US/NATO ICTY Kangaroo Court in The Hague wants to MURDER Heroic Christian Serbian Patriot,Dr. Vojislav Šešelj, the brave defender of the Serbian people in Krajina against Franjo Tudjman's Croat Ustasha Nazis 21 July 2008 | 12:25 | Source: Tanjug BELGRADE -- A defense lawyer for Vojislav Šešelj claims that
the Hague Tribunal is "seriously looking into ways to murder" his client.
Slavko Jerković spoke in a news conference in Belgrade on Sunday when he added that the UN war crimes court's prosecution intends to impose "some kind of lawyer" on the leader of the Radicals (SRS), accused of war crimes.
"This, too, is one way to kill him. Another method is injecting air into a vein," Jerković said.
He added that
"Šešelj had already warned about this, but that neither the hearing chamber nor the prosecution reacted, "which is proof of a conspiracy to find a way to commit murder". Jerković also appealed on the state of Serbia "not to abet the murder by arresting defense witnesses and forcibly sending them to the Hague Tribunal in the capacity of witnesses for the prosecution". Šešelj's defense lawyer told journalists that 36 witnesses testified so far against his client
"without presenting a single piece of evidence".
PS: - If someone on JTF would like to send some words of encouragement (and wishes for good health) to Dr. Vojislav Seselj, here's the address:
Dr. Vojislav Seselj
ICTY Detention Unit
Pompstationsweg 32
NL 2597 JW
The Hague, Netherlands
Warning: mail might be read/intercepted by the corrupt US/NATO-paid Nazis at the Hague ICTY.