Author Topic: Prince Charles Comes To Philadelphia And Meets With Schvartzas To Paint Murals  (Read 10355 times)

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Prince Charles, Camilla sample U.S. history in Philadelphia
by Julie Stoiber, Mari A. Schaffer, Joseph A. Gambardello and Elizabeth Wellington
The Philadelphia Inquirer
28 January 2007
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PHILADELPHIA - He’s apparently not one to stand on ceremony.

Despite being destined to hold one of the grandest titles imaginable - King of England - Prince Charles surprised Philadelphians with his down-to-earth ways Saturday as he greeted them with quips and handshakes and zipped away from his handlers for one more hello.

Brent Cronin, 47, a union mason from Center City, was standing on the street outside the Four Seasons Hotel when the royal limo pulled up after a day during which Charles and his wife, Camilla, took in the city’s historical sites and murals and visited with students, community leaders and artists.

“Prince Charles!” Cronin bellowed, as if calling out to a buddy at the bar.

The prince looked back over his shoulder and waved.

Lisa Diane, 40, of Brigantine Beach, N.J., grew up on Pennsgrove Street in Mantua and returned to her block to see the royals.

Much to her surprise, Charles shook her hand.

“Never in a million years did I think we’d have the opportunity to meet the Prince of Wales,” she said. “Out of all the places for him to visit ... this is phenomenal, and it makes history for us.”

It had been 147 years since a Prince of Wales came to Philadelphia, and so it was a giddy occasion for those who waited in the cold, and went home with photos and stories to tell of having touched a royal.

“I’ll never wash this hand,” yelled a man in West Philadelphia.

The three-day visit, the couple’s first to the United States since 2005, coincided with the 150th Anniversary Academy Ball and Concert, which they attended Saturday night. On Sunday morning, they planned to worship at Arch Street Presbyterian Church before taking a train to New York, where former Vice President Al Gore will present the prince with an environmental award from the Harvard Medical School’s Center for Health and the Global Environment.

The trip, said an aide, was seen as a way to boost “the transatlantic relationship” between the United States and Britain. With the themes of youth empowerment and urban regeneration, the focus was “on issues where both countries are confronting similar problems and can learn from one another.”

The couple’s first stop Saturday was Independence Hall, symbol of the American colonists’ break with the British, which was bathed in brilliant winter light as the motorcade rolled up just after 11:30.

Without much fanfare, they got out of a black limousine - he on the left, she on the right - a well-dressed, middle-age couple instantly surrounded by darkly clothed men and women.

Theresa Boyce held up her cell phone.

“This is a Kodak moment,” she said.

“Cool,” said her 9-year-old daughter, Jessica.

Escorted by the First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry in full military garb, they were swarmed by a pool of 20 reporters and photographers and enthusiastically greeted by a crowd of 600, many waving British or American flags.

Every few feet, they paused to read signs and shake hands.

Theresa McGlaughlin, 20, a Moore College of Art and Design student, gave the Duchess of Cornwall a bouquet of lilies, daisies and roses.

“The prince said, `Thank you for the flowers for my wife.’ And I said, `Anytime, sir,’” she said later.

He also reached out to Sarah Tonemah, 20, another Moore student, after she presented the duchess with a book of watercolors.

“He was very handsome and charming. Now I can die happy,” she said. “Meeting a royal was on my list of things to do.”

Moore students held up handmade signs, including a banner welcoming the Prince of Wales in Welsh: “Croeso i Philadelphia.”

Protesters, including a handful from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, were also there.

Matt Rice, 31, a PETA activist, said his organization was there “to ask Prince Charles to use his influence with the British Ministry of Defense to switch to synthetic fur rather than slaughter Canadian black bears for Royal Guard hats.”

Canadian Chet Woon, 39, an amateur photographer from Alberta, found himself “acting like a paparazzi” when he climbed an Independence Mall fence to get a picture of the prince.

Judy Spiller, 60, who lives in Independence Place, got a chuckle.

“I asked to shake his hand, and he said, `It won’t do you any good.’ He has a sense of humor.”

There were critics in the crowds throughout the day.

Simran Bhatia, 18, of Dubai, a Wharton School finance student, said: “I don’t think he’s done anything good for the world. He won the genetic lottery.”

As for urban regeneration and Charles’ vision, Bhatia said, “He talks a lot and does nothing about it.”

At Independence Hall, the royals - he in a blue suit and dark topcoat, she wearing a fur-trimmed beige coat over a pale-blue dress - met Gov. Ed Rendell and Mayor John F. Street.

From there they walked to the Liberty Bell, where fifth-graders from William Loesche Elementary School in Northeast Philadelphia were waiting.

Charles “told me I did a good job,” said 10-year-old Kyle Staeb.

Ellen Tassin, 46, of Louisville, Ky., and her husband, Staff Sgt. Jerry Tassin, 45, unexpectedly came upon the royal visit.

“It’s history,” she said.

“It’s pretty boring,” said the couple’s son, Nick, 14.

In a room filled with the city’s elite at the National Constitution Center, Charles offered thanks for the opportunity to explore urban concerns.

“I’ve learned a great deal from the American experience,” he said. “Over the next couple of days, I look forward to meeting many people who are well-versed in these issues.”

From the historic icons and stylish rowhouses of Society Hill, the royal motorcade carried the prince and duchess to Mantua, a close-knit neighborhood that residents say is on its way back up.

“I think it’s nice they came to West Philadelphia, not just Center City,” said Hazel Pree, 64, who wore a full-length mink for the occasion. “It’s nice they want to be around ordinary people.”

The couple then headed off to attend a ceremony at 40th and Pennsgrove Streets, a vantage point that gave them a look at three Mural Arts Program works, followed by a block-long walk to Heavenly Hall Full Gospel Church to meet artists, children and activists.

But as they came down 40th, past a corner Laundromat with security mesh and a pair of sagging houses, they caught sight of the crowd lining Poplar Street and veered over. Camilla posed for pictures and accepted a flag from a young girl in a hat as a gospel choir sang, “I was born by the river.”

Many had hoped for a fleeting glance, and got much more.

“We all grow up on fairy tales, kings and queens,” said Linda Hicks-Kenny, 52.

Calla Cousar, 77, has lived in Mantua since 1947.

“I never thought I would see the prince and duchess,” she said.

Looking around at streets and sidewalks that she said had been tidied up for the event, she quipped, “We should have `prince day’ once a month.”

When Charles and Camilla made it to their destination, accompanied by Street, Mural Arts Program director Jane Golden, and a click-click-clicking frenzy of photographers, they found groups of children in oversize T-shirts dabbing at parachute cloth mural squares.

“Hello,” Camilla said, surprising a little girl working on the face of Mother Teresa.

“Well done,” chimed in the prince.

He was full of questions as he strode about the room:

“Who drew out the original?”

“Is this acrylic?”

At the center table, artist David McShane, in flannel shirt and ponytail, supervised a group of youngsters painting the face of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in shades of blue.

The prince, a watercolorist, was asked: “Would you like to paint?”

“Oh, dear,” he said, rolling his eyes.

Camilla showed no reticence. She grasped a brush and started right in on the civil-rights leader’s chin, worrying McShane as her cuff came near a paint tub.

Thus encouraged, her husband took a few strokes, too.

As Jessica Hinton, 11, painted across the table, she stole glances at the future king, gray and soft-spoken in a double-breasted suit and paisley pocket kerchief.

“I thought a prince would be a little younger,” she said later.

The prince told McShane he deserved “a good stiff drink” for working on a Saturday.

All the cameras, McShane said, had the children “feeling like rock stars.”

Downstairs, the prince and duchess quizzed community activists - old, young, black, white - from Kensington, Norris Square, Grays Ferry and other neighborhoods about their murals, renderings of which were displayed on the walls.

Stopping before the “Holding Grandmother’s Quilt” mural display, Golden told him: “Look what a committed group of citizens can do. The ripple effect is indeed profound.”

Outside the sun was out again, and the couple once again walked to the barricades to greet neighbors.

A bike officer called out, “Hey, how you doing?”

“Still alive!” retorted the prince, getting a laugh.

“He was amazingly down to earth,” artist Cathleen Hughes said.

Artist Keir Johnston was impressed by the prince’s choice of activities: “I thought it showed a lot of his personality, that besides going to the symphony house he requested to come to mural arts.”

At International House in West Philadelphia, Charles joined the tail end of a student conference on urban regeneration, listening as students summarized their findings.

Afterward, John Park, a University of Pennsylvania architectural student from Korea, said the prince had added to the discussion.

“He gave great insights,” Park said. “We were talking about regeneration, and the whole time we were talking about the financial aspect, the architectural aspect. But he was the one who pointed out we should talk to the residents who are already living there ... and develop our plans from there.”

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Simran Bhatia, 18, of Dubai, a Wharton School finance student, said: “I don’t think he’s done anything good for the world. He won the genetic lottery.”

From what I've seen in the UK, some Indian people are jealous of whites.  I don't know precisely why.  I think they envy the lighter skin colour and want their own children to be as white as that (intermariage between white people and Indians from both sexes in now quite high).

London now looks like a U.S. city.  It is the only genuinely 'diverse' city in the UK.  Lots of other cities have large Muslim/Asian blocs but very few have a truly large international population.

Prince Charles has said he wants to be the first 'multicultural monarch'.  But if G-d is willing his reign will not last very long.  The whole country is groaning under the weight of changes that the people never asked for.  The white majority is being pushed out everywhere one looks.  American people from different races may have respect for the British Monarchy but the immigrants who will soon form a large proportion of the UK couldn't care less about white institutions.

By supporting multiculturalism Prince Charles is supporting the abolition of his own institution, the abolition of his own country.  He is a disgrace of a man.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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By the time he becomes King, he will be really old. The women in his family have good genes. His grandmother lived over 100 years. If his mother, the current Queen, lives that long, he could only take the throne when he is over 70 years old. I believe The Queen is still in her 70's now.

They certainly do have enviable genes.  Their existence and means of life puts an end to the idea that 'inbreeding' is bad and that the only way for a people to be genetically healthy is to open one's borders to the Third World and breed with them.  I believe they are more or less pure Germans, and any mixing they have done has been with other pure-breed aristocracies over the world.

However they don't seem to want other, lesser people to retain their heritage.  Maybe the royals believe that in a multicultural mish-mash nightmare scenario, where society is torn between many competing social groups, those with pure blood will rise to the top.  The Princes Harry and William are pure-blonds who have everything in life.  Most whites however are about to pass into a time of great suffering and eventual eclipse.

Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline mord

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Even a white man like Charlie with his station in life can'nt find an attractive white woman. :o
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Even a white man like Charlie with his station in life can'nt find an attractive white woman. :o

Attractive white women like MANLY MEN, which these days is usually the big black bruisers on the athletics teams.

In my opinion if white men want to have a future for themselves and their children, they must learn lessons from 19th century America.

If you don't burn out the vicious weeds from your midst, they will strangulate and kill off your most beautiful flowers.

Let those who have ears, understand this.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline mord

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Even a white man like Charlie with his station in life can'nt find an attractive white woman. :o

Attractive white women like MANLY MEN, which these days is usually the big black bruisers on the athletics teams.

In my opinion if white men want to have a future for themselves and their children, they must learn lessons from 19th century America.

If you don't burn out the vicious weeds from your midst, they will strangulate and kill off your most beautiful flowers.

Let those who have ears, understand this.
I'm very big and muscular i really don'nt want to post my photo here,but truth be told i can get white women but i'm scared they might have been with a black. I don'nt want aids
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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I'm very big and muscular i really don'nt want to post my photo here,but truth be told i can get white women but i'm scared they might have been with a black. I don'nt want aids

I had a homosexual friend who kept telling me he was worried about AIDS.  He also told me he hated using condoms.  A lot of the stuff he used to tell me put me off the idea of sex altogether.

  At least you could ask her to get an HIV/AIDS test at the local doctors before marrying her.   ;D
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Of course. Chaim has said that The NWO wants people to be dumb so there can be a New World Order. That's why they push the Third World agenda.

That explains why they are populating the cities of Europe and America with negroes.  It doesn't however explain why some countries, like Canada, are so keen on bringing in Asians who have a higher average IQ than Europeans.

In the NWO, the most intelligent will be a cosmopolitan elite while the labouring class will be mulatto hoardes.  In some ways this is similar to European history when the aristocracies of various countries would interbreed and hold parties in each other's castles, while they considered their subjects to be of a totally different stock to themselves.

This is why, Yacov Menashe, I say that the biggest threat is the Anglo-Saxon viewpoint being forced on the world.  Most of the world is happy to keep to its own and keep national boundaries.  But the Anglos want to remodel the entire world into a form of neo-feudalism.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline mord

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I'm very big and muscular i really don'nt want to post my photo here,but truth be told i can get white women but i'm scared they might have been with a black. I don'nt want aids

I had a homosexual friend who kept telling me he was worried about AIDS.  He also told me he hated using condoms.  A lot of the stuff he used to tell me put me off the idea of sex altogether.

  At least you could ask her to get an HIV/AIDS test at the local doctors before marrying her.   ;D
I once asked a girl that she became very insulted in any eventi would have to keep isolated for 6 months due to the incubation time of Aids.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline mord

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I only want to marry a virgin so the issue of AIDS isn't an issue for me. I don't want a used woman. So that is why I can only marry a religious Jew. I assume most other women are slutty and have had sex.

Thats true maybe i'll become more religious and go to main street and look for a religious girl
« Last Edit: January 28, 2007, 08:00:27 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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There is the Anglo-Saxon London/New York NWO which is based out of The Council On Foreign Relations in New York. However, there is also a competing NWO in Catholic Europe which run out of The Vatican and The EU. That's what conspiracy theorists say.

Barry Chamish says that most Israeli politicians are controlled by the London/New York branch but Peres and Beilin are controlled by the Catholic Europe branch. That's why he's friendly with The French and The Vatican while other Israeli politicians are friendly with Washington.

This sounds quite plausible.  I know that David Ben-Ariel's group are fanatically pro-Anglo and are constantly talking about the EU and the Vatican taking over.

Of course one has to wonder how this little group that charges nothing for its literature is so rich.

In my opinion there is a conspiracy against ordinary Westerners because the people in charge want to radically change the world.  But the majority of law-abiding and decent people want to maintain their traditions and way of life ....
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?