I agree he belongs in this hall of shame.
But his position on offshore drilling is, althrough his motives are bad, not wrong.
The higher the price for oil-products is climbing, the better for us in a long term.
We are able to replace oil products since the fourties of the last century.
The evil Nazis and the Bolschewiks in the DDR have had big science projects for this in my countries. They have big industry plants running and synthesize fuel (Diesel and gasoline) in a better quality than oil products. I have a few scientific books from this time in my private library.
The patents of their developments are all expired. Everybody is allowed to use it for free.
In fact the greatest problem, if you don't use natural gas or coal as feed material, is to remove the sulfur and the tar from the Syngas [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syngas]
They have found a simple solution for this problem. It is called Carbo IV. process. [
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BtL-Kraftstoff#Carbo-V-Verfahren ]
In this way you can use used paper, waste wood (i.e. from the garbage of carpentry) and all kind of special plants like willows or switch grass which you plant specially for this use.
If the Syngas is free of tar and sulfur, you can use it easily for the Fischer-Tropsch Sythesis. [
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fischer-Tropsch_process ].
This is only one possibility. The German Nazis and Bolschewists developed dozens of processes with different feed material.
Nobody stops us from using it. I think the gasoline price have to hurt to bring the people to use their brains. If they can make easily money with it they will do it. The higher the oil price the more money companies can make.
Plus this techniks are not so complicated. Everybody with a little bit technic understanding is able to build a little plant in his garage or barn.