Author Topic: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks  (Read 16078 times)

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Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« on: January 27, 2007, 09:45:23 AM »
The original topic name was "African admixture in Eastern European Jews?" but was removed because The Administration found it unfit for The JTF Forum. 

A recent study from Ben-Gurion University found that 3.1% of Polish Jews and 1.3% of Russian Jews in Israel carry mtdna haplogroups L1 or L2, which are native to Sub-Saharan Africa and and are established markers of Sub-Saharan African admixture.

Here's a link to an abstract of the study, which unfortunately does not contain any reference to the above data. However, a well known scientific blogger with access to the study has been kind enough to scan and post a table from the paper that includes the relevant data.

I guess this explains why some Ashkenazim have very tightly curled hair, almost making them resemble mulattoes.

History buffs, any idea how this admixture ended up in the Eastern European Jewish gene pool?

« Last Edit: January 27, 2007, 07:51:55 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2007, 10:31:20 AM »
grumpy, you're a fraud spreading malicious propaganda

Here's why you are a fraud, based on excerpts from your own post:

"...A recent study from Ben-Gurion University..."

What year?
Which scientists conducted the study?
Which scientists wrote the article?
Which scientists have reviewed and verified "the study"?

"[Here's a link to an abstract of the study, which unforunately does not contain any reference to the above data"/i]

-an "abstract of the study" which does not reference the specific data upon which the actual "study" in question makes its claim to scientific discovery, simply put, is a bunch of horsecrap gobbledygook which I would expect from Calypso Louis.  However, the lie presented here is very clever propaganda more characteristic of the modern neo-Nazis.

-In summation:  your lie that many Jews are actually of sub-Saharan negro origin, is your own evil creation, with no basis in fact whatsoever.

"However, a well known scientific blogger with access to the study has been kind enough to scan and post a table from the paper"

-yeah...sure...."well known scientific blogger"?
Gee!...I wonder just who that might be?.....maybe YOU, grumpy?  Scientists as a rule do not blog because
a)they're too busy doing research, and
b)they guard their work and research closely.

-I think he's only well-known to YOU, grumpy, being that YOU and "THE WELL-KNOWN SCIENTIST" ARE ONE AND THE SAME!

"I guess this explains why some Ashkenazim have very tightly curled hair, almost making them resemble mulattoes.

-Hey, grumpy, mean that after all the extensive research conducted by the unknown study done by unknown people in an unknown year and scientifically reviewed by unknowns, YOU'RE NOW WILLING TO "GUESS" THAT JEWS ARE ACTUALLY MULATTOES? 

That's "MIGHTY WHITE OF YA', as they say where I come from!
Make sure you pray to Mulatto Jesus every day to save your rotten piece of garbage self.

"History buffs, any idea how this admixture ended up in the Eastern European Jewish gene pool?"

I am a historian.
And the answer is:

reason being, grumpy, is that unlike your father, your mother and your sisters, we JEWS don't sleep with negroes....we just let them mow our lawns and clean our houses.

Never attempt to outsmart a Jew.

You'll lose every time, just as you've lost this time, "grumpy".

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2007, 10:50:39 AM »
grumpy, I am looking at the picture of the young person in your post and you really have to be kidding when you say that this boy has any relation to a Mulatto. The facial features are wrong since anyone that I have ever met that  had black blood most always retains the trademark facial features. I don't see anything in this photo that remotely backs up you statements. Honestly I don't see the point your making.
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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2007, 11:25:43 AM »
Jewish U.S.Marine Capt KIA in Iraq Mulatto ? for sure not


Another Jewish Marine KIA
November 27, 2006

Captain Robert Secher was killed last month in Iraq.

A man who wanted so much to be a Marine that he went to boot camp at 17 is being mourned in Germantown.

Taps sounded at the West Tennessee Veterans Cemetery yesterday for Captain Robert Michael Secher, who was killed by a sniper’s bullet in Iraq.
At Secher’s funeral at Temple Israel, Rabbi Micah Greenstein recalled him as “the best friend you could ever have.”
Major Joe Russo recalled Secher as a Marine who led by example who—as Russo put it—“marched to the sound of the guns and continually asked to get himself into the fight."

Newsweek recently ran a story that used a collection of emails that Capt Secher had sent to his parents during his tour in Iraq (with his family’s permission).

From the narrative, Capt Secher seems to be a true patriot and the epitome of what is means to be a Marine.  I would encourage everyone to read his emails online and pass them onto friends and family.  I’m often asked by my own family if I speak to any of my peers in Iraq and if so, what is it like and what is the attitude of the troops stationed there.  Capt Secher’s emails are an excellent example of just that.  He was proud of what he was doing there, but he didn’t pull any punches on how he thought the war was being executed.  It’s an interesting and inspiring read.

You can read the Newsweek article here,
sign a guestbook for his family here,
hear a moving eulogy about him here
and read about his hometown reception here.

Captain Secher’s wishes were that any money sent in memory of him go directly to:
Marines/Iraq Legal Defense Fund
c/o Hon. Victor E. Ramirez
P.O. Box 1255
Solana Beach, CA 92075


Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund
825 College Blvd.
Suite 102, PMB 609
Oceanside,CA 92057

Semper Fi Captain Secher, your service will not be forgotten
« Last Edit: January 27, 2007, 03:37:55 PM by mord »
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Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2007, 12:03:51 PM »
A recent study from Ben-Gurion University found that 3.1% of Polish Jews and 1.3% of Russian Jews in Israel carry mtdna haplogroups L1 or L2, which are native to Sub-Saharan Africa and and are established markers of Sub-Saharan African admixture.

Well I for one do not consider 'the Jews' to be a 'race'.  Not a single word in the Torah of which I am aware states that a Jewish person is born with physical or even intellectual characteristics which are markedly different from that of other peoples.  Being Jewish if I have seen it right is a spiritual, soulful, and usually also a cultural/national state.

I guess some people do not want to look at the astonishing racial diversity among different groups of Jews and state the obvious, i.e., that being Jewish isn't a racial designation.  So there's no point arguing on those grounds any more.

As for admixture, there is nothing Jewish about that either.  I happen to know, living in Britain, more than a few Polish shiksas who absolutely adore sleeping with [censored].  Some Russian girls too.  A white woman's lust for black men is independent of whether she is Jewish or not.  It is a purely primordial, evil instinct.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?


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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2007, 12:44:28 PM »
What year?
Which scientists conducted the study?
Which scientists wrote the article?
All that information is available at the following link, which I've already provided.
Which scientists have reviewed and verified "the study"?
It's being published in the European Journal of Human Genetics.
-an "abstract of the study" which does not reference the specific data upon which the actual "study" in question makes its claim to scientific discovery, simply put, is a bunch of horsecrap gobbledygook which I would expect from Calypso Louis.  However, the lie presented here is very clever propaganda more characteristic of the modern neo-Nazis.
The discovery of Sub-Saharan admixture is not mentioned in the abstract because A) It is statistically small and B) Sub-Saharan admixture in Jewish populations is OLD NEWS.

-In summation:  your lie that many Jews are actually of sub-Saharan negro origin, is your own evil creation, with no basis in fact whatsoever.
No one said that Jews are of Sub-Saharan origin. The study shows that Russian and Polish Jews have Sub-Saharan ADMIXTURE.

Gee!...I wonder just who that might be?.....maybe YOU, grumpy?  Scientists as a rule do not blog because
a)they're too busy doing research, and
b)they guard their work and research closely.
The guy is not blogging about his own research (if he even has any), he's just posting some data from a paper featured in a respected journal.

-I think he's only well-known to YOU, grumpy, being that YOU and "THE WELL-KNOWN SCIENTIST" ARE ONE AND THE SAME!
Wow, your stupidity knows no bounds.

-Hey, grumpy, mean that after all the extensive research conducted by the unknown study done by unknown people in an unknown year and scientifically reviewed by unknowns, YOU'RE NOW WILLING TO "GUESS" THAT JEWS ARE ACTUALLY MULATTOES?
No one said that Jews are mulattoes. I merely pointed out that A) Polish and Russian Jews apparently have (minor) African ancestry and B) Some Ashkenazi Jews have tightly curled hair that looks similar to mulatto hair.


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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2007, 12:50:40 PM »

As for admixture, there is nothing Jewish about that either.  I happen to know, living in Britain, more than a few Polish shiksas who absolutely adore sleeping with schvartzas.  Some Russian girls too.  A white woman's lust for black men is independent of whether she is Jewish or not.  It is a purely primordial, evil instinct.
Actually since the admixture that was discovered in this recent study was found in the mtdna (which is only passed down by the mother), it was the result of Jewish men fathering mulattoes by black women.

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2007, 01:59:08 PM »



"Jesus couldn't have been a Jew, and I don't need any scientific evidence to know that." -- actual quote of Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda of The Third Reich

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2007, 02:21:24 PM »
A recent study from Ben-Gurion University found that 3.1% of Polish Jews and 1.3% of Russian Jews in Israel carry mtdna haplogroups L1 or L2, which are native to Sub-Saharan Africa and and are established markers of Sub-Saharan African admixture.

Well I for one do not consider 'the Jews' to be a 'race'.  Not a single word in the Torah of which I am aware states that a Jewish person is born with physical or even intellectual characteristics which are markedly different from that of other peoples.  Being Jewish if I have seen it right is a spiritual, soulful, and usually also a cultural/national state.

I guess some people do not want to look at the astonishing racial diversity among different groups of Jews and state the obvious, i.e., that being Jewish isn't a racial designation.  So there's no point arguing on those grounds any more.

As for admixture, there is nothing Jewish about that either.  I happen to know, living in Britain, more than a few Polish shiksas who absolutely adore sleeping with schvartzas.  Some Russian girls too.  A white woman's lust for black men is independent of whether she is Jewish or not.  It is a purely primordial, evil instinct.
Well i have to agree here with Fruit of thy loins,at least in my neighborhood  about 1/3 of the non Jewish girls have mulata mongrel kids.Many of the white blonde and non blonde girls have svartze boyfriends.With more mulatas on the way.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2007, 02:24:45 PM by mord »
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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2007, 02:30:23 PM »

Today, interracial sex is one of the most popular Internet photo categories -- primarily, it would seem, between blond women and well-endowed black men.

The women involved sign the required legal release and the husbands or boyfriends often take the photos and videos for posting on restricted-access web sites.

In this section Dr. Lee analyzes some of the motivation for black-on-white sex.

In some urban housewife circles there appears to be bragging rights associated with seeing a "black stud" or "black stallion" lover.

The case of "Laura," which is covered in some detail, details not only a black-on-white affair, but the complex interpersonal dynamics that motivated it from the perspectives of the three people involved..


In fact, among some white women having a black lover is considered the "in thing."

This is also true among many white girls in high school.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2007, 02:34:09 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2007, 02:34:21 PM »
Why are you guys taking this so hard? Dismissing a study from an Israeli university as Nazi propaganda. I must say I'm disappointed.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2007, 02:36:48 PM by grumpy »

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2007, 03:20:42 PM »
"...Why are you guys taking this so hard? Dismissing a study from an Israeli university as Nazi propaganda. I must say I'm disappointed..."

Don't let it upset you.

I am disappointed just by knowing that YOU are on this forum.

I always dismiss any hearsay evidence reported as fact by someone who also is unable to provide even the most minimal facts, whilst having already "guessed" as to the "historical" reasons the hearsay & alleged academic report "is true".

This is my rule for everyday, run-of-the-mill propaganda from so-called "experts" in the media.

However, when hearsay is reported as fact which involves Jewish / black miscegenation and/or other "racial impurities" such as "curly hair", it is all too obvious that the reporter is far less than credible.

To believe in such nonsense, one must ask themselves questions as to the percentage of negro blood accounting for the quite large number of Nederlanders with blonde tight curly hair, or the percentage of Jew blood accounting for the numerous Germans with hook noses, not to mention the number of rapes by negroes on whites which of course is the only possible reason as to why there are so many thousands of light-skinned coloureds like Congressman Keith Ellison running loose.


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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2007, 03:39:48 PM »

I've already posted genetic evidence from Jews at a Jewish university. If you don't understand the terminology, Google it.

Please post examples of these alleged Nederlanders with tightly curled hair. I have NEVER in my life seen a non-Jewish white with NAPPY hair like the young man in the photo above.

Give me a break.

Even Jews say that kinky hair is characteristically Jewish trait.

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2007, 04:06:08 PM »
i have to agree here with Fruit of thy loins,at least in my neighborhood  about 1/3 of the non Jewish girls have mulata mongrel kids.Many of the white blonde and non blonde girls have svartze boyfriends.With more mulatas on the way.

Do you live somewhere in Britain?
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2007, 04:36:52 PM »
The site you linked to is superb.  The woman who wrote it knows exactly how white women prefer black men.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2007, 04:38:38 PM »
i have to agree here with Fruit of thy loins,at least in my neighborhood  about 1/3 of the non Jewish girls have mulata mongrel kids.Many of the white blonde and non blonde girls have svartze boyfriends.With more mulatas on the way.

Do you live somewhere in Britain?
No this is universal a yr or 2 ago newsweek or time had a cover   feature of the world race with a mixed type girl on the cover.The media encourages this the world over
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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2007, 04:41:35 PM »
The site you linked to is superb.  The woman who wrote it knows exactly how white women prefer black men.
Yes it's not a racist site i think it's from some school,i like the part where it says the slavemasters wifes used to run of and have sex with the slave.This it not new ???
« Last Edit: January 27, 2007, 04:46:52 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2007, 04:50:52 PM »
The site you linked to is superb.  The woman who wrote it knows exactly how white women prefer black men.
Yes it's not a racist site i think it's from some school,i like the part where it says the slavemasters wifes used to run of and have sex with the slave.This it not new ???

I agree that it did happen in the past.  If it didn't, there would have been far less lynchings, burnings, etc.  There is historical record of white men in the 19th century writing in to newspapers complaining about seeing white women walking around on the arms of freed slaves.

The site pretty much draws on the white male's voyeuristic side, because it focuses mostly on testimonials from white women.  It does seem that beautiful white women get a lot of sensual pleasure out of being with black men.  What annoys me is the total lack of sympathy some white women have for white men who have mental anxieties about not being able to become popular with women.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2007, 04:55:51 PM »
The site you linked to is superb.  The woman who wrote it knows exactly how white women prefer black men.
Yes it's not a racist site i think it's from some school,i like the part where it says the slavemasters wifes used to run of and have sex with the slave.This it not new ???

I agree that it did happen in the past.  If it didn't, there would have been far less lynchings, burnings, etc.  There is historical record of white men in the 19th century writing in to newspapers complaining about seeing white women walking around on the arms of freed slaves.

The site pretty much draws on the white male's voyeuristic side, because it focuses mostly on testimonials from white women.  It does seem that beautiful white women get a lot of sensual pleasure out of being with black men.  What annoys me is the total lack of sympathy some white women have for white men who have mental anxieties about not being able to become popular with women.
Thats true but i think the tide will soon change,however my friend in Swansea Wales tells me they have that problem there as well however in Swansea they dealt with that problem :D
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2007, 04:58:28 PM »
Thats true but i think the tide will soon change,however my friend in Swansea Wales tells me they have that problem there as well however in Swansea they dealt with that problem :D

I believe they solved the problem once before with the Race Riots.  Apparently Wales became a hotbed for inter-racial sex during World War I, perhaps the blacks came as replacement labour.  And when the white guys got home, after being gassed in the trenches, having limbs shot off, they saw their girls strolling about with blacks.  I firmly believe that British women have no shame whatever ....  ::)
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2007, 05:10:00 PM »
Thats true but i think the tide will soon change,however my friend in Swansea Wales tells me they have that problem there as well however in Swansea they dealt with that problem :D

I believe they solved the problem once before with the Race Riots.  Apparently Wales became a hotbed for inter-racial sex during World War I, perhaps the blacks came as replacement labour.  And when the white guys got home, after being gassed in the trenches, having limbs shot off, they saw their girls strolling about with blacks.  I firmly believe that British women have no shame whatever ....  ::)
Thats true
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2007, 08:01:10 PM »
grumpy writes:  "I have NEVER in my life seen a non-Jewish white with NAPPY hair like the young man in the photo above..."




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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #22 on: January 29, 2007, 09:09:55 AM »

This hair feature is Semitic. Many Sfardic Jews, especially Yemenites have it. It is not related to blacks at all.

Any "Semite" with hair like that has black blood, period.

Yemenite Arabs are 20% black. A study of Yemenite Jews found 5% subsaharan mtdna.


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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #23 on: January 29, 2007, 10:56:36 AM »

I know that there are people with kinky hair in Polynesia, but Korea? You're full of [censored]. And besides, I said that I've never seen non-jewish WHITES with kinky hair. And I stand by that statement.

Please post pictures of these alleged white gentile Europeans with kinky hair like the man in the picture I posted.

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Re: Moron Compares Eastern European Jews To Blacks
« Reply #24 on: January 31, 2007, 08:39:03 AM »
The original topic name was "African admixture in Eastern European Jews?" but was removed because The Administration found it unfit for The JTF Forum. 

A recent study from Ben-Gurion University found that 3.1% of Polish Jews and 1.3% of Russian Jews in Israel carry mtdna haplogroups L1 or L2, which are native to Sub-Saharan Africa and and are established markers of Sub-Saharan African admixture.

Here's a link to an abstract of the study, which unfortunately does not contain any reference to the above data. However, a well known scientific blogger with access to the study has been kind enough to scan and post a table from the paper that includes the relevant data. same site you gave as a referance   Here's a link to an abstract of the study,

I guess this explains why some Ashkenazim have very tightly curled hair, almost making them resemble mulattoes.

History buffs, any idea how this admixture ended up in the Eastern European Jewish gene pool?

from the site you have as a link  brits negroid admixture
« Last Edit: January 31, 2007, 08:41:32 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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