Volunteers from Europe in Croatia
When Croatia was realizing it’s secession from Yugoslavia many Western Europeans
felt obligated to help their Croatian brothers during the war
against Yugoslavia - which was in that time an international recognized country.
Besides German, English and Austrian volunteers there was also a Dutch volunteer unit fighting on the side of Croatia. It is also a fact that many neo Nazis, Skinheads and other fascist oriented individuals were helping their Nazi relatives in Croatia, during the collapse of Yugoslavia. In the future we should also start a topic about them. Lets now find out some more about those volunteers from the Netherlands!
Name of the organization: Dutch Croatian work community
This Dutch organization organized an unit of Dutch soldiers who volunteered into the Croatian army. It is also well known that this association was connected to the Dutch and Belgium extreme right (fascist) parties. These Dutch volunteers had also a certain amount of sympathy for Nazism. The Dutch soldiers felt very comfortable among Croatian ustashis, who openly associated themselves with Nazis.
The leader of this volunteer unit was a Dutch man named “Johan Tilder”
Johan Tilder was captured in 1994 by the army of the Republic of Serbian Krajina.
At the website, you can see the captured Johan Tilder while he was questioned by the Krajina Serbs. The Dutch man says that he is treated well by Serbian soldiers.
The Krajina authorities had questioned Johan Tilder in regard to the ethnic of cleansing of Serbs on the area of “Medacki Dzep” in Lika. Many Serbs from “Medacki Dzep” were killed by the Croats. When the Croats carried out the ethnic cleansing over the Serbs on these areas, Johan Tilder and his volunteer unit were there, at the time, present.

On the picture, the Dutch soldiers receive instructions from a Catholic Croatian priest before they went to the battle field.
For more information visit the website of this group: