
Poll:  Your opnion... Why would KOS post an obviously faked Birth Certif of Obama?

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Author Topic: Poll: Your opnion... Why would KOS post an obviously faked Birth Certif of BHO?  (Read 1245 times)

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Offline briann

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OK.  I am now convinced that the Birth Certificate is a HORRIBLE NOVICE fake.  But the question remains... WHY would they post such an obvious forgery????

« Last Edit: July 21, 2008, 03:57:10 PM by briann »

Offline AsheDina

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Briann- I DONT GET this- I totally believe he is just not a citizen- BESIDES being a muZ. He CANNOT get away with this.
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Offline briann

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Briann- I DONT GET this- I totally believe he is just not a citizen- BESIDES being a muZ. He CANNOT get away with this.

I kinda agree with you... BUT...... this forgery seems so awful and so amateurish.

I would expect something much more sophisticated from the Obama group.  Where they would get a real one printed... and then precisely alter it... not this crap, this was obviously taken from photobucket.

It reminds me of the CBS piece.  Everything is wrong on it.  Not just the obvious things.

I'm an expert at photoshop myself.. and this is pathetic workmanship.

Offline briann

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Just an update.  The Obamabots are saying that there is ANOTHER format that DOES match Obama's Birth Certificate.

THey have yet to have produced one... and Techdude has plainly said that he analyzed dozens of Hawaii Certificates... and found NONE matching the Border that B.H.O's certificate has... but that is their stance.

The ObamaBots are focusing on this since it is the most obvious visual disparity with the others.

However... it completely ignores the other things Techdude brought up. such as: the KOS image shows clear signs of tampering such as the mismatch in RGB and error levels, visible indications of the previous location of the erased security border, easily detectable patterns of repeating flaws around the new security border, EXIF data that says the image was last saved with Photoshop CS3 for Macintosh, and finally a technician from Hawaii who confirms it just looks wrong.

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What do you mean "why"? That Zeus-worshipping pederast arsenokoite Markos Moulitsas is going to do everything in his power to help get his buddy Osama elected.

Considering Larry Sinclair's revelations, I wouldn't be surprised if Markos and Obama have indulged in some "radical Platonism" themselves.  :o