But Pheasant, hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered in gulags under Communism for refusing to give up religion. In the last century, the number of Jews murdered by Communism way exceeded the number murdered by Islam.
Also, don't forget that before the modern rise of Islamonazism, that the Soviet Union was the world headquarters of Israel-destruction. They armed and trained all the Arab Nazi nations, and on a few occasions even sent "volunteer" Russian pilots to help them. 
Yes they were terrible. I don't advocate Socialism. In fact I detest it. But in a secret way it has a calming effect on Muzzies.
Soo just becuase the communists did bad things to Muslims doesn't excuse them doing the things they did to Jews. Anyway Communism shouldn't be blamed for the physical bad things that they did becuase it wasn't communists necessarily but the Russian people who did the same even beforehand, BUT what they did spiritually to Jews was over and beyond, and concidered worse then all the physical persecution and even pogroms and death.
Anyway its not necessarily the communist system that is bad its the people running any system. Like the other day I was talking to my parents about it, and even though I bash the Russians (and stalin, etc.) They say that even though yes they might have less wealth etc. STILL their was a lot less pressure then in Capitalist countries (like U.S.A.) where you have to worried about morgage, about this payment and that payment. And about health insurence and that insurence, and many things, where there everything was takin care of for you, you just came to work (many times when you wanted even late) worked the $ you were supposed to make and then closed shop, my dad also compared it to how some Haredim live where making $ isn't the number 1 thing in their minds.