lol, true, but they have power in this country, if we undermine them now, we may stop righteous right winged blood shed
DONT KID YOURSELF, power? People that run around in nightshirts like the muZ, get power for about TEN years, just like the 3rd reich, then G-d shows up and He takes care of things, humbles them, and you would THINK they would have LEARNED from history, alas- vermin are forced to relive it.
If I were THEM, I would be afraid of the MAFIA right now, they messed with
ME -
NOT good.
Why are u even bothering with these inbred white trash sheep that have ZERO brains? It is backward Slayer, to go there and come here. They use that name know? "Slayer" they use that music too.. Watch out Slayer.. they may just want YOU. They may ask you.. "Where will you find shelter in the storm?" You had better be careful You are playing with fire, and you WILL get burned.
People that follow huge organizations like this- have NO brains, that is EXACTLY WHY they can be EASILY manipulated, frankly- I cant see why these 'powerful' people would even allow to be so
Must SUCK to be them.

EASILY DISPERSED when the 'sheperd' is struck.. which reminds me.. D. Duke... Russia? Yeah, Duke is in Russia. I wonder....did he get sent to Russia AFTER he went to Iran to say that no Holocaust existed? Well, HMPH... THIS is what these "America First" people wanted? A person who goes to IRAN, and is now in Russia- and people say he is "American' PLEASE... SELL
I DONT THINK SO. So much for "America First" 3rd Reich Jargon.