann AF-2S. He was subsequently attached to the Fleet All Weather Training Unit, Pacific at San Diego, California as an instrument flight instructor and taught maneuvers for the delivery of nuclear weapons. Upon returning to civilian life, Cristol joined the Naval Air Reserve where he qualified as a four-engine Navy transport plane commander. In the 1960s, he flew operational flights during the Cuban Missile Crises and volunteer airlift missions to Vietnam.

After 18 years as a Naval aviator, Cristol joined the Judge Advocate General's Corps. He graduated with distinction from Naval Justice School. He served as a lawyer for another twenty years. His duties included teaching law of war and serving as the administrative officer for the summer Naval Reserve law courses. In 1983, he was made an honorary professor by the Naval Justice School. He has performed special active duty in the office of the Secretary of the Navy and the Chief of Naval Operations. In the 1980s, the Department of Defense sent him to the International Institute of Humanitarian Law at San Remo, Italy to lecture on Law of Naval warfare to senior foreign military officers. Captain Cristol retired in 1988. He wears more than a dozen military decorations including the Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy Commendation Medal, and the Navy Achievement Medal.

In civilian life, Cristol became a lawyer and practiced civil law. He served as Special Assistant Attorney General of Florida during the 1959, 1961, 1963, and 1965 sessions of the Florida Legislature. In 1985, after 25 years of law practice, he left his position as senior partner in a firm he founded to accept an appointment to the federal bench. He continues to serve as Chief Judge Emeritus in the Southern District of Florida. He is also an adjunct professor, teaching at the University of Miami School of Law.

An interest in international terrorism led him to enroll in the Graduate School of International Studies of the University of Miami where he researched and wrote on terrorism. Because of his background as a navy pilot, a navy lawyer (JAG), a lecturer in law of naval warfare, a civil lawyer, and a federal judge, members of the faculty encouraged him to research and write about the Liberty incident. He spent ten years researching the subject and was awarded a Ph.D. by the University of Miami Graduate School of International Studies. His collection of research material on this subject is considered to be the largest and most complete of any collection on the subject in the entire world. After completing his dissertation, he obtained declassification of additional heretofore secret documents through many Freedom of Information Act requests and appeals and then by suing the National Security Agency under the Freedom of Information Act. He prevailed, resulting in the release of audio tapes and documents of substantial importance to his research on July 2, 2003. This release made international news including an Associated Press story and two CNN appearances by Cristol (including 15 minutes live with Wolf Blitzer). His book, The Liberty Incident, was written to update and complete the historical record. He was invited by the United States Department of State to an international conference on the 1967 war. He appeared on a panel about the Liberty incident together with the Historian for the State Department, the Historian for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Historian for the National Security Agency (NSA). The event was broadcast live by C-SPAN, and BBC World News broadcast a live interview of Cristol. The Department of State released Volume XIX of Foreign Relations of the United States which includes substantial additional declassified documentation, all of which support Cristol's conclusions. He has written numerous articles on law, aviation, history, and other subjects.

Judge Cristol remains an avid aviator. He made his first flight in a Piper J-3 Cub on Biscayne Bay in 1945. He has personally piloted a Ford Tri-Motor, the Goodyear Blimp, a Soviet MiG-15, a Czech L-39, a Chinese CJ-6, a French Fouga Magister, and many other unique, antique, or historic aircraft. In 1998, he became one of the few persons to have an airplane named after him when Pan Am named one of their 727 aircraft the Clipper A. Jay Cristol. After presiding over the reorganization of Arrow Air, he was further honored by having an Arrow Air DC-8-62 named the "Judge A. Jay Cristol." He is a founding member of the National Museum of Naval Aviation at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida and a founding member of the Wings Over Miami Military and Classic Aircraft Museum in Miami, Florida. Cristol is an Angel Flight volunteer pilot and enjoys flying people in need of transportation to and from regional medical centers for treatment. In 2003, the Greater Miami Aviation Association honored Judge Cristol with their Glenn Curtiss Award for having a profound effect on the aviation industry and for his contributions to improve the South Florida community. On February 1, 2007, St. Thomas University School of Law honored Judge Cristol with its Outstanding Jurist Award. The 2007 May/June issue of Airliners magazine published a story about Judge Cristol.

Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03