I've carried the iratollah name for years, I got it for being the spiritual leader of my motorcycle gang. My shul, which I'm in every single Shabbat, will sure be surprised to find out that I'm muslim. Looks like there's some paranoid putzes on this board if you think I'm muslim. About the only boards I post on are gun owner and motorcycle boards. Look for me at the national rifle championships next month.
It's the leftist hippy hate groups in town that I've been kicking the crap out of, even some rabbis have joined me in the activities I've led to put those a-holes out of business. Their group has dwindled down from two dozen Jew haters regularly appearing in public to only three. I'm not done with them yet. The messianic phony Jews are next. But I'll find some real Jews to work with me as the schmeckles here are too busy chest thumping like Tarzan to accomplish anything useful.
What I see here are a bunch of keyboard commandos who love to shry. What have any of you schmegegies done besides sling excrement? Then it splashes back on you and you complain that you don't like the smell? How many of you would say in person what you're willing to tell me here? Ummm-hmmm. Faigalehs.
There's a big difference between defending muslims and fighting hate speech. Hate speech is the specialty of the trash that wants to kill us. I'm supposed to sound like them? You keep on marginalizing yourselves and then go screw off.
My grandparents, uncles and aunt were murdered for being Jewish, I don't need some schlubs hiding behind keyboards telling me that I'm pathetic. You bigots be sure to take my circumcized dick out of your mouths before you ban me. 
I don't know anything about your holy prophet 'Chaim', I'm trembling in anticipation of what he/she may have to say to me. Except it doesn't look like I'll be around since I'm not goose-stepping to the same drummer as the regulars here.
Wow- This is the new course in "
How to make friends and influence people" ?
Welcome to OUR world... "Hate-Speech" the term reserved for the
marxists trying to pass the bill into law, the: H.R 1955
WE USE to live in a USA that had ACCOUNTABILITY that comes with Free Speech:
"The free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the invaluable rights of man, and every citizen may freely speak, write and print on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty."
Written in Freedom of Press and Speech; Libels Section 7. WE, the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, grateful to Almighty G-d for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, and humbly invoking His guidance, do ordain and establish this Constitution.
Sir; I read that your young daughter carries an AR15? As you have written here? And she is a Jewish girl?
I suggest that you would teach her a course in
psych darts, so that she may learn how to direct insults with greater accuracy.
Keyboard Commandos? It is evident, that which you detest, has become your own hypocrisy. Methinks thou doth protest too much.
Pardon me for perpetrating such an atrocious breech of social etiquette.. but, just exactly WHAT does your 'beef' have to do with people here?
Are you suggesting that we cower to these words which you use so casually, just because you post that you have a motorcycle, and a rifle? You stated that you have grandparents, aunts, and uncles that were murdered for being Jewish... Do you believe that THEY would be joyful over your seeming threatening persona that is glowering over children whose g-fathers/g-mothers and etc. suffered in the same fate?
I can't speak for the National Chaiman of the JTF, however, I CAN speak for me- This really IS the nastiest group of words comprised, in a post that I have ever seen.
Welcome, I guess..