I honestly didn't know that was a Nazi site. I never even read the bottom of it. It was a pack of lies, at least the bottom part.
The whole top part seemed ok, I guess.
I was typing in search words, in the address bar, thats all. And I clicked on the link.
So ban me!
I still support Chaim Ben Pesach, but you can all kiss my donkey 
White Shadow, I don't have time for this nonsense. You are clearly breaking the forum rules. Both Lisa and I have been very patient with you.
I try to judge favorably but it really appears to me and others that you are carrying on to cause disruptions or problems on the forum. We have more important things to focus on than clearly racist posts like:
Just wondering, are you white?
Extra greasy fried chicken
Grape Soda
Totally disgusting: Getting pushed into a giant vat of schvartzas' snot.
So how is that supposed to help the movement? Do you think this helps us? Rabbi Kahane would have never approved of this. Exactly how are you "supporting Chaim" when the same sentence tells the forum members to kiss your rear end?
And now you have the nerve to post antisemitic link, tell the members to kiss your ... , tell us to ban you, and create a thread called "Please don't ban meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I take it all back." If you don't support JTF policies or the members of JTF, then you are not supporting Chaim or the movement.
I am not going to allow this to continue and I don't feel you are sincere. This is very inappropriate. It's embarrassing to have on the forum. We have serious issues to focus on with the elections coming up and life and death issues in Israel.
You are banned.