Schlomo, maybe genetics is meaningless to you, but to the entire gentile world, our physical bodies as you say ARE our identities. And the again the reason I want to leave Jewish law (Torah she'b'aal peh/oral tradition) out of this discussion is because it is not accepted as a legitmate source outside the Jewish religion. This is not the same as Biblical scripture (Torah she'b'ktav) which is accepted not only by Jews, but also by Christians, and even by athiests and agnostics who see historical fact in it.
This would be like a Muslim trying to make the case to the civilized world that because the Koran says any peice of land once Muslim is forever Muslim, and the Koran does not allow a Muslim to sell land to an infidel, so any contracts made between the Yishuv and the Ottoman Turks are null and void. And the Koran also says that infidels living in Muslim lands like Spain (once Muslim, always Muslim) must accept the status of Dhimmis (second class citizens) and pay the jizya (extortion money). Well the civilized world doesn't believe in the Koran, so that whole argument falls flat on it's face.
Likewise, when making a case about our claim to Israel, to not only Jews but gentiles as well, oral tradition is NOT a common denominator.
I know what the Bible says about converts, thank you very much.
The stranger living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were strangers in Egypt. I am the L-RD your G-d.Leviticus 19:34
if ethopians are not descendeed from israelites, and they follow a non orthodox (but serious unlike Reform e.t.c) form of judaism, and they believe that one cannot convert, then they have a problem.
For them. And would mean that maybe they have no basis for believing they have a claim to the land of israel. But whose business is that other than theirs. That's entirely nonsensical speculation anyway.. And nothing whatsoever to do with khazars.
I have no idea what your reasoning is at all
The reason the case of Ethiopian Jews is relevant, is because like the Khazars, an Asian nation foreign to the blood line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, accepted upon themselves the obligations of Judaism, the Ethiopians are a nation that is just as foreign to that blood line, did the same. I never said that neither Ethiopians, nor Khazars weren't Jews if their conversions were authentic. Don't twist my words. If you can't see the obvious comparison, then I am using too many big words for you.
Not only is genetics relevant for this discussion, it is relevant throughout the Bible. Some good examples are:
1. A bastard can only marry another bastard to legitmize the next generation.
2. Egyptian converts can only marry into the general population, after 3 generations.
3. Moabites can never be accepted as converts, no matter how long after the Exodus.
4. Amalekites are to be exterminated entirely, no matter how many genrations after the incident at Rephidim.
5. G-d's promise to redeem the Jewish people not on our own merit but on His promise to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.