
What should Israel do about the Maronite "Christians" if there is a second war with Hezbollah?

Nothing (I really hope nobody picks this, but I had to list it in the range of options)
0 (0%)
Expel them in areas where fighting is taking place
1 (8.3%)
Pay them to leave Lebanon (which is actually Biblical Israel)
2 (16.7%)
Expel them all without compensation
1 (8.3%)
Kill them--anyone who supports the enemy is Amalek and deserves death
6 (50%)
2 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Author Topic: Lebanon's Maronites: What Should Israel Do?  (Read 1291 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Lebanon's Maronites: What Should Israel Do?
« on: July 21, 2008, 11:32:54 PM »
As always, I will not vote in my own polls, and this time around I won't even say how I would vote, but I felt this to be a germane topic and poll to make considering (a) their conduct in the wake of the Samir Kuntar celebrations and (b) the possibility of a second war in Lebanon with Hezbollah in the near future (as will likely happen if/when Hezbollah kidnaps and kills more soldiers or starts firing missiles again).

I will say this much--the Maronite "Christians" (who are nominal Catholics but in practice Muslim Nazis) should be treated exactly the same as the Muslims. One of the reasons why the kapo Olmert caused Israel to lose the war with Hezbollah two years ago this summer was that he tried too hard to spare Maronite neighborhoods. This was a big mistake. Maronites are every bit as viciously Jew-hating as their Islamic neighbors, and in fact at one point actually supported Hezbollah more than Lebanon's Sunni Muslims.

Now, here are some facts about the Maronites:


--In 1948, when Lebanon was ruled by Maronites and had a Maronite majority, Lebanon declared war on the nascent Jewish state and fought every bit as hard as the Islamic Arab nations to achieve a second Shoah.

--In the early decades of Israel, Lebanon (still "Christian"-dominated) aped all of the savage libels of the Arab Muslim nations and its "Westernized" banking elite had very close relationships with the Muslim Nazis.

--In the summer of 2006, the Maronites thanked Israel for saving them from genocide in the '70s and '80s by spraypainting their hair yellow and green and holding disgusting bacchanalia in the streets of Beirut as the missiles rained down on northern Israel.

--The Maronite political party in Lebanon and its leader, General Michel Aoun, are fierce allies of Hezbollah.

--Maronites were every bit as enthusiastic as the rest of Lebanon was when their patron saint, the ghoul Samir Kuntar, came home last week.

Some people will doubtless say that the Maronites "have to" tow the Hezbollah line out of fear for their lives in Lebanon. How, then, does that explain the fact that they were fanatical Nazis way back in the early and middle part of this century, when they were the majority and controlled the nation, and today in America, when they continue to spout Islamic propaganda in a free nation where they do not live in mortal terror of Muslims (i.e. Helen Thomas, Ralph Nader, Joseph Jacobs, George Noory, etc.)?

One thing is for certain. Israel will lose for a second time if it handles this Amalek with kid gloves. The benevolent, pacifistic, tolerant nature of Maronite Lebanese was on display for Israelis and the whole rest of the world to see last week when they orgasmically welcomed those five butchers back into their country. The only thing that is still not known is if anybody cares.


Offline Zelhar

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Re: Lebanon's Maronites: What Should Israel Do?
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2008, 12:04:10 PM »
May be they don't like Jews, but here is the thing- if there were no Muslims in Lebanon, there would be no problems coming from there.

I vote other because I have another idea. I think southern Lebanon up to the Litani river should be annexed as it is part of eretz Yisrael. All Lebanese should leave that area. Unfortunately its not going to happen in the foreseeable future. 

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Lebanon's Maronites: What Should Israel Do?
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2008, 12:06:35 PM »
May be they don't like Jews, but here is the thing- if there were no Muslims in Lebanon, there would be no problems coming from there.
Don't know about that. "Christian" Lebanon declared war on Israel all on its own in 1948.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Lebanon's Maronites: What Should Israel Do?
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2008, 02:11:56 PM »
After 49 The border had been peaceful for about 25 years, while the Maronites were in power.
And I don't think that the Christians are the reason that held back the IDF in 2006. The Hizbullah used mostly Islamonazi occupied settlements to shield itself. Just like Hamas uses Islamonazi civilians to shield itself in Gaza.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Lebanon's Maronites: What Should Israel Do?
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2008, 08:36:51 PM »
I guarantee you that plenty of Marontes voluntarily sheltered Hezbollah fighters.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Lebanon's Maronites: What Should Israel Do?
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2008, 09:01:15 PM »

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Re: Lebanon's Maronites: What Should Israel Do?
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2008, 04:45:12 PM »
Anyone who supports Hezbollah isn't a Christian. And I don't believe the so-called Maronte Christians are Christians at all.

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