and if the whole south side was totally engulfed as shown ... then why didn't it sag in and collapse like we saw at okl. city...?
Okl city was bombed. With bombing... if a steel beam is NOT destroyed by the initial blast... it will retain most if not all of its strength... and can support the metal beams that have collapsed... hence... causing sagging. Therefore... some of the steel beams will remain standing (unless it has HUGE wait from the momentum of the stories above it collapsing above it. This is why the OK bombing's damage is vertical... as if a cookie cutter cut into it... and not spherical... like the initial blast.
This is how nearly all buildings look when they are bombed... parts of it stay standing.. other parts are obliterated.
However. with burning.... nearly all the steel beams are weakend be the extreme heat... so that when the collapse finally happens... it will affect nearly the entire area (floor) since the entire floor has been weakened by the fire.
but no... it burns for three or more hours from that pic frame's time and then the whole thing goes down just like at a demolition...
Again... Ive already answered this. Once the initial collapse happened from the weakest point after several hours of burning... it affects all the other nearby steel beams since they have already been significantly weakened by the lheat. Again.. much of the steel would have been at roughly 30% of normal strength. And again.. Ive already answered the part about why after the initial collapse of the weakest floors.. why that extraordinary weight from the combined 20 or so floors above the collapse would have obliterated anything below it. You can read my previous post about this.
and the holland one was straight down bec. not just one side was burning but you could see the whole bldg. front to rear on those top floors were fully consumed with fire... black as night... and you haven't answered my question from before that the collapse in that holland film and the twin towers...
Which holland fire are you speaking of? I'll answer it when you elaborate here.
the bottom floors reacted differently... and if anything the twin tower structure was much stronger and many more floors for support... so they should have collapsed if at all only when the top reached the bottom not before they reached down there...
The bottom floors DID collapse in secession AFTER the top ones. However.. unlike towers 1 and 2 where the weakest point was near the top... with tower 7... the weakest point was on the lower half where the fire had been the strongest (on the south side) which is why number 7 collapses and leans to the south side at this very point of weaness.
There are all sorts of evidence of pancaking below this weakened point. the WTC columns laid out as if there were a path to the building. There are no concrete slabs attached to columns. This is yet another example of pancaking. With the floors pancaking straight down, the perimeter walls were free to lean over in tall sections before breaking off and coming down. You can see this from the image below.
the tops should have toppled over from their own twisted off and bent weight... when their strength was undermined... go back and look at the aftermath of the empire state bldg. fire the charred ruins look like what i am suggesting the world trade center should have looked like as well... and the empire state bldg. fire raged much longer... check it out... nik.
The empire state building is MUCH stronger than the WTC which Al Queda had mentioned in their intelligence... and why they didnt go after it:
in 1945 the empire State Building when rammed by a B-25 in 1945. The plane, loaded with gasoline, hit between the seventy-eighth and seventy-ninth floors. The resultant fire burned for twenty-four hours and gutted five stories of the building. But the accident did not cause any catastrophic collapse of the structure because the tower had been built around a grid of interior columns and everyone had been clad in concrete.
This is COMPLETELY different than the WTC.
The WTC towers had a lightweight “perimeter tube” design consisting of 244 exterior columns of 36 cm square steel box section on 100 cm centers, with 95% of the structure’s interior consisting of nothing but air.
This has been discussed in great detail.. and has caused government codes to change and not allow this type of perimeter tube skyscraper to be built.