Author Topic: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!  (Read 4822 times)

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Offline Madeline

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Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« on: August 05, 2008, 11:04:13 PM »
I'm outraged at this kind of behavior.  After I go around talking up JTF, telling responsible conservative Jews that they should support this bastion of good Kahanist thinking, you pull this childish, egotistical nonsense!  I'm disappointed in you and I'm embarrassed for you! 

Are you really for Jews protecting themselves or are you just for advancing your own agenda? 

Of course, you'll pull this post too.

If your movement never gets anywhere, you might want to check out your attitiudes towards what you call 'competition.'

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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 11:43:43 PM »
    Madeline,    I believe that the thread was moved to the " Truth about Islam"  section of the Forum.
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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2008, 07:57:49 AM »
It's here:

why was it moved so quickly?  Please don't move subjects so quickly until they make it to the second or third page....
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2008, 08:05:40 AM »
I posted an article from Front Page Mag about an interview with Meir Weinstein.  It was how the JDL has come back to Canada due to the increase in antisemitism and they get Jews out there within organized protests against the Arab/Mohammadan and ultra-leftist Israel apartheid Week....

It was also pulled.  Very sad... truly dispicable in my opinion....

It was most likely moved also... repost it.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2008, 08:53:16 AM »
my opinion is that JTF is a better idealistic movement that JDL canada.  however, it's a good thing there are possibly a large group of organized Jews doing these protests.  This may help bring the right wing Jewish ideology into the fold...and if it isn't JTF, at least it's the Kahanist ideology that will be taking a strong foothold.  Remember...this is about what's right, not the movement talking about what's right..We should be congratulating JDL canada's efforts for their actions against those muslims.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Madeline

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Re: Let's go for more unity and cooperation among Kahanists
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2008, 08:58:13 AM »
So my article was moved to a forum called English.  This forum is impossible to find looking at the general list of forum's available.  It was also edited.  I had put in a note about wishing Jews everywhere could cooperate for Jewish survival and break the self-destructive tendency we have had to fight amongst ourselves and let ourselves be conquered.  That was taken out.

Also taken out was someone's reply that the Canadian JDL guy was someone Chaim had bad history with.  Oh, so that explains why we shouldn't know about how our brothers and sisters to the north are defending themselves against real physical violence? 

Dr. Dan, you are on the right track.  More cooperation among Kahanists is needed.

Chaim, you could set a better example.  Instead of dwelling on how you've been hurt by this or that other Kahanist leader, show us how Jews can follow a path of PULLING TOGETHER TO SURVIVE.  Get positive or we die!

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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2008, 09:13:19 AM »
On the face of it, I have to agree. United we stand, divided we fall.

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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2008, 09:55:25 AM »
We should all be Allies. All Jews and all reightouse gentiles. The threat is way too great to let minor tactical differences get in the way.

Once the Islamic and Arab threat is gone we can all sit around and have intelligent discussions on politics, religion and bring greater glory to God.   O0
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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2008, 11:44:32 AM »

I removed your post because it promotes an evil traitor who is misusing the JDL name.

Meir Weinstein works with Shelly Rubin's pseudo-JDL which under her husband Irv Rubin betrayed the Jewish hero Jonathan Pollard. Irv Rubin yimach shmo vezichro said on the Merv Griffin Show in front of 30 million Americans that Pollard should have received the death penalty. This is unforgivable.

The swine Meir Weinstein defends Irv and Shelly Rubin, and Weinstein himself wrote against Jonathan Pollard on the splinter forum.

The swine Meir Weinstein called me and other JTFers "Shabak agents". This fungus who stabs Jewish heroes in the back (which is the equivalent of informing on one's fellow Jews in Judaism) has the unmitigated chutzpah to condemn loyal Jews.

Irv Rubin told the Village Voice that he "would not sit shiva if Meir Kahane dropped dead." Rubin condemned Rabbi Kahane and detested him. Rubin said all of these things in the name of the JDL.

Shelly Rubin supported the expulsion of thousands of Jewish families from Gush Katif and northern Samaria on her "JDL" web site. Shelly said that Arik Sharon yimach shmo vezichro is Israel's greatest general and we must do what he says. Shelly said if the "democratically elected government" of Israel decides to surrender G-d-given Jewish land to Muslim Nazi terrorists, we must support the government decision.

Irv Rubin stole $87,000 that someone left in his will for JDL. Rubin claimed that he represented JDL and took the money. The person who left the money had done so because he was inspired by the campaign which I led on behalf of Soviet Jewry. Rubin condemned what I did on behalf of Soviet Jewry. Rubin said that the authorities "should lock up the terrorist Victor Vancier and throw the key away". But the same Rubin stole the money that was given to JDL specifically because of the bombings and teargassing which I carried out to save our brothers and sisters behind the Iron Curtain.

While I was in prison, Irv Rubin created the "Victor Vancier Legal Defense Fund" to supposedly raise money for my legal defense. Rubin ran full page ads in the Jewish Press and raised tens of thousands of dollars. I never received a single penny.

I could write volumes about Meir Weinstein and his friends Shelly and Irv Rubin.

However, on this forum, no one will be allowed to publicize these vile traitors who are misusing the name of an organization that I made famous by spending many years in prison, on probation and in exile from Israel.

If you try to publicize these traitors, your posts will be deleted, and if you persist, you will be banned.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 12:01:02 PM by Chaim Ben Pesach »

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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2008, 11:47:53 AM »
The same is true for David HaIvri whose splinter forum compares me to Hitler, and who has spent years making the sickest and most vicious attacks on our movement.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 12:02:51 PM by Chaim Ben Pesach »

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2008, 02:59:08 PM »
so chaim, do we root for them to succeed in canada if they are fighting muslims?  Do we allow them to do what they can so that the concept of right wing Jews with muscles wake people up and make their way to JTF?

I don't understand...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Shamgar

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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2008, 03:14:37 PM »
Sorry, was not aware of all the history. Heck, we just need to get all those snowbirds to migrate south, from JDL to JTF.
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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2008, 03:34:11 PM »
so chaim, do we root for them to succeed in canada if they are fighting muslims?  Do we allow them to do what they can so that the concept of right wing Jews with muscles wake people up and make their way to JTF?

I don't understand...

They are not fighting Muslims. Meir Weinstein was asked in the interview if Islam is a religion of peace and he said, "I don't know." What an ignoramus. Having a small demonstration every 6 months in Canada is not fighting Muslims. And the article was not written by a real journalist - the writer of the article, Fern Sidman, worked with Irv Rubin to undermine me when I was trying to save Soviet Jewry in the 1980s. Now she writes articles for Weinstein and calls herself an "investigative journalist". I assure you that there was no real confrontation between Jews and Muslims in Canada. If there had been, it would have gotten real news coverage in Canada, not an "article" written by Fern Sidman who conveniently never mentions that she herself is part of Shelly Rubin's "JDL".

Exposing Islam as we are doing, building a movement against Islam in America and Israel is the way to fight Muslims.

We are reaching tens of thousands of Israeli Jewish youth with our Kahanist message. Nothing is more important than that. But Meir Weinstein condemns us and slanders us.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 03:37:40 PM by Chaim Ben Pesach »

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2008, 04:29:48 PM »
so chaim, do we root for them to succeed in canada if they are fighting muslims?  Do we allow them to do what they can so that the concept of right wing Jews with muscles wake people up and make their way to JTF?

I don't understand...

They are not fighting Muslims. Meir Weinstein was asked in the interview if Islam is a religion of peace and he said, "I don't know." What an ignoramus. Having a small demonstration every 6 months in Canada is not fighting Muslims. And the article was not written by a real journalist - the writer of the article, Fern Sidman, worked with Irv Rubin to undermine me when I was trying to save Soviet Jewry in the 1980s. Now she writes articles for Weinstein and calls herself an "investigative journalist". I assure you that there was no real confrontation between Jews and Muslims in Canada. If there had been, it would have gotten real news coverage in Canada, not an "article" written by Fern Sidman who conveniently never mentions that she herself is part of Shelly Rubin's "JDL".

Exposing Islam as we are doing, building a movement against Islam in America and Israel is the way to fight Muslims.

We are reaching tens of thousands of Israeli Jewish youth with our Kahanist message. Nothing is more important than that. But Meir Weinstein condemns us and slanders us.

thank you chaim for clarifying that.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Madeline

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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2008, 06:15:01 PM »
Chaim, I don't want to upset you further.   I have held you in the highest regard. But I must say, I am amazed by the intensity of your reaction. It leaves me wondering about a lot of things, like, what about the FrontPage article and the Wikipedia account of Weinstein's contributions, which show he has done quite a lot for Jews. I understand you say he has done some very bad things too and I take that under advisement.

I am not a mole.  I have no connection with Weinstein or Shelly Rubin.  But I am a mature person, not a kid, who likes to think for herself.  In the time I've been participating in this forum, I think I have been contributing quality postings.  They have been thoughtful and well sourced.  I have looked forward to your weekly broadcasts with great enthusiasm and I have talked about JTF to all my Jewish acquaintences, trying to get them interested in it.  I also spread the news about JTF with flyers at the Israel Day Parade and concert.

My motive for joining JTF was to see Jews become strong and to see the Kahanist teachings become widespread.  I still believe it is the only way to go, and that it has to transcend personalities, or we will be in for very hard times.

So that's who I am.  And I am someone who thinks outside the box, in the service of her people.  If you are uncomfortable with that, then I won't post here.  At all.

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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2008, 06:23:19 PM »
Madeline, I know you're looking forward to Chaim's response but I just want to say this. JTF and Hayamin are the only remaining Kahanist movement with any validity. The others, unfortunately, are backstabbers, informers, etc. I would like to think that there are other movements out there that are actively working toward the same goals that Chaim is pursuing but most of them seem to be fraudulent and only drawing support away from Chaim's organizations. I'm also very independent minded and have studied about some of these other organizations on my own, not just taking Chaim's word for it. Chaim is telling the truth. You should trust him when he speaks. Notice how other organizations disrespect Chaim after all he did and going to prison for his beliefs, etc. That's a major indicator to me right there that they're not legit.

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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2008, 06:58:59 PM »
I agree with Chaim 100% here. Their is no question that Meir Weinstein is a nighmare for the jewish people. I have been witness to some of his extremely evil writings somewhere else on the web that I wont bother to direct traffic to. The last thing that animal wants to do is help jews. He has worked with some of the biggest informers and traitors known to the jewish people. Thid demonstration he had possibly never even took place as Fern Sidman is just one of his buddies. I believe the whole thing was made up by Weinstein and Sidman because I know that the shmuck weinstein doesnt even have two supporters let alone 30.
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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2008, 08:41:30 PM »
Madeline, you write that you are "amazed at the intensity of my reaction."

Perhaps you are right. Why should I react so intensely?

Just because Irv Rubin went on the Merv Griffin Show and told 30 million Americans that Jonathan Pollard should be killed? Just because Rubin made this statement in the name of the JDL? Is it really such a big deal that Rubin backstabbed Pollard who has spent the past 23 years in prison because of his love for Israel and the Jewish people? Or that Meir Weinstein wrote on the splinter forum that he is not that concerned about Pollard's release? So what? Who cares about Pollard? We need unity!

And you're right that I reacted too intensely to Shelly Rubin supporting the expulsion of 10,000 Jews from Gush Katif and northern Samaria. We can't let a little thing like that get in the way of unity.

You're right that we have to transcend personalities. I shouldn't take it personally that Meir Weinstein calls JTFers "Shabak agents."  I shouldn't take it personally that David HaIvri's forum compares me to Hitler. I shouldn't take it personally that Irv Rubin called for putting me in prison and throwing the key away when I was fighting to save Soviet Jewry. I shouldn't take it personally that Irv Rubin stole $87,000 that was intended to go to the JDL that I headed that fought for Russian Jews. What's $87,000 among friends? And I shouldn't take it personally that Irv Rubin formed a "legal defense fund" in my name while I was in prison, raised tens of thousands of dollars and kept every single penny. And now all of the money which Irv stole is in the hands of Shelly Rubin who inherited the fortune when her husband committed suicide. None of this should be allowed to prevent unity.

You write that Weinstein has contributed a lot to the Jewish people. I am not aware of a single meaningful thing that he has ever done for the Jewish people, but what do I know? You're right, I should look to reliable sources like Wikipedia to find out about Weinstein. On Wikipedia, I can read what Weinstein wrote about himself. Very reliable. Or I can read articles written by Fern Sidman, who also happens to write for Shelly Rubin's "JDL" and who was involved with Irv Rubin for years. After all, Fern is an "investigative journalist".

If only I had adopted this ideology of unity when I was running the JDL in the 1980s. I would not have done the bombings and teargassing on behalf of Soviet Jewry because the Rubins and their friend Weinstein consider such activity to be "terrorism". Soviet Jewry would not have become a front page story, and over 1 million Russian Jews who are now in Israel would still be in Russia. But at least I would not have gone to prison, I could have gone to Israel and life would have been so much easier. Not for Russian Jews, but for me.

Oh yes, a few more things would have to be done for unity:

*No Kahanist movement in Israel with Hebrew videos that reach hundreds of thousands of Israeli Jewish youth. Weinstein says that the way I speak gives us a bad image, and Mike Guzofsky says that I just rant and that that hurts the cause - too bad that Israeli Jewish youth on flix disagree with them and keep voting our videos among the Top 10 every week. And we now have a large and vibrant Hebrew forum, but we should shut that down because Weinstein and Guzofsky disapprove of my speaking style.

*No JTF and no Jews Against campaign. Instead we should all join the splinter forums which have 5 members, and where most of the threads and posts are about Chaim Ben Pesach and JTF. That's where you'll find Meir Weinstein praising the Muslims in Turkey, and writing that Israel has to learn to do business with her Arab Muslim Nazi neighbors. In fact, Weinstein's philosophy on Muslims and trade relations sounds a lot like that of Shimon Peres. That's a great idea - the Shimon Peres JDL!

*We must hate the goyim. That's one of my big problems, I believe in working with righteous Gentiles. On the splinter forums, righteous Gentiles are detested. We must throw all of the goyim out of our movement if we want unity with the splinters.

You see how pragmatic I have become!

« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 08:43:04 PM by Chaim Ben Pesach »

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Re: Why was my post about the JDL in Canada taken down??!!
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2008, 11:48:01 AM »
I think, Yes. O0
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