The farthest I will go is to say that there are negative aspects of absolute Democracy. Absolute democracy is equal to the mob rules. This I fully agree. But a representative system is written about in the Torah. I believe that the founding fathers had good intentions to develop a system which would not degenerate into mob rules mentality. As a matter of fact, the electoral system was created for just this purpose. Though this system is being misused today it was a great idea to prevent rampant infiltration by anti-American elements.
I dont have faith in the American democracy. I have faith in the spirit of the American. This country has withstood a lot of friction and overcome it. This wisdom is learned in pirkie avot.
I ALSO have faith in the
SPIRIT of America, and no, many dont have this today, BUT WE DO here! the REASON that people from the JTF BELIEVE in America, is because we BELIEVE IN G-D. there is NO WAY that this nation could have possibly been built witout LAW- which
If people want to know about the book of revelation, which is to what Nik is referring to (Gog, Magog, Meggido, Armageddon, etc..) well, I AM educated on this subject.
Guess WHO wins? G-D AND ISRAEL. that is ALL I needed to know about
that book, if believing the BEST for Us, is WRONG, then I dont care to be right.
It is YOUR prerogative, to disagree with me, and tell me I am insane and terrible for reading it, I will only advise you to just read all of the books of the Prophets/Tanach, because MANY prophecies- ESPECIALLY Israel being a nation again, and G-d bringing us back from the 4 corners of the Earth- HAS HAPPENED.
Nik- all of this can go ahead and happen, WE HAVE A COVENENT that can NEVER ever be broken by ANY MAN OR govt establishment. Throughout over 5,800 years
Did you EVER think that...."For Such A Time As This....". We would be here?
People NEED to REMEMBER that G-d ANSWERS when WE cry OUT. AND WE HAVE been. Isnt it time, to THANK and Give Glory and HONOR to HaShem, for what he is
GOING TO DO? Because I BELIEVE that G-d IS going to show up BIGTIME, like we KNOW he HAS, As a MIGHTY G-D OF WAR on behalf of his children, Yisrael, and ALSO for the FAITHFUL believers of G-d of all of the denominations of the Christian faith.
There WILL come a time, when we will NOT wail ANYMORE.
And to the REPUBLIC, for WHICH it STANDS.![](