Author Topic: Is the Economy Collapsing?  (Read 6476 times)

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Offline Lubab

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Is the Economy Collapsing?
« on: July 13, 2008, 07:24:22 PM »
While people are arguing about a lot of inconsequential things I'm just wondering if anyone has been watching the news lately and noticing how our major financial institutions are starting to collapse, the value of the dollar is dropping like a brick, while food and gas prices are rising daily and there is a serious threat that Iran could block the strait of Hormuz causing oil prices to rise to levels that could cripple the food and transportation industry.

The war has put the government in a position that it owes more money to other countries than even exists in the world.  Bush and Cheney have already moved all their assets over to Dubai and foreign offshore accounts. Even Warren Buffet says "he's now betting against the dollar".

I hear the UK is preparing for WW2 style food rationing and yet I don't here too many people talking about it here.

We are dealing with a very integrated global economy here where a collapse in the US would be felt around the world.

Are we all just in denial about these events? Or am I just being paranoid.

Possibly JTFers would be wise to stock up and some non-perishables in the event of a food shortage if production comes to a halt as it did in 1929.

P.S. It also seems that the blaming of the Jew that we've always seen throughout  history when things get rought has begun:

Schumer being blamed for IndyMac collapse:
« Last Edit: July 13, 2008, 07:38:02 PM by Lubab »
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Offline Zionist Revolutionary

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2008, 07:40:57 PM »
History is repeating itself.  There was a time in the past when there was a period of high growth followed by economic collapse.  The roaring twenties to the end of World War 2.  Thats us today.  We went through a period of high economic growth, and now we're going through the beginning of a depression.  But this time its different.  America is not the America of the 1930's and 1940's.  Today America is weak, tired, and feminized.  Men are no loner men, women are no loner women, you can't call Islam terrorist, illegal aliens represent a huge and growing minority, and the entire political system is corrupt.

What can we do?  Fight the good fight.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2008, 07:44:53 PM »
Economy is getting worse.

Look at the illegal immigrants coming here flooding the country, proposed NAU and NAFTA, currency dropping like a rock, oil prices going up, food prices going up.

I don't see how America can survive at presense, it will likely turn into a civil war at some point with rival political groups trying to gain power.

Offline Americanhero1

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2008, 07:49:37 PM »
Economy is getting worse.

Look at the illegal immigrants coming here flooding the country, proposed NAU and NAFTA, currency dropping like a rock, oil prices going up, food prices going up.

I don't see how America can survive at presense, it will likely turn into a civil war at some point with rival political groups trying to gain power.

If the economy collapes there will be fights breaking out culminating into a civil war

I am ready lets fight

Offline Lubab

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2008, 07:53:36 PM »
There's a real dilemma here in trying to protect yourself. Because in most states your guns need to be registered. If they're registered the government can easily find you and confiscate it as they did to the gun owners in New Orleans during Katrina who were trying to protect themselves.

Remind anyone of a simliar gun registration-confiscation policy of another country thought friendly to the Jews instituted about 60  years ago?
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2008, 08:06:42 PM »
While people are arguing about a lot of inconsequential things I'm just wondering if anyone has been watching the news lately and noticing how our major financial institutions are starting to collapse, the value of the dollar is dropping like a brick, while food and gas prices are rising daily and there is a serious threat that Iran could block the strait of Hormuz causing oil prices to rise to levels that could cripple the food and transportation industry.

The war has put the government in a position that it owes more money to other countries than even exists in the world.  Bush and Cheney have already moved all their assets over to Dubai and foreign offshore accounts. Even Warren Buffet says "he's now betting against the dollar".

I hear the UK is preparing for WW2 style food rationing and yet I don't here too many people talking about it here.

We are dealing with a very integrated global economy here where a collapse in the US would be felt around the world.

Are we all just in denial about these events? Or am I just being paranoid.

Possibly JTFers would be wise to stock up and some non-perishables in the event of a food shortage if production comes to a halt as it did in 1929.

P.S. It also seems that the blaming of the Jew that we've always seen throughout  history when things get rought has begun:

Schumer being blamed for IndyMac collapse:

I agree that they start blaming the Jews when times are bad but Schumer has some responsibility here.  The company already was floundering and he helped finish the job by releasing that letter. It's not a coincidence that investors pulled 1.3 billion right after the release date. Why would he do that?  Because just as Cheney was saying over and over in 2000 that we were in a recession (to which the Clintons howled was going to hurt the economy by saying that) the Democrats (just as a Obama has started doing) are saying that we are In a  recession.  The reason is that they don't get the blame for a bad economy and can blame the first year on the previous administration if things go badly.  If things get better, they'll say they did it. Any political party running for office needs to create a compelling reason for them to be in power.  The Democrats are helping to create that need.  Yes the economy is floundering but it is not yet a recession according to the majority of economists.  I still see people spending money on lavish vacations, buying boats and going out to dinner and drinking.  The economy was overstated and there needs to be a readjustment.  People were spending more than they earn, eating spending and using way more than they need to. Now, if the Democrats and their friends in the media can help hurt consumer confidence as they' ve done so well over the past few years, they could push us into a recession.  Even when the economy was doing tremendously  three years ago and there were record stock market prices, the left was saying things were in the sewer.  

I do think the Republicans are trying to cash in every thing they can over the next few months.  They need to be watched more than ever now.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2008, 08:17:46 PM »
There's a real dilemma here in trying to protect yourself. Because in most states your guns need to be registered. If they're registered the government can easily find you and confiscate it as they did to the gun owners in New Orleans during Katrina who were trying to protect themselves.

Remind anyone of a simliar gun registration-confiscation policy of another country thought friendly to the Jews instituted about 60  years ago?

Actually, every state (under federal law) your gun is registered if you purchased it from a FFL (gun shop), when you fill out that yellow form 4473, that is a federal form provided by the ATF. Gun shops are required by law to keep those which have the gun make/manufacturer/serial number as well as the persons name, address, phone number and social security number.

This is why I recommend those looking to buy firearms to purchase from private individuals either from the newspaper, face to face, or at a gun show as they are "off the paper trail" so to speak, and it's completely legal to do so by the way in the majority of states.

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2008, 08:28:44 PM »
The economy is in trouble and the government keeps socializing everything instead of letting everything hit the fan. They are using inflation and bail out (printing money) to put off the problem. DO NOT KEEP OVER $100K in ANY bank! Capitalism as we know it may be over, especially if Obama wins.

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2008, 08:47:03 PM »
Obama will be a disaster but this will be how the media reports his presidency....

Offline briann

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2008, 09:01:41 PM »
To get a bearing on how bad the recession will be... its usually as strong as the boom that caused it. 

Roaring 20s:Great depression
.com boom:90's recession
Real estate boom:2008-2009 recession

Add to this the fact that the dollar could continue to fall (Since it was absurdly over-valued in the 90's)
High Gas prcies(crowding out many other areas of consumption)
Illegal Immigration (costing our economy TRILLIONS (Not billions))
continued overspending by government (entitlements, war)

And I'm guessing this recession will go deep into 2009.

Its always good to own a gun... but yes... when the economy is looking gloomy.. its even more relevant.

Oh.. and if unemployment goes above 10%... thats when start hording amo... (Look at France as a good example)


Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2008, 09:06:49 PM »
Americanhero:  "I am ready lets fight".

That's a good idea, but who are we to fight, who is fighting with us, and what are we fighting for?

If we win what next?

Offline Ulli

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2008, 09:27:10 PM »
I answer the question with yes.

The price for oil-products goes up and up.

I have read today, that all customers of the gas distribution system in my country have to pay 20% more in the next 12 monthes.

The price for Diesel is now at 1,60 Euro = 2,54 Dollar pro liter. The price has doubled in the last 5 years.

The food prices going up and up. A fresh chicken was before one year at 2,50 Euro = 3,97 Dollar and is now at 3,75 Euro = 5,96 Dollar (yesterday checked :().

Oil, butter, pasta, potatoes, onions and oil are all more expensive.

Before one year I took for shopping regulary 20 Euro and got exchange. Today I have to take 30 Euro and sometimes I have to use my bank-card for electronic cash.

This development is totally out of controll in my country.

Even my logistic company has raised the prices every year.

My health insurence goes up and up.

Then comes the gouvernment with new taxes and charges. I.e the newest invention is that every business, if it has a computer with internet-access, has to pay a special fee to the Bolshevik  gouvernmental radio-stations. If you don't pay they can go to your bank and take the money simply from your account.

The inflation and the gouvernment are soaking blood like vampires.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2008, 09:41:19 PM by Pheasant »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2008, 09:40:03 PM »
The economy goes through a 7-8 year cycle of up and down...The last down was 2000-2001 especially after 9/11.

Doesn't it say in Judaism that the a plot of land should not be harvested on the 7th year let it rest?  For some reason I think about this in regards to our economy.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline cjd

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2008, 10:11:57 PM »
I answer the question with yes.

The price for oil-products goes up and up.

I have read today, that all customers of the gas distribution system in my country have to pay 20% more in the next 12 monthes.

The price for Diesel is now at 1,60 Euro = 2,54 Dollar pro liter. The price has doubled in the last 5 years.

The food prices going up and up. A fresh chicken was before one year at 2,50 Euro = 3,97 Dollar and is now at 3,75 Euro = 5,96 Dollar (yesterday checked :().

Oil, butter, pasta, potatoes, onions and oil are all more expensive.

Before one year I took for shopping regulary 20 Euro and got exchange. Today I have to take 30 Euro and sometimes I have to use my bank-card for electronic cash.

This development is totally out of controll in my country.

Even my logistic company has raised the prices every year.

My health insurence goes up and up.

Then comes the gouvernment with new taxes and charges. I.e the newest invention is that every business, if it has a computer with internet-access, has to pay a special fee to the Bolshevik  gouvernmental radio-stations. If you don't pay they can go to your bank and take the money simply from your account.

The inflation and the gouvernment are soaking blood like vampires.
I think we are in for a round of world wide rough times. I heard on the radio this evening that two of the big financial backing companies Fannie Mae  and Freddie Mac   are in distress and are quietly asking the government to step in and back them up. It seems that the mortgage crisis is far from over and this more than anything else is a harbinger of what is ahead in the financial picture. It seems people here in the USA have been living high on the credit hog and now the pidgins are coming home to roost. People have been able borrow with  poor financial situations and  bad credit history. Way to much money has been pulled out of the system with no collateral to back it up. If the companies like the ones above go under our economy will really go into a death spiral. As people have less and less cash to spend we are going to see jobs disappear and prices rise due to inflation.
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Offline SavetheWest

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2008, 01:29:37 AM »
Hard working and righteous people are still keeping America going. But they can't hold up the changing pace of this country. The housing crisis, the internet boom and bust, the accounting scandals are all symptoms of declining morality.  Before, Americans had a strong work ethic, didn't do drugs, weren't sex maniacs and there was accountability.  Although I made my previous point about the Democrats and leftists trying to sabotage the economy so they can grab power, there is a deeper issue at hand.  The third world invasion and the loss of ethics is the real underlying cause.

Companies in the past would have never dared lie to workers to buy their stock just so they could sell it and make it worthless.  They would have been tarred an feathered.  The anything goes and rich is everything culture glorified by the hip hop culture is part of the problem. 

America becoming third world is an issue, with people buying stuff on credit they don't have and doing purchasing they can't afford.  Many Muslims and others will do everything they can do to make sure they rip off the system and give nothing back in return. 

Then there's all the babies out of wedlock, sucking the system and then causing problems when they're older criminals. 

We are in REAL trouble in the future.  It may not happen this year or the next but in 20 years we may not have a country left.

Offline Lubab

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2008, 07:18:45 PM »
The economy goes through a 7-8 year cycle of up and down...The last down was 2000-2001 especially after 9/11.

Doesn't it say in Judaism that the a plot of land should not be harvested on the 7th year let it rest?  For some reason I think about this in regards to our economy.

That only applies in Israel, but I think this is going to be worse than just another cycle. We have banks running out of money for the first time since the Great Depression.

I'm on my way over to Israel G-d willing because the future doesn't look bright here.
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.

Offline briann

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2008, 07:28:50 PM »
The economy goes through a 7-8 year cycle of up and down...The last down was 2000-2001 especially after 9/11.

Doesn't it say in Judaism that the a plot of land should not be harvested on the 7th year let it rest?  For some reason I think about this in regards to our economy.

That only applies in Israel, but I think this is going to be worse than just another cycle. We have banks running out of money for the first time since the Great Depression.

Yes... keep an eye on the banks.  Once a bank collapses and the deposits are lost .. that will mark the beginning of a depression.. and it will spread throughout the world.  (Dont keep your faith in the FDIC... as it could never reasonably cover the deposits of any widescale collapse of the banking system)

Im not saying this will happend.  But if you read in the newspaper that deposits are lost... that is the beginning of something very serious... that can last a decade.. and will sink the world into crisis.

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2008, 04:05:30 PM »
Ever increasing use of credit cards has some role in it?
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Offline briann

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2008, 04:21:06 PM »
Ever increasing use of credit cards has some role in it?

All forms of debt that helped build up the bubble make a recession worse.

1920's people were investing on 10% margin (Borrowing 90%) stocks.

.com boom (borrowing was out of control...)  Many Corps had Negative equity (IE their total debt was higher than the $ they raised from issuing stocks), also... mayne people invested on 50% margin on .com stocks.

Current Real estate boom:  Huge debt from home loans... subprime loans.... but ALSO... people were desperate to get funds from anywhere possible to feed the boom... so personal loans... unsecured loans... and credit card debt became out of control.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2008, 04:30:30 PM »
The economy goes through a 7-8 year cycle of up and down...The last down was 2000-2001 especially after 9/11.

Doesn't it say in Judaism that the a plot of land should not be harvested on the 7th year let it rest?  For some reason I think about this in regards to our economy.

That only applies in Israel, but I think this is going to be worse than just another cycle. We have banks running out of money for the first time since the Great Depression.

I'm on my way over to Israel G-d willing because the future doesn't look bright here.

Actually in 89-90 far more banks went bankrupt (they were saving banks).

Offline briann

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2008, 04:35:55 PM »
The economy goes through a 7-8 year cycle of up and down...The last down was 2000-2001 especially after 9/11.

Doesn't it say in Judaism that the a plot of land should not be harvested on the 7th year let it rest?  For some reason I think about this in regards to our economy.

That only applies in Israel, but I think this is going to be worse than just another cycle. We have banks running out of money for the first time since the Great Depression.

I'm on my way over to Israel G-d willing because the future doesn't look bright here.

Actually in 89-90 far more banks went bankrupt (they were saving banks).

Your speaking of the S & L crisis.  (Which cost us dearly!!)
We could Easily get to that point.... assuming current trends hold.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2008, 04:38:38 PM »
The economy goes through a 7-8 year cycle of up and down...The last down was 2000-2001 especially after 9/11.

Doesn't it say in Judaism that the a plot of land should not be harvested on the 7th year let it rest?  For some reason I think about this in regards to our economy.

That only applies in Israel, but I think this is going to be worse than just another cycle. We have banks running out of money for the first time since the Great Depression.

I'm on my way over to Israel G-d willing because the future doesn't look bright here.

Actually in 89-90 far more banks went bankrupt (they were saving banks).

Your speaking of the S & L crisis.  (Which cost us dearly!!)
We could Easily get to that point.... assuming current trends hold.

right, but then again, it doesn't mean the whole economy is going to collapse.

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2008, 04:42:21 PM »
And moreover, high energy (hence shipping) prices, and low dollar, means it is better to produce in America than outsource everything in China. And we should all pray that Iran will be foolish enough to block the straits of Hormuz.

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Re: Is the Economy Collapsing?
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2008, 04:50:08 PM »
The economy will always collapse ultimately when such a tiny percentage of elites controls it and can bend it to its own purposes.

We no longer live by the laws of supply and demand. All prices are set, artificially, by a handful of speculators and traders on Wall Street.

We have no antitrust laws to speak of, because they are never enforced. Our mass media celebrates every new merger that takes place. CEOs of companies sell out and allow their companies to be bought because it is so rational (who of you wouldn't take 500 million to never have to work again in your lives?).

In a way, that self-hating pig Karl Marx was right. Eventually, capitalist societies eat themselves alive.