Just another quikie store owner here in Toronto who got into this country thanks to our governments insane policy of "multiculturalism".
To answer republic quite factually speaking you are very much correct. Someone posted a thread on whose behind the NWO agenda. There you will find a number of posts dealing with groups like the British Fabian Society, CRF/Trilateral, Bilderberg, P2, Club of Rome, Milner/Rhodes Round Table Group etc. Nik chooses to place the majority of focus on the Vatican and the Jesuit end/view of this, very real, conspiracy. Actually, it isn't much of a "conspiracy" considering many Elitists openly state there is such an agenda. When one researches the history of the Catholic Church, more specifically the Vatican and such individuals as Ignatius of Loyola or Francisco Xavier who formed the Society of Jesus in 1534, especially researching the history of their dealings in the far East as well Central and South America, many questions can be asked and answered...
A further example, if you wish to research yourself is the Jesuits established missions throughout Latin America and founded a model commune for Paraguayan Indians in 1632. Further, as most Catholics and Protestants can claim base knowledge of is the rebellion against the Catholic Church/Pope/Vatican called the Reformation. Then the counter Reformation and some evidence suggests a counter counter Reformation. Nik argues the fact, or possibility of the facts that this Counter Reformation against the Protestants (and other non-Catholics), actually a very particular branch of Catholocism, never really ended. Like many other Societies, the Vatican with its Jesuit arm works hand in glove with other entities like all those mentioned in the former thread.
Is it fact? I don't know. Is it logical? Absolutely as history does repeat itself and the specificities of Catholocism/Vatican/Pope/Reformation/Crusades etc. all lend evidence to its possibility...