Here it is all together so far:
Obama and Mccain are running for Meat and Potatoes and mole sauce Obama hates whitey but loves monkey crap in his bid for president and world domination while supporting his peeps in Palestine who are evil butt smelly and hate Jews for no reason except he's jealous and over circumcised according to Sinclair

who did unspeakable acts of penance with an old with soup to the tune of Dixie while Blowing His Nose he found The Mother Ship abducted by Farrakhan Probed with Koran Obama clapped wildly OH Allah OH Writhing and Moaning Fantasizing about Jihad Hiding His Orgins and weird parents and his organs In halal food to bring about Change Change Change to the old Muslim Sharia Law while forging his Birth Certificate He gets a ******* from Larry on Brokeback Mountain Then he realized Change NOT good otherwise sharia will sound good to Heterosexuals ,light skinned people and Louis Fagakhand's philosophy will blast a hole bigger than Hilary Clinton's rear end after a night with Harry Schlepp Reid and Cindy Sheehan and obama thinks he needs a brain he be thankun he had none like his ugly wife How presidential candidate Heart Of Darkness