I think it's time you guys took a long, hard look at yourselves. Most people view the Islamic problem as 'west vs rest' problem, rather than as 'Islam vs rest.' That's why it's becoming so hard to convince non-white populations to join the war on terror, it's because they see the 'whites' as an evil to be shunned, like the Muslims.

Racists regularly pick on non-Muslims too, provided they're brown-skinned. Naturally, brown-skinned people, even if non-Muslim, are forced to avoid the whites, even the good ones, for this reason. The result: Muslims win, thanks to racist scums in the white society.

The solution: Racial Segregation. There seems to be no other way.
While Muslims are a problem to ALL races on the one hand, the various races are a problem to each other. So I say, solve the latter to solve the first problem. Racial Segregation will destroy racism, after which it should be easy for the different races to fight Islamic terrorism without any distractions.