Author Topic: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?  (Read 72666 times)

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Offline SerbChicago

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #125 on: August 10, 2008, 12:23:12 PM »
Meir Cohen, the StørmFrønt comment was completely out of line. You owe SerbChicago an apology.

SerbChicago, I do not know enough about this particular situation, but Russia is not a noble nation simply because it has been a historical ally of the Serbs. Russia is extremely anti-Israel and anti-American (and this has nothing to do with the issue of the Serbs), and abandoned Serbia in 1999 when it needed it most.
I can hard find to believe that in the case of war between Israel and someone else that Russia would support "someone else".They are Christians and they believe in g-d so they have obligation to protect Israel.I see that they support Iran but i see that they are doing it just to contradict US.Why?Because US is really pushing them a lot!Can you see it?With missile deal with Poland,inviting ex-Russian territories to Nato and surrounding them with Nato.What would you do if you see your enemy surrounding you?Why would US support Germany?Why would they support Muslims and nazi Croats and bomb Serbs?Why would they hate so much orthodox Christians?Why would Bush go to Croatia and say that they believe in same g-d and US and Croatia are 'same' and that they have struggled through history foe their independence?Don't they all know the history?Don't they all know that Serbs where alias and Croat and Bosnian muslims where with Nazis?Struggle through history for their independence!Is that why they have had to kill 1.8 million Serbs and 90.000 Jews!Listen thank you for stepping up and saying to that guy to apologies to my for StørmFrønt comment!Thank you and i don't think that i deserve that for someone to tell me something like that.I am maybe wrong about this,but all that i can see trough history and now is telling me that they are wright and others are wrong.Please everyone else don't come to conclusion that i hate Israel because that is not simple truth!I love Israel and i would fight for it,but in this issue it's not about Israel.It's about playing with the fire and when fire burned you,you where wondering what happened.I will be honest with you and say that i hate NATO.Why?You all know why(Croatia,Bosnia,Kosovo).That is why i support Russia in this matter, regarded to Russia supporting Iran i think they are wrong and i just hope it would stop.
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Offline SerbChicago

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #126 on: August 10, 2008, 12:29:10 PM »
If you ask me LONG LIVE RUSSIA!

I don't have a firm opinion because I don't feel that I have a comprehensive enough understanding of the situation to form one.

But I'll tell you this....When I see people that support Russia saying "I'd advise JTFers to watch BBC and EuroNews because they tend to be more or less objective"....and "LONG LIVE RUSSIA!"....I'm immediately inclined to support Georgia.

LONG LIVE RUSSIA ?? Are you freaking kidding me ?
The BBC is more or less objective ?? They're not objective in their coverage of Israel, so why should I think this situation is any different ?

Nope, haven't made up my mind yet, it could be that neither side is worthy of support. But there's no way that I'm going to be convinced that the BBC is a reliable, objective source of information. And I'm certainly not going to wish a nation that is supplying Iran with nuclear technology, radars, missiles, and other advanced armaments, which endanger Israel and the USA, a 'long life'.

Sorry but we all do have our opinion and againe this is not about Israel.
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Offline IslamIsCancer

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #127 on: August 10, 2008, 12:34:09 PM »
Let's hope they end this madness and start negotiating instead.

 Please, I sure hope so, it is as if a HUGE bear is eating a little bunny rabbit, this is sad.

The bunny rabbit has stolen lots of territories from their neighboring countries thanks to their dictator Joseph Stalin.
But I'm not surprised that most JTFers support the fascist Stalinist Georgia in this conflict, after all Sahakashvili is Bush's puppet there. Watch BBC and EuroNews they are more objective about this than CNN and FOX.
South Ossetia was part of Georgia before Stalin.

Javakh was Armenian and still is populated by Armenians, whys should it be part of fascist Georgia?
They are closing down Armenian schools and churches and behaving like muslim beasts.
Stalin hated us and gave our territories to Georgians and Turks.

I know nothing about Javakh so no comment about that. From what I hear by Georgian Jews in Israel, Georgians are tolerant and peaceful deleted. Unfortunately many of them still regard Stalin as a Georgian Hero. That is disgusting but doesn't makes them fascists, for example, Gengis Khan is the national hero of Mongolia yet the modern Mongols are peaceful people.

Like I said South Ossetia had been part of Georgia since before the Ossetian came to the region. If The Ossetians want an independent country then they should have North Ossetia first.

Well you don't know about Javakhk then it's pointless to argue.
A country that steals other's territories and the closes their schools and churches cannot have my sympathy.
Free Javakh!!!
I defecate on Stalin's grave.

Offline SerbChicago

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #129 on: August 10, 2008, 02:00:55 PM »
SerbChicago and IslamIsCancer:

Both NATO and Russia are Nazi powers--can we agree on that much?

Russia happened to be right on the issue of Kosovo (even though it didn't do anything to help its Serb brothers). NATO happens to be on the right side on this issue (even though it isn't doing anything to help Georgia). This isn't because either power is right in any way, but simply due to circumstances.

SerbChicago, I am a little amazed at your praise of Russia. Most Russians are NOT "Orthodox Christians" (most are completely atheistic Communists who hate religion), but even if they were, most Russian Orthodoxy is extremely anti-Semitic. For hundreds of years, the Russian Patriarch himself ordered and sanctioned some of humankind's most hideous pogroms--some of which rivaled and exceeded atrocities committed by Muslim Nazis. Why do you think so many Russian Jews are blond-haired and blue-eyed? The answer is because hundreds of thousands of innocent Jewish girls were raped over the centuries by Russian Nazi cretins.

What nation has been the primary armorer of the big Arab armies of the world (Syria, Egypt, Iraq, etc.) for 50 years?
Where does Hezbollah get its heavy weaponry from?
What nation built Iran's reactor and is supplying it with missiles to defend it from U.S./Israeli airstrikes?
What nation took over the sovereign nations of Korea, Vietnam, Czechoslovakia, etc. without provocation?

Russia has been a chauvinistic Nazi nation long before Serbia was an issue. None of what is going on has anything to do with Serbia. We have to examine each conflict independently.


PS: I don't know much about Mr. Sakashvili (sp?), but last time I checked Vladimir Putin pretty much took first place hands-down in the greatest fascist Stalinist contest.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #130 on: August 10, 2008, 02:02:24 PM »
SerbChicago and IslamIsCancer:

Both NATO and Russia are Nazi powers--can we agree on that much?

Russia happened to be right on the issue of Kosovo (even though it didn't do anything to help its Serb brothers). NATO happens to be on the right side on this issue (even though it isn't doing anything to help Georgia). This isn't because either power is right in any way, but simply due to circumstances.

SerbChicago, I am a little amazed at your praise of Russia. Most Russians are NOT "Orthodox Christians" (most are completely atheistic Communists who hate religion), but even if they were, most Russian Orthodoxy is extremely anti-Semitic. For hundreds of years, the Russian Patriarch himself ordered and sanctioned some of humankind's most hideous pogroms--some of which rivaled and exceeded atrocities committed by Muslim Nazis. Why do you think so many Russian Jews are blond-haired and blue-eyed? The answer is because hundreds of thousands of innocent Jewish girls were raped over the centuries by Russian Nazi cretins.

What nation has been the primary armorer of the big Arab armies of the world (Syria, Egypt, Iraq, etc.) for 50 years?
Where does Hezbollah get its heavy weaponry from?
What nation built Iran's reactor and is supplying it with missiles to defend it from U.S./Israeli airstrikes?
What nation took over the sovereign nations of Korea, Vietnam, Czechoslovakia, etc. without provocation?

Russia has been a chauvinistic Nazi nation long before Serbia was an issue. None of what is going on has anything to do with Serbia. We have to examine each conflict independently.


PS: I don't know much about Mr. Sakashvili (sp?), but last time I checked Vladimir Putin pretty much took first place hands-down in the greatest fascist Stalinist contest.

NATO is NOT a Nazi power!!! You mean to tell me that Saudi Arabi and NATO are both the same Nazis?!
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Zelhar

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #131 on: August 10, 2008, 02:03:28 PM »
Let's hope they end this madness and start negotiating instead.

 Please, I sure hope so, it is as if a HUGE bear is eating a little bunny rabbit, this is sad.

The bunny rabbit has stolen lots of territories from their neighboring countries thanks to their dictator Joseph Stalin.
But I'm not surprised that most JTFers support the fascist Stalinist Georgia in this conflict, after all Sahakashvili is Bush's puppet there. Watch BBC and EuroNews they are more objective about this than CNN and FOX.
South Ossetia was part of Georgia before Stalin.

Javakh was Armenian and still is populated by Armenians, whys should it be part of fascist Georgia?
They are closing down Armenian schools and churches and behaving like muslim beasts.
Stalin hated us and gave our territories to Georgians and Turks.

I know nothing about Javakh so no comment about that. From what I hear by Georgian Jews in Israel, Georgians are tolerant and peaceful deleted. Unfortunately many of them still regard Stalin as a Georgian Hero. That is disgusting but doesn't makes them fascists, for example, Gengis Khan is the national hero of Mongolia yet the modern Mongols are peaceful people.

Like I said South Ossetia had been part of Georgia since before the Ossetian came to the region. If The Ossetians want an independent country then they should have North Ossetia first.

Well you don't know about Javakhk then it's pointless to argue.
A country that steals other's territories and the closes their schools and churches cannot have my sympathy.

Your argument applies to Russia even more. Lets limit this discussion to Ossetia. To the best of my knowledge s. ossetia had been part of Georgia before any Ossetian settled there. Then why do you say Georgia stole this land ?

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #132 on: August 10, 2008, 02:04:48 PM »
Yes, Dr. Dan, that is exactly what I am saying. NATO commits genocide against innocent Serbs. You know that.

NATO does the bidding of Nazi nations like Saudi Arabia. NATO is a military organization controlled by pro-Muslim Western leaders. Did you hear Chaim's response to IslamisCancer's question on last week's Ask JTF?

Offline Jericho Missile

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #133 on: August 10, 2008, 02:10:08 PM »
More bad news for Georgia.  The Georgian's dont even have an airforce, and an army of only 18,000.  They weren't ready for this war with Russia, and they paid for it.
Georgia hired a thousand Israeli military personel to prepare for this war.  First of all Israel, Israel can't or won't  neutralize hezbolla.    I hope Israel didn't try to convince the Georgians they had a chance in this war, at this time.  Wow, what a military blunder, it's all wrecked now

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #134 on: August 10, 2008, 02:11:21 PM »
Yes, Dr. Dan, that is exactly what I am saying. NATO commits genocide against innocent Serbs. You know that.

NATO does the bidding of Nazi nations like Saudi Arabia. NATO is a military organization controlled by pro-Muslim Western leaders. Did you hear Chaim's response to IslamisCancer's question on last week's Ask JTF?

I'm afraid that I disagree with that notion. NATO is an anti-communist alliance involving the US, Canada and European nations...Secondly, whatever "bidding" that NATO did for Saudi Arabia against Serbia would be more like a Chamberland or appeasement act towards Nazis...that doesn't make them Nazis...Nazis go and mame and kill and destroy Jews...or directly call for it. Those who appease Nazi type people are appeasers...not Nazis...If that were to be so, then every person who isn't JTF is a Nazi...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #135 on: August 10, 2008, 02:14:11 PM »
Dr. Dan, average people who don't belong to JTF don't go around incinerating civilian cities. That's the kind of thing the Luftwaffe did.

That is the key here.

NATO engages in Nazi actions and does the bidding of Muslim Nazi governments and, even more so, Jew-hating Western leaders. It is extremely likely that someday it will attack Israel if it fails to "obey" the West's orders for it to commit suicide. So yes, it is a Nazi organization.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #136 on: August 10, 2008, 02:19:48 PM »
IslamisCancer, most Armenians are anti-Semitic. Granted, this is partially due to years of contact with Muslim Nazi cultures, but that doesn't excuse it.

I can't judge between Georgians and Armenians because I don't know enough about that conflict.

Offline IslamIsCancer

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #137 on: August 10, 2008, 02:25:45 PM »
IslamisCancer, most Armenians are anti-Semitic. Granted, this is partially due to years of contact with Muslim Nazi cultures, but that doesn't excuse it.

I can't judge between Georgians and Armenians because I don't know enough about that conflict.
I'm not antisemitic and I have always fought antisemitism.
But Israel gives a lot of reasons for Armenians to be antisemites though I disagree with the universal Jew hate.
Universal muslim hate is appropriate because all muslims are evil but that's not the case with the Jews.
I support the righteous Jews but the Israeli government is helping a nation that has committed a holocaust against my people, put yourselves in our shoes.
Free Javakh!!!
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Offline IslamIsCancer

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #138 on: August 10, 2008, 02:32:29 PM »
IslamisCancer, most Armenians are anti-Semitic. Granted, this is partially due to years of contact with Muslim Nazi cultures, but that doesn't excuse it.

I can't judge between Georgians and Armenians because I don't know enough about that conflict.
PLUS it's important to not here that I don't support Russia because of Israel or the arabs, I support them because they are defending our border with the genocidal turks. If you destroy Russia, you will automatically destroy or damage Armenia.
Free Javakh!!!
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Offline IslamIsCancer

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #139 on: August 10, 2008, 02:37:13 PM »
I think we should put all the threads about this conflict in Golden Pheasant's thread because there's going to be more developments and this general discussion section will be flooded with threads about S. Ossetia.
Free Javakh!!!
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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #140 on: August 10, 2008, 02:43:00 PM »
IslamisCancer, obviously I didn't mean every Armenian. I know that you are a pro-Israel Armenian. Still, most Armenians do hold anti-Semitic attitudes, or at least chauvinistic ones.

Yes, Israel is STUPIDLY helping the Turks and Azeris, but Armenian anti-Semitism existed long before Israel even existed. Therefore, this idiotic Israeli alliance is not the cause. Do you remember Chaim saying on Ask JTF that Greece joined the Arab Nazi states in declaring war on the new nation of Israel in 1948, and that Israel approached Greece seeking an alliance with it, but was rejected and then went to Turkey?

Regardless of whether Russians might help Armenians right now, Russia is a genocidal Nazi power and so are Turkey and NATO. Opposing one does not mean siding with the other.

Offline syyuge

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #141 on: August 10, 2008, 02:45:06 PM »
Proud and independent Armenians have also suffered one of the history's most diabolical genocide at the hands of Muzzieturks. Georgia too seems to have taken advantage of their plight. Jewish Calendar Tools
Sun, 10 August 2008   -   9th of Av, 5768   -   Tish'a B'Av

It means that if I am not wrong, the sacred YEAR 5768 has arrived.  O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0

Iran where were you? Where was Syria and who were Arabs? BTW what is a muzzie? :D ;D
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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #142 on: August 10, 2008, 02:45:55 PM »
For a moment, I thought you were talking about Atlanta....


Oh my smiles work again here, WOO HOO!!!
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Offline IslamIsCancer

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #143 on: August 10, 2008, 02:48:21 PM »
IslamisCancer, obviously I didn't mean every Armenian. I know that you are a pro-Israel Armenian. Still, most Armenians do hold anti-Semitic attitudes, or at least chauvinistic ones.

Yes, Israel is STUPIDLY helping the Turks and Azeris, but Armenian anti-Semitism existed long before Israel even existed. Therefore, this idiotic Israeli alliance is not the cause. Do you remember Chaim saying on Ask JTF that Greece joined the Arab Nazi states in declaring war on the new nation of Israel in 1948, and that Israel approached Greece seeking an alliance with it, but was rejected and then went to Turkey?

Regardless of whether Russians might help Armenians right now, Russia is a genocidal Nazi power and so are Turkey and NATO. Opposing one does not mean siding with the other.
Greeks and Armenians are different peoples. Israel would never approach Armenia since Armenia is weaker than Turkey.
Armenian ex-dictator Levon's wife was and still is Jewish, if we were what you're accusing us of being we would not allow that to happen.
P.S. Levon is trying to give Nagorno Karabakh to the turks so he's a disgusting rat.
Free Javakh!!!
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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #144 on: August 10, 2008, 02:51:33 PM »
I don't know anything about Armenian politics, so will take your word for it. There are obviously self-hating traitors in all nations.

I did not say Greeks and Armenians are identical, but they have similar national mindsets and tend to agree on international issues, including Israel. Obviously I feel very bad for the genocide victims, but today most Armenians are no friends of Jews whatsoever.

I am sorry that this has to be said, but it is fact. Of course I support Armenia over Turkey or Azerbaijan, but that does not mean it is innocent. In any event, how does this current conflict involve Armenia?

Offline IslamIsCancer

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #145 on: August 10, 2008, 02:56:40 PM »
I don't know anything about Armenian politics, so will take your word for it. There are obviously self-hating traitors in all nations.

I did not say Greeks and Armenians are identical, but they have similar national mindsets and tend to agree on international issues, including Israel. Obviously I feel very bad for the genocide victims, but today most Armenians are no friends of Jews whatsoever.

I am sorry that this has to be said, but it is fact. Of course I support Armenia over Turkey or Azerbaijan, but that does not mean it is innocent. In any event, how does this current conflict involve Armenia?
Georgian dictator Stalin stole some of our territories and Georgia has always tried to Georgianize those territories. This is how it affects us and they want to build railroads with azzies and turks to completely isolate Armenia, but the saddest part of the story is that the railroad will go through Armenian populated regions and my people will suffer.
Free Javakh!!!
I defecate on Stalin's grave.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #146 on: August 10, 2008, 03:07:45 PM »
Dr. Dan, average people who don't belong to JTF don't go around incinerating civilian cities. That's the kind of thing the Luftwaffe did.

That is the key here.

NATO engages in Nazi actions and does the bidding of Muslim Nazi governments and, even more so, Jew-hating Western leaders. It is extremely likely that someday it will attack Israel if it fails to "obey" the West's orders for it to commit suicide. So yes, it is a Nazi organization.

it's not....then everything is nazi that isn't JTF...i don't subscribe to that point of view..that type of point of view is a One world one opinion one theology mentality.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline IslamIsCancer

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #147 on: August 10, 2008, 03:10:04 PM »
Please admins move all the threads about this war over here to keep the section tidy.
Free Javakh!!!
I defecate on Stalin's grave.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #148 on: August 10, 2008, 03:12:00 PM »
Did you see what I wrote? I disagreed with your characterization of me that "everything that is not JTF is Nazi" based on the fact that average people who are not a part of our movement do not act like Nazis.

NATO deliberately targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure (neighborhoods, businesses, freeways, etc) in an effort to bring Serbia to its knees. That is Nazilike behavior by anyone's standards.

I don't see average non-JTFers murdering people at will.

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Re: What is your opinion about the new war in South Ossetia?
« Reply #149 on: August 10, 2008, 03:44:37 PM »
I don't know anything about Armenian politics, so will take your word for it. There are obviously self-hating traitors in all nations.

I did not say Greeks and Armenians are identical, but they have similar national mindsets and tend to agree on international issues, including Israel. Obviously I feel very bad for the genocide victims, but today most Armenians are no friends of Jews whatsoever.

I am sorry that this has to be said, but it is fact. Of course I support Armenia over Turkey or Azerbaijan, but that does not mean it is innocent. In any event, how does this current conflict involve Armenia?
Georgian dictator Stalin stole some of our territories and Georgia has always tried to Georgianize those territories. This is how it affects us and they want to build railroads with azzies and turks to completely isolate Armenia, but the saddest part of the story is that the railroad will go through Armenian populated regions and my people will suffer.

Don't worry dear... :D ;D
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