Author Topic: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!  (Read 16763 times)

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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #25 on: August 15, 2008, 03:22:14 AM »
This is a great interview and an excellent analysis! I agree wholeheartedly - NATO is acting pretty stupid and irresponsible against Russia. But, two wrongs do not make one right. Serbia was wronged by the scum in USA/EU and Georgia was wronged by the scum in Russia. Should we then support what is expedient or what is right?! What should be a JTF's position - on the side of right or on the side of vindictiveness? I choose to support Serbia AND Georgia which are, unfortunately, are pawns in the greater scheme of things.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 12:34:34 PM by Manch »
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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #26 on: August 15, 2008, 04:12:49 AM »
In my opinion Russia is evil and is continuing on a path of evil.

All governments are evil today. Russia, USA, Israel, Ukraine (very evil - I know), Georgia (what country did Stalin come from?). Isolating Russia as the evil country today is not objective. Communism was a very evil regime. It was more evil than the American regime at the time. Here we can make moral comparisons. But communism was a regime of the Soviet Union - a multinational state. Statistically, Russians were underrepresented in the communist government. Unfortunately, there was a disproportionately HUGE number of Jews among communists - until the late 30ies when Stalin exterminated them. Solzhenitsyn writes about it. The first Soviets sounded like the list of Bund members. It was an overwhelmingly Jewish organization, and I am not proud of it. There was a very large number of Caucasians (not whites - people from the Caucasus region), and among them - Georgians, such as the famous butchers, Stalin and Beria. There were a lot of Balts (Latvians) among the communists in the beginning, and there was always a very large number of Ukrainians. It was historically understandable that formerly oppressed minorities became attracted to the communist ideology and joined the movement in large numbers, but still, let's not demonize the Russians or other ethnic groups. Communism doesn't have a nationality, and everybody's hands have blood on them.

Let's bring some objectivity into the discussion of Russia today. It's not a communist state, no matter how much some people like to claim that it is. It is more capitalist that the U.S. today. It's also a very corrupt system because a lot of people are dishonest due to the immoral atheism of Soviet years. In addition, the Russian society doesn't understand that the law of the land must be upheld. This is because they don't have the Western democratic tradition of law-abiding behavior and constitutional thinking. If people can bend the law to their advantage, they will. If they can cheat, they will. It is their mentality that needs (in my opinion) a complete overhaul, because such a mentality is very counterproductive for the society - it tears down its very fabric. To be fair, the exact same thing is equally valid for other post-Soviet states, such as the Ukraine and Georgia, which are today the darlings of the Western media.

What can a country do in the meantime to compensate for its people's lack of law-abiding mentality and propensity to cheat to make sure that it doesn't descend into chaos? It can turn authoritarian. This is what we observe happening in Russia. (And in Georgia, for that matter. Saakashvili is no democrat). Is autocracy, in itself, bad? No, I don't think so. As long as we have an enlightened ruler. Hopefully, the righteoud government of Israel will be an enlightened theocracy.

Some of the good things happening in Russia. People turn to Christianity in droves. Even muslims are converting to Christianity. People become more traditionalist in their thinking and more patriotic. Traditionalism, patriotism, religion - these are GOOD things. Another good thing compared to the US - a much greater spread of opinion in the mainstream press and internet. A very vigorous and healthy atmosphere of political analysis. A lot of the political trends that were observed by Western analysts recently, were noted by Russian analysts some years ago. There is certainly a lag I notice. Yes, this is a paradox. Russia is authoritarian, but there seems to be more freedom of speech (the press and the internet) than in the U.S.

On the other hand, Western governments are quickly turning totalitarian (while Russia is authoritarian - feel the difference?). This is especially true in the EU. It is truly scary how many freedoms have the European people lost recently. But this is quickly happening in the U.S. as well. Luckily, the First Amendment seems to be more robust than the analogous freedoms in Europe, but it is being quickly eroded. Cultural elites and mainstream media are virtually monolithic in its political opinion with which they bombard the American people and which enables them to pursue their suicidal policies of mass immigration and railroading Israel into submission. As for the aggressive pursuit of political interests, it is the West that have been winning in this department. The guy interviewed said that the NATO expanded more than Hitler. Nothing wrong with that. Every system protects its political interests and expands their sphere of influence. That's the geopolitical game for you. But to single out Russia as the bad guy is unfair. Of course, they don't want NATO next door. How would the U.S. like it if Russia were to sign a treaty with Mexico, put its military bases there and start training its military. Remember what happened in 1962 when Russian send its advisers to Cuba? Well, the guy says it all very well.

Is there a big moral difference between Russia and the U.S. today? It's terrible that Russia aligned itself with the Arab and muslim world. I hate them for that. But the U.S. is not much better. It armed the Taliban, it sold weapons to Pakistan, it put Saddam Hussein into power, and it has been doing and continuing to do low, underhanded deals with Saudi Arabia. It puts pressure on little Israel to committ a national suicide. Russia helps Israel's enemies, but, at least, it leaves Israel alone (for now). The two important differences I see are: 1) the American people (of European background) are, on the whole, more upright and righteous because of their Christian upbringing; 2) the American people, on the whole (not their State Department!), do support Israel in much greater numbers than Russians, who are quite antisemitic. But if think Russians are antisemitic then what would you think about Ukrainians? They are 10 times more antisemitic than Russians. I know. I lived in both places. So, on the whole, yes, the U.S. occupies the higher moral ground today than Russian does. But only due to the number of righteous people who live there (there is still quite a few of them), not because of their government. And the moral difference is diminished every day.

Whew, I certainly didn't think I would be defending Russia on this board (or anywhere, for that matter). I am not a Russia lover or supporter. But the hypocrisy of the U.S. government who granted independence to Kosovo while denying the same to South Ossetia really riled me up. They have the gall to talk about the sovereignty of national borders while the ink is still wet on the Kosovo agreement! I am also irritated by the vitriol of the unreflective Russia hatred. Remember when Serbia was demonized in the beginning of the Yugoslav war? Let's bring in a note of sanity here.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 04:20:10 AM by Masha »

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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #27 on: August 15, 2008, 05:08:44 AM »
I will clarify that I think the Russian government is evil, not the individual Russians. I have related on this forum many times that I work with people from many different backgrounds. I also know a Russian Jew who has lost his faith because of the g-dlessness of the Soviet Union.

Masha, I do agree with you on the issue of the Russians having a disadvantage because there is no morality without a faith in the creator. I fear that the Russian government does want to be a global superpower again.

I do not think America is anywhere nearly as evil as the USSR was. You know that we have the freedom of speech which in most cases has been upheld. We have heard the stories of prison camps for political outcasts and the remnants of Stalinism and Leninism. As far as the media becoming a puppet for the powers that be, this has only been occuring in the last 10 years. It is a byproduct of the advent of cable and convenient news outlets like Rueters, AP, CNN, MSNC, etc. I am saddened by the fact that one interest can own a majority of the news sources and thereby grants them too much political power.

It is not too late to change. I look back at history and am amazed that humanity has been able to survive despite the great propensity to kill each other. Ethical monotheism is the logical explanation for this and we believe this is why the world seems so messed up. We are challenged by the great struggle which we witness each day.


PS: I dont think America is turning totalitarian. Not in my lifetime. Even the few freedoms which were protected before the Patriot Act are not worth the risk. If they are watching the terrorists it may save lives. I know that I dont do anything so bad which would warrant them watching me.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 05:10:38 AM by muman613 »
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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #28 on: August 15, 2008, 07:25:53 AM »
Russia is coming back as the BEAR. WATCH- it talks all about it in the Tanach
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Offline SerbChicago

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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #29 on: August 15, 2008, 09:41:03 AM »
To all our Serbian friends!
You all lament how Serbia was steamrolled by USA and NATO when it tried to reserve its territorial integrity. And we, living in the West - USA, Israel, Europe and Canada agree with you and support your wonderful country. How come, you can't see that Georgia is in the same position as Serbia. Who said that Georgians killed 2,000 people? Russians did? Well, we also have heard, ad-nauseum, about mass killings done by Serbs against Bosnians and Albanians. So, we should have believed that too?

Why can't you feel that pain of another freedom loving people who are being steamrolled by a bully neighbor? BTW, I have nothing against Russia and don't consider Russians evil – it government is. Again - Russia will not do anything for you. Never did since the Tsar regime. Why Russia did not make a peep when a great Serbian hero, Radovan Karadzic   was recently betrayed by your regime in Belgrade and sent out to the Hague witch hunt?

Russians were only one to opose independency of Kosovo!Russians troops were also in Serbia during bombing of Serbia!By help you mean to start ww3?Right now as we talk they compare what is happening to Georgia is 'Serbian Kosovo'!They are trying to light the issue of Kosovo!That is a help.
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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2008, 09:44:44 AM »
C.F. YES I DO!Don't get me wrong but i think Israel should back of some issues that doesn't concern them.Don't think if we disagree that i don't support Israel!But i think they are too close to Russia and it's gonna back fire to anyone that try to do the same thing,remember Napoleon,Austro-Hungeria,Germans they all try the same think and look what happend to them when they got close to Russia.
Just like Russia thinks that it's its business to dominate and rule all neighboring republics, Israel thinks that it has the right to stick up for a tiny nation, like itself, that is under attack by an anti-Semitic empire. Please show me what Russia has done for the proud Serb people. Let me remind you that in 1999, Russia made a lot of noise when NATO was incinerating Serbia, but did absolutely nothing. Even the threat of Russian intervention would have made the West back off. Instead, Yeltsin fired Foreign Minister Primakov (the most anti-NATO and pro-Serb member of his cabinet) and replaced him with Medvedev, who was much more compliant and pro-Western. Also show me what Russia did when Serbia's Western-puppet leaders sent the hero Radovan Karazdic to the kangaroo court of the Hague. Russia could have landed one plane full of "peacekeepers" and Karazdic would have stayed put without the firing of a shot.
[/quote]Look my response to Manch.One more thing what Russia could do when our government have capture and send to Hag Karadzic?!
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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #31 on: August 15, 2008, 09:46:09 AM »
Moron with doctor degree?
Have you ever heard of Dr. Ron Paul? I rest my case.
He wouldn't be presidential nominee if he was moron!
Have you ever heard of Barack Hussein Obama? I rest my case again.
And againe i say if he was moron would he be presidental nominee?!
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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2008, 09:49:19 AM »
No!But they should be little bit more respectful to Russians if they wont them to stop investing in Iran.Israel have made statement for Georgians:"We gave them a knife now it's up to them to use it".Now with that kind of statement what would Russians think?'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.If they really want Russians to stop arming Iran and Syria why would they send weapons to Georgia,support Ukraine in NATO and others ex-Soviet countries?For they own survival they should get of Russians back and not support US in everything they do.They should compromise with Russians.Isn't this rational thing to do for them?
Israel has nothing to prove to Russia and is not obligated to it in any way. This notion that Israel must completely be Russia's slave and do whatever it wants in order to avoid facing a Russian-engineered Islamic holocaust is a nonstarter. How about Russia stopping pursuing total regional hegemony and world domination, for a change?

How many years has Israel been aligned with Georgia? Two? How many years has Russia been aiding Syria and Iran? Fifty? Are you telling me that Russia is a belligerent nation only because Israel supports Georgia? Is any support for Georgia and opposition to Russia the same as attacking Serbia in your eyes? Come on; this is absurd.

I can't believe you are saying these things. We JTFers in America support the noble Serb people no matter what. Do you feel the same for Israel, right now?
C.F. YES I DO!Don't get me wrong but i think Israel should back of some issues that doesn't concern them.Don't think if we disagree that i don't support Israel!But i think they are too close to Russia and it's gonna back fire to anyone that try to do the same thing,remember Napoleon,Austro-Hungeria,Germans they all try the same think and look what happend to them when they got close to Russia.
Russia needs to stop throwing their weight around period. I think that Russia would continue to fund nazi terrorist programs, even if Israel did not aid Georgia. Russia should not even be in Georgia in the first place. There intentions are to take back all of the Soviet Republics and reunite the USSR. Like I always say about Russia, They are not in Georgia for retribution, they are there for CONQUEST, and that the bottom line!!
Sorry but US is for CONQUEST,Russians are for revenge and respect.
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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2008, 09:59:48 AM »
No!But they should be little bit more respectful to Russians if they wont them to stop investing in Iran.Israel have made statement for Georgians:"We gave them a knife now it's up to them to use it".Now with that kind of statement what would Russians think?'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.If they really want Russians to stop arming Iran and Syria why would they send weapons to Georgia,support Ukraine in NATO and others ex-Soviet countries?For they own survival they should get of Russians back and not support US in everything they do.They should compromise with Russians.Isn't this rational thing to do for them?
Israel has nothing to prove to Russia and is not obligated to it in any way. This notion that Israel must completely be Russia's slave and do whatever it wants in order to avoid facing a Russian-engineered Islamic holocaust is a nonstarter. How about Russia stopping pursuing total regional hegemony and world domination, for a change?

How many years has Israel been aligned with Georgia? Two? How many years has Russia been aiding Syria and Iran? Fifty? Are you telling me that Russia is a belligerent nation only because Israel supports Georgia? Is any support for Georgia and opposition to Russia the same as attacking Serbia in your eyes? Come on; this is absurd.

I can't believe you are saying these things. We JTFers in America support the noble Serb people no matter what. Do you feel the same for Israel, right now?
C.F. YES I DO!Don't get me wrong but i think Israel should back of some issues that doesn't concern them.Don't think if we disagree that i don't support Israel!But i think they are too close to Russia and it's gonna back fire to anyone that try to do the same thing,remember Napoleon,Austro-Hungeria,Germans they all try the same think and look what happend to them when they got close to Russia.
Russia needs to stop throwing their weight around period. I think that Russia would continue to fund nazi terrorist programs, even if Israel did not aid Georgia. Russia should not even be in Georgia in the first place. There intentions are to take back all of the Soviet Republics and reunite the USSR. Like I always say about Russia, They are not in Georgia for retribution, they are there for CONQUEST, and that the bottom line!!
Sorry but US is for CONQUEST,Russians are for revenge and respect.
Oh really? your saying that the United States is for Conquest? I have never heard a dumber statement in my entire life! I am truly baffled by your statement. Russia is in south Ossetia to Conquer. I don't see the United States invading Mexico and complaining that there are too many Americans there. That statement is totally false, and it is absolutely doltish.
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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2008, 10:05:54 AM »
No!But they should be little bit more respectful to Russians if they wont them to stop investing in Iran.Israel have made statement for Georgians:"We gave them a knife now it's up to them to use it".Now with that kind of statement what would Russians think?'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.If they really want Russians to stop arming Iran and Syria why would they send weapons to Georgia,support Ukraine in NATO and others ex-Soviet countries?For they own survival they should get of Russians back and not support US in everything they do.They should compromise with Russians.Isn't this rational thing to do for them?
Israel has nothing to prove to Russia and is not obligated to it in any way. This notion that Israel must completely be Russia's slave and do whatever it wants in order to avoid facing a Russian-engineered Islamic holocaust is a nonstarter. How about Russia stopping pursuing total regional hegemony and world domination, for a change?

How many years has Israel been aligned with Georgia? Two? How many years has Russia been aiding Syria and Iran? Fifty? Are you telling me that Russia is a belligerent nation only because Israel supports Georgia? Is any support for Georgia and opposition to Russia the same as attacking Serbia in your eyes? Come on; this is absurd.

I can't believe you are saying these things. We JTFers in America support the noble Serb people no matter what. Do you feel the same for Israel, right now?
C.F. YES I DO!Don't get me wrong but i think Israel should back of some issues that doesn't concern them.Don't think if we disagree that i don't support Israel!But i think they are too close to Russia and it's gonna back fire to anyone that try to do the same thing,remember Napoleon,Austro-Hungeria,Germans they all try the same think and look what happend to them when they got close to Russia.
Russia needs to stop throwing their weight around period. I think that Russia would continue to fund nazi terrorist programs, even if Israel did not aid Georgia. Russia should not even be in Georgia in the first place. There intentions are to take back all of the Soviet Republics and reunite the USSR. Like I always say about Russia, They are not in Georgia for retribution, they are there for CONQUEST, and that the bottom line!!
Sorry but US is for CONQUEST,Russians are for revenge and respect.
Oh really? your saying that the United States is for Conquest? I have never heard a dumber statement in my entire life! I am truly baffled by your statement. Russia is in south Ossetia to Conquer. I don't see the United States invading Mexico and complaining that there are too many Americans there. That statement is totally false, and it is absolutely doltish.
If Russia want's to be respected maybe they should stop invading tiny countries like Georgia with no military to really speak of. Instead they feel threatened by Ukraine. Russia is afraid to have a real fight on their hands. Russia and Russians send military equipment to Iran and fund their terrorist nazi nuclear program. Iran is the same place that vowed to wipe the United States and Israel off the map, and you are sticking up for Russia? How moronic can a person be? RUSSIA IS A COUNTRY OF COWARDS AND ALWAYS WILL BE!!!!
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 10:07:56 AM by ProJewChristian »
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #35 on: August 15, 2008, 10:09:55 AM »
No!But they should be little bit more respectful to Russians if they wont them to stop investing in Iran.Israel have made statement for Georgians:"We gave them a knife now it's up to them to use it".Now with that kind of statement what would Russians think?'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.If they really want Russians to stop arming Iran and Syria why would they send weapons to Georgia,support Ukraine in NATO and others ex-Soviet countries?For they own survival they should get of Russians back and not support US in everything they do.They should compromise with Russians.Isn't this rational thing to do for them?
Israel has nothing to prove to Russia and is not obligated to it in any way. This notion that Israel must completely be Russia's slave and do whatever it wants in order to avoid facing a Russian-engineered Islamic holocaust is a nonstarter. How about Russia stopping pursuing total regional hegemony and world domination, for a change?

How many years has Israel been aligned with Georgia? Two? How many years has Russia been aiding Syria and Iran? Fifty? Are you telling me that Russia is a belligerent nation only because Israel supports Georgia? Is any support for Georgia and opposition to Russia the same as attacking Serbia in your eyes? Come on; this is absurd.

I can't believe you are saying these things. We JTFers in America support the noble Serb people no matter what. Do you feel the same for Israel, right now?
C.F. YES I DO!Don't get me wrong but i think Israel should back of some issues that doesn't concern them.Don't think if we disagree that i don't support Israel!But i think they are too close to Russia and it's gonna back fire to anyone that try to do the same thing,remember Napoleon,Austro-Hungeria,Germans they all try the same think and look what happend to them when they got close to Russia.
Russia needs to stop throwing their weight around period. I think that Russia would continue to fund nazi terrorist programs, even if Israel did not aid Georgia. Russia should not even be in Georgia in the first place. There intentions are to take back all of the Soviet Republics and reunite the USSR. Like I always say about Russia, They are not in Georgia for retribution, they are there for CONQUEST, and that the bottom line!!
Sorry but US is for CONQUEST,Russians are for revenge and respect.
Oh really? your saying that the United States is for Conquest? I have never heard a dumber statement in my entire life! I am truly baffled by your statement. Russia is in south Ossetia to Conquer. I don't see the United States invading Mexico and complaining that there are too many Americans there. That statement is totally false, and it is absolutely doltish.
Yes.Just look Vietnam,Somalia,Germany,Croatia,Bosnia,Kosovo,Afghanistan and Iran.Maybe i have miss some.Everywhere you look they have "military bases".Isn't this conquering?Putting missiles at Poland?!It is not doltish it's truth!All do i support them in Afghanistan and Iraq but it is world wide dominance!Isn't it?Or you thinking that they are spreading "democracy".
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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #36 on: August 15, 2008, 10:10:40 AM »
No!But they should be little bit more respectful to Russians if they wont them to stop investing in Iran.Israel have made statement for Georgians:"We gave them a knife now it's up to them to use it".Now with that kind of statement what would Russians think?'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.If they really want Russians to stop arming Iran and Syria why would they send weapons to Georgia,support Ukraine in NATO and others ex-Soviet countries?For they own survival they should get of Russians back and not support US in everything they do.They should compromise with Russians.Isn't this rational thing to do for them?
why would anyone stick up for communistic bastards. they are quickly becoming ultranationalists under putin.
Israel has nothing to prove to Russia and is not obligated to it in any way. This notion that Israel must completely be Russia's slave and do whatever it wants in order to avoid facing a Russian-engineered Islamic holocaust is a nonstarter. How about Russia stopping pursuing total regional hegemony and world domination, for a change?

How many years has Israel been aligned with Georgia? Two? How many years has Russia been aiding Syria and Iran? Fifty? Are you telling me that Russia is a belligerent nation only because Israel supports Georgia? Is any support for Georgia and opposition to Russia the same as attacking Serbia in your eyes? Come on; this is absurd.

I can't believe you are saying these things. We JTFers in America support the noble Serb people no matter what. Do you feel the same for Israel, right now?
C.F. YES I DO!Don't get me wrong but i think Israel should back of some issues that doesn't concern them.Don't think if we disagree that i don't support Israel!But i think they are too close to Russia and it's gonna back fire to anyone that try to do the same thing,remember Napoleon,Austro-Hungeria,Germans they all try the same think and look what happend to them when they got close to Russia.
Russia needs to stop throwing their weight around period. I think that Russia would continue to fund nazi terrorist programs, even if Israel did not aid Georgia. Russia should not even be in Georgia in the first place. There intentions are to take back all of the Soviet Republics and reunite the USSR. Like I always say about Russia, They are not in Georgia for retribution, they are there for CONQUEST, and that the bottom line!!
Sorry but US is for CONQUEST,Russians are for revenge and respect.
Oh really? your saying that the United States is for Conquest? I have never heard a dumber statement in my entire life! I am truly baffled by your statement. Russia is in south Ossetia to Conquer. I don't see the United States invading Mexico and complaining that there are too many Americans there. That statement is totally false, and it is absolutely doltish.
If Russia want's to be respected maybe they should stop invading tiny countries like Georgia with no military to really speak of. Instead they feel threatened by Ukraine. Russia is afraid to have a real fight on their hands. Russia and Russians send military equipment to Iran and fund their terrorist nazi nuclear program. Iran is the same place that vowed to wipe the United States and Israel off the map, and you are sticking up for Russia? How moronic can a person be? RUSSIA IS A COUNTRY OF COWARDS AND ALWAYS WILL BE!!!!
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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #37 on: August 15, 2008, 10:13:20 AM »
russia is quickly becoming Ultranationalist  under putin. they are cowards without faith in there country and quickly becoming a fasicst union. >:(
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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #38 on: August 15, 2008, 10:21:04 AM »
No!But they should be little bit more respectful to Russians if they wont them to stop investing in Iran.Israel have made statement for Georgians:"We gave them a knife now it's up to them to use it".Now with that kind of statement what would Russians think?'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.If they really want Russians to stop arming Iran and Syria why would they send weapons to Georgia,support Ukraine in NATO and others ex-Soviet countries?For they own survival they should get of Russians back and not support US in everything they do.They should compromise with Russians.Isn't this rational thing to do for them?
Israel has nothing to prove to Russia and is not obligated to it in any way. This notion that Israel must completely be Russia's slave and do whatever it wants in order to avoid facing a Russian-engineered Islamic holocaust is a nonstarter. How about Russia stopping pursuing total regional hegemony and world domination, for a change?

How many years has Israel been aligned with Georgia? Two? How many years has Russia been aiding Syria and Iran? Fifty? Are you telling me that Russia is a belligerent nation only because Israel supports Georgia? Is any support for Georgia and opposition to Russia the same as attacking Serbia in your eyes? Come on; this is absurd.

I can't believe you are saying these things. We JTFers in America support the noble Serb people no matter what. Do you feel the same for Israel, right now?
C.F. YES I DO!Don't get me wrong but i think Israel should back of some issues that doesn't concern them.Don't think if we disagree that i don't support Israel!But i think they are too close to Russia and it's gonna back fire to anyone that try to do the same thing,remember Napoleon,Austro-Hungeria,Germans they all try the same think and look what happend to them when they got close to Russia.
Russia needs to stop throwing their weight around period. I think that Russia would continue to fund nazi terrorist programs, even if Israel did not aid Georgia. Russia should not even be in Georgia in the first place. There intentions are to take back all of the Soviet Republics and reunite the USSR. Like I always say about Russia, They are not in Georgia for retribution, they are there for CONQUEST, and that the bottom line!!
Sorry but US is for CONQUEST,Russians are for revenge and respect.
Oh really? your saying that the United States is for Conquest? I have never heard a dumber statement in my entire life! I am truly baffled by your statement. Russia is in south Ossetia to Conquer. I don't see the United States invading Mexico and complaining that there are too many Americans there. That statement is totally false, and it is absolutely doltish.
Yes.Just look Vietnam,Somalia,Germany,Croatia,Bosnia,Kosovo,Afghanistan and Iran.Maybe i have miss some.Everywhere you look they have "military bases".Isn't this conquering?Putting missiles at Poland?!It is not doltish it's truth!All do i support them in Afghanistan and Iraq but it is world wide dominance!Isn't it?Or you thinking that they are spreading "democracy".
Spreading Democracy is exactly what they are doing. Russia is spreading Communism, and they are commiting crimes against democracy. That, my friend is conquest.
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

Offline SerbChicago

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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #39 on: August 15, 2008, 10:24:21 AM »
No!But they should be little bit more respectful to Russians if they wont them to stop investing in Iran.Israel have made statement for Georgians:"We gave them a knife now it's up to them to use it".Now with that kind of statement what would Russians think?'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.If they really want Russians to stop arming Iran and Syria why would they send weapons to Georgia,support Ukraine in NATO and others ex-Soviet countries?For they own survival they should get of Russians back and not support US in everything they do.They should compromise with Russians.Isn't this rational thing to do for them?
Israel has nothing to prove to Russia and is not obligated to it in any way. This notion that Israel must completely be Russia's slave and do whatever it wants in order to avoid facing a Russian-engineered Islamic holocaust is a nonstarter. How about Russia stopping pursuing total regional hegemony and world domination, for a change?

How many years has Israel been aligned with Georgia? Two? How many years has Russia been aiding Syria and Iran? Fifty? Are you telling me that Russia is a belligerent nation only because Israel supports Georgia? Is any support for Georgia and opposition to Russia the same as attacking Serbia in your eyes? Come on; this is absurd.

I can't believe you are saying these things. We JTFers in America support the noble Serb people no matter what. Do you feel the same for Israel, right now?
C.F. YES I DO!Don't get me wrong but i think Israel should back of some issues that doesn't concern them.Don't think if we disagree that i don't support Israel!But i think they are too close to Russia and it's gonna back fire to anyone that try to do the same thing,remember Napoleon,Austro-Hungeria,Germans they all try the same think and look what happend to them when they got close to Russia.
Russia needs to stop throwing their weight around period. I think that Russia would continue to fund nazi terrorist programs, even if Israel did not aid Georgia. Russia should not even be in Georgia in the first place. There intentions are to take back all of the Soviet Republics and reunite the USSR. Like I always say about Russia, They are not in Georgia for retribution, they are there for CONQUEST, and that the bottom line!!
Sorry but US is for CONQUEST,Russians are for revenge and respect.
Oh really? your saying that the United States is for Conquest? I have never heard a dumber statement in my entire life! I am truly baffled by your statement. Russia is in south Ossetia to Conquer. I don't see the United States invading Mexico and complaining that there are too many Americans there. That statement is totally false, and it is absolutely doltish.
If Russia want's to be respected maybe they should stop invading tiny countries like Georgia with no military to really speak of. Instead they feel threatened by Ukraine. Russia is afraid to have a real fight on their hands. Russia and Russians send military equipment to Iran and fund their terrorist nazi nuclear program. Iran is the same place that vowed to wipe the United States and Israel off the map, and you are sticking up for Russia? How moronic can a person be? RUSSIA IS A COUNTRY OF COWARDS AND ALWAYS WILL BE!!!!
First don't apply that moronic statement!I never try to insult anyone that is disagreeing with me.I try to have discussion over here not fight or to [censored] someone.So can you stop with "moronic person",just try to have statement and discussion.Second do you know why they feel "threatened" by Ukraine?How would you feel is Russia sad that they are sending military weapons to Mexico and they troops on the border of Mexico?That is reason why they don't want NATO in Ukraine.Russia is not afraid of fight!Remember Napoleon,Austo-Hungaria and Germany in WW1,Germany in WW2?What happened to them?Remember battle of Stalingrad?(movie 'enemy at the gate')Russians are not afraid to die for Russia.You have to put your self in Russia prospective!And then you will understand.
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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #40 on: August 15, 2008, 10:27:23 AM »
No!But they should be little bit more respectful to Russians if they wont them to stop investing in Iran.Israel have made statement for Georgians:"We gave them a knife now it's up to them to use it".Now with that kind of statement what would Russians think?'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.If they really want Russians to stop arming Iran and Syria why would they send weapons to Georgia,support Ukraine in NATO and others ex-Soviet countries?For they own survival they should get of Russians back and not support US in everything they do.They should compromise with Russians.Isn't this rational thing to do for them?
Israel has nothing to prove to Russia and is not obligated to it in any way. This notion that Israel must completely be Russia's slave and do whatever it wants in order to avoid facing a Russian-engineered Islamic holocaust is a nonstarter. How about Russia stopping pursuing total regional hegemony and world domination, for a change?

How many years has Israel been aligned with Georgia? Two? How many years has Russia been aiding Syria and Iran? Fifty? Are you telling me that Russia is a belligerent nation only because Israel supports Georgia? Is any support for Georgia and opposition to Russia the same as attacking Serbia in your eyes? Come on; this is absurd.

I can't believe you are saying these things. We JTFers in America support the noble Serb people no matter what. Do you feel the same for Israel, right now?
C.F. YES I DO!Don't get me wrong but i think Israel should back of some issues that doesn't concern them.Don't think if we disagree that i don't support Israel!But i think they are too close to Russia and it's gonna back fire to anyone that try to do the same thing,remember Napoleon,Austro-Hungeria,Germans they all try the same think and look what happend to them when they got close to Russia.
Russia needs to stop throwing their weight around period. I think that Russia would continue to fund nazi terrorist programs, even if Israel did not aid Georgia. Russia should not even be in Georgia in the first place. There intentions are to take back all of the Soviet Republics and reunite the USSR. Like I always say about Russia, They are not in Georgia for retribution, they are there for CONQUEST, and that the bottom line!!
Sorry but US is for CONQUEST,Russians are for revenge and respect.
Oh really? your saying that the United States is for Conquest? I have never heard a dumber statement in my entire life! I am truly baffled by your statement. Russia is in south Ossetia to Conquer. I don't see the United States invading Mexico and complaining that there are too many Americans there. That statement is totally false, and it is absolutely doltish.
Yes.Just look Vietnam,Somalia,Germany,Croatia,Bosnia,Kosovo,Afghanistan and Iran.Maybe i have miss some.Everywhere you look they have "military bases".Isn't this conquering?Putting missiles at Poland?!It is not doltish it's truth!All do i support them in Afghanistan and Iraq but it is world wide dominance!Isn't it?Or you thinking that they are spreading "democracy".
Spreading Democracy is exactly what they are doing. Russia is spreading Communism, and they are commiting crimes against democracy. That, my friend is conquest.
Yeah,yeah i see there is no point having conversation with you.
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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #41 on: August 15, 2008, 10:32:33 AM »
No!But they should be little bit more respectful to Russians if they wont them to stop investing in Iran.Israel have made statement for Georgians:"We gave them a knife now it's up to them to use it".Now with that kind of statement what would Russians think?'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.If they really want Russians to stop arming Iran and Syria why would they send weapons to Georgia,support Ukraine in NATO and others ex-Soviet countries?For they own survival they should get of Russians back and not support US in everything they do.They should compromise with Russians.Isn't this rational thing to do for them?
Israel has nothing to prove to Russia and is not obligated to it in any way. This notion that Israel must completely be Russia's slave and do whatever it wants in order to avoid facing a Russian-engineered Islamic holocaust is a nonstarter. How about Russia stopping pursuing total regional hegemony and world domination, for a change?

How many years has Israel been aligned with Georgia? Two? How many years has Russia been aiding Syria and Iran? Fifty? Are you telling me that Russia is a belligerent nation only because Israel supports Georgia? Is any support for Georgia and opposition to Russia the same as attacking Serbia in your eyes? Come on; this is absurd.

I can't believe you are saying these things. We JTFers in America support the noble Serb people no matter what. Do you feel the same for Israel, right now?
C.F. YES I DO!Don't get me wrong but i think Israel should back of some issues that doesn't concern them.Don't think if we disagree that i don't support Israel!But i think they are too close to Russia and it's gonna back fire to anyone that try to do the same thing,remember Napoleon,Austro-Hungeria,Germans they all try the same think and look what happend to them when they got close to Russia.
Russia needs to stop throwing their weight around period. I think that Russia would continue to fund nazi terrorist programs, even if Israel did not aid Georgia. Russia should not even be in Georgia in the first place. There intentions are to take back all of the Soviet Republics and reunite the USSR. Like I always say about Russia, They are not in Georgia for retribution, they are there for CONQUEST, and that the bottom line!!
Sorry but US is for CONQUEST,Russians are for revenge and respect.
Oh really? your saying that the United States is for Conquest? I have never heard a dumber statement in my entire life! I am truly baffled by your statement. Russia is in south Ossetia to Conquer. I don't see the United States invading Mexico and complaining that there are too many Americans there. That statement is totally false, and it is absolutely doltish.
If Russia want's to be respected maybe they should stop invading tiny countries like Georgia with no military to really speak of. Instead they feel threatened by Ukraine. Russia is afraid to have a real fight on their hands. Russia and Russians send military equipment to Iran and fund their terrorist nazi nuclear program. Iran is the same place that vowed to wipe the United States and Israel off the map, and you are sticking up for Russia? How moronic can a person be? RUSSIA IS A COUNTRY OF COWARDS AND ALWAYS WILL BE!!!!
First don't apply that moronic statement!I never try to insult anyone that is disagreeing with me.I try to have discussion over here not fight or to shove off someone.So can you stop with "moronic person",just try to have statement and discussion.Second do you know why they feel "threatened" by Ukraine?How would you feel is Russia sad that they are sending military weapons to Mexico and they troops on the border of Mexico?That is reason why they don't want NATO in Ukraine.Russia is not afraid of fight!Remember Napoleon,Austo-Hungaria and Germany in WW1,Germany in WW2?What happened to them?Remember battle of Stalingrad?(movie 'enemy at the gate')Russians are not afraid to die for Russia.You have to put your self in Russia prospective!And then you will understand.
I was not calling YOU moronic, I was calling your statement moronic, because that is what it is! And secondly, We are not invading Mexico and trying to over throw their govt, like what Russia is doing to Georgia, there are no bones about it. Obviously, you are not moronic, because you are a JTFer, and I apologize if you took what I said the wrong way, I am in disbelief that you say the US is for conquest. If anyone is commiting conquest that is the Russians.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 10:34:04 AM by ProJewChristian »
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

Offline SerbChicago

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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #42 on: August 15, 2008, 10:40:22 AM »
No!But they should be little bit more respectful to Russians if they wont them to stop investing in Iran.Israel have made statement for Georgians:"We gave them a knife now it's up to them to use it".Now with that kind of statement what would Russians think?'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.If they really want Russians to stop arming Iran and Syria why would they send weapons to Georgia,support Ukraine in NATO and others ex-Soviet countries?For they own survival they should get of Russians back and not support US in everything they do.They should compromise with Russians.Isn't this rational thing to do for them?
Israel has nothing to prove to Russia and is not obligated to it in any way. This notion that Israel must completely be Russia's slave and do whatever it wants in order to avoid facing a Russian-engineered Islamic holocaust is a nonstarter. How about Russia stopping pursuing total regional hegemony and world domination, for a change?

How many years has Israel been aligned with Georgia? Two? How many years has Russia been aiding Syria and Iran? Fifty? Are you telling me that Russia is a belligerent nation only because Israel supports Georgia? Is any support for Georgia and opposition to Russia the same as attacking Serbia in your eyes? Come on; this is absurd.

I can't believe you are saying these things. We JTFers in America support the noble Serb people no matter what. Do you feel the same for Israel, right now?
C.F. YES I DO!Don't get me wrong but i think Israel should back of some issues that doesn't concern them.Don't think if we disagree that i don't support Israel!But i think they are too close to Russia and it's gonna back fire to anyone that try to do the same thing,remember Napoleon,Austro-Hungeria,Germans they all try the same think and look what happend to them when they got close to Russia.
Russia needs to stop throwing their weight around period. I think that Russia would continue to fund nazi terrorist programs, even if Israel did not aid Georgia. Russia should not even be in Georgia in the first place. There intentions are to take back all of the Soviet Republics and reunite the USSR. Like I always say about Russia, They are not in Georgia for retribution, they are there for CONQUEST, and that the bottom line!!
Sorry but US is for CONQUEST,Russians are for revenge and respect.
Oh really? your saying that the United States is for Conquest? I have never heard a dumber statement in my entire life! I am truly baffled by your statement. Russia is in south Ossetia to Conquer. I don't see the United States invading Mexico and complaining that there are too many Americans there. That statement is totally false, and it is absolutely doltish.
If Russia want's to be respected maybe they should stop invading tiny countries like Georgia with no military to really speak of. Instead they feel threatened by Ukraine. Russia is afraid to have a real fight on their hands. Russia and Russians send military equipment to Iran and fund their terrorist nazi nuclear program. Iran is the same place that vowed to wipe the United States and Israel off the map, and you are sticking up for Russia? How moronic can a person be? RUSSIA IS A COUNTRY OF COWARDS AND ALWAYS WILL BE!!!!
First don't apply that moronic statement!I never try to insult anyone that is disagreeing with me.I try to have discussion over here not fight or to shove off someone.So can you stop with "moronic person",just try to have statement and discussion.Second do you know why they feel "threatened" by Ukraine?How would you feel is Russia sad that they are sending military weapons to Mexico and they troops on the border of Mexico?That is reason why they don't want NATO in Ukraine.Russia is not afraid of fight!Remember Napoleon,Austo-Hungaria and Germany in WW1,Germany in WW2?What happened to them?Remember battle of Stalingrad?(movie 'enemy at the gate')Russians are not afraid to die for Russia.You have to put your self in Russia prospective!And then you will understand.
I was not calling YOU moronic, I was calling your statement moronic, because that is what it is! And secondly, We are not invading Mexico and trying to over throw their govt, like what Russia is doing to Georgia, there are no bones about it. Obviously, you are not moronic, because you are a JTFer, and I apologize if you took what I said the wrong way, I am in disbelief that you say the US is for conquest. If anyone is commiting conquest that is the Russians.
Apologize accepted.We are disagreeing in this issues with all respect to you.We can disagree can we?!
The truth,justice and Serbian way

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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #43 on: August 15, 2008, 10:42:42 AM »
No!But they should be little bit more respectful to Russians if they wont them to stop investing in Iran.Israel have made statement for Georgians:"We gave them a knife now it's up to them to use it".Now with that kind of statement what would Russians think?'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.If they really want Russians to stop arming Iran and Syria why would they send weapons to Georgia,support Ukraine in NATO and others ex-Soviet countries?For they own survival they should get of Russians back and not support US in everything they do.They should compromise with Russians.Isn't this rational thing to do for them?
Israel has nothing to prove to Russia and is not obligated to it in any way. This notion that Israel must completely be Russia's slave and do whatever it wants in order to avoid facing a Russian-engineered Islamic holocaust is a nonstarter. How about Russia stopping pursuing total regional hegemony and world domination, for a change?

How many years has Israel been aligned with Georgia? Two? How many years has Russia been aiding Syria and Iran? Fifty? Are you telling me that Russia is a belligerent nation only because Israel supports Georgia? Is any support for Georgia and opposition to Russia the same as attacking Serbia in your eyes? Come on; this is absurd.

I can't believe you are saying these things. We JTFers in America support the noble Serb people no matter what. Do you feel the same for Israel, right now?
C.F. YES I DO!Don't get me wrong but i think Israel should back of some issues that doesn't concern them.Don't think if we disagree that i don't support Israel!But i think they are too close to Russia and it's gonna back fire to anyone that try to do the same thing,remember Napoleon,Austro-Hungeria,Germans they all try the same think and look what happend to them when they got close to Russia.
Russia needs to stop throwing their weight around period. I think that Russia would continue to fund nazi terrorist programs, even if Israel did not aid Georgia. Russia should not even be in Georgia in the first place. There intentions are to take back all of the Soviet Republics and reunite the USSR. Like I always say about Russia, They are not in Georgia for retribution, they are there for CONQUEST, and that the bottom line!!
Sorry but US is for CONQUEST,Russians are for revenge and respect.
Oh really? your saying that the United States is for Conquest? I have never heard a dumber statement in my entire life! I am truly baffled by your statement. Russia is in south Ossetia to Conquer. I don't see the United States invading Mexico and complaining that there are too many Americans there. That statement is totally false, and it is absolutely doltish.
If Russia want's to be respected maybe they should stop invading tiny countries like Georgia with no military to really speak of. Instead they feel threatened by Ukraine. Russia is afraid to have a real fight on their hands. Russia and Russians send military equipment to Iran and fund their terrorist nazi nuclear program. Iran is the same place that vowed to wipe the United States and Israel off the map, and you are sticking up for Russia? How moronic can a person be? RUSSIA IS A COUNTRY OF COWARDS AND ALWAYS WILL BE!!!!
First don't apply that moronic statement!I never try to insult anyone that is disagreeing with me.I try to have discussion over here not fight or to shove off someone.So can you stop with "moronic person",just try to have statement and discussion.Second do you know why they feel "threatened" by Ukraine?How would you feel is Russia sad that they are sending military weapons to Mexico and they troops on the border of Mexico?That is reason why they don't want NATO in Ukraine.Russia is not afraid of fight!Remember Napoleon,Austo-Hungaria and Germany in WW1,Germany in WW2?What happened to them?Remember battle of Stalingrad?(movie 'enemy at the gate')Russians are not afraid to die for Russia.You have to put your self in Russia prospective!And then you will understand.
I was not calling YOU moronic, I was calling your statement moronic, because that is what it is! And secondly, We are not invading Mexico and trying to over throw their govt, like what Russia is doing to Georgia, there are no bones about it. Obviously, you are not moronic, because you are a JTFer, and I apologize if you took what I said the wrong way, I am in disbelief that you say the US is for conquest. If anyone is commiting conquest that is the Russians.
Apologize accepted.We are disagreeing in this issues with all respect to you.We can disagree can we?!
I agree to disagree
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #44 on: August 15, 2008, 12:48:24 PM »
I was not calling YOU moronic, I was calling your statement moronic, because that is what it is! And secondly, We are not invading Mexico and trying to over throw their govt, like what Russia is doing to Georgia, there are no bones about it. Obviously, you are not moronic, because you are a JTFer, and I apologize if you took what I said the wrong way, I am in disbelief that you say the US is for conquest. If anyone is commiting conquest that is the Russians.

As much as I  disagree with SerbChicago on the issue of Georgia, as much as I am disappointed with him for not seeing the parallels between Georgia and Serbia, one thing needs to be put into perspective. USA would invade or interfere in Mexican affairs if there was an anti-US regime there openly supported by Russia.

But, US dominance of the world is benevolent - the countries that US dominates benefit greatly from US protectorate. Even Serbian regime realizes that and that is why they are on their knees. Russians, on the other hand, are probably the most xenophobic people in the world today - they dominate as a "big brother" to spread corruption, anti-US sentiments and total control over their subordinates. You can see Russian bloggers and youtubers commentaries - they are filled with chauvinism, racism and anti-Semitism.
Hayot Araviot Masrihot

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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #45 on: August 15, 2008, 01:25:51 PM »
I was not calling YOU moronic, I was calling your statement moronic, because that is what it is! And secondly, We are not invading Mexico and trying to over throw their govt, like what Russia is doing to Georgia, there are no bones about it. Obviously, you are not moronic, because you are a JTFer, and I apologize if you took what I said the wrong way, I am in disbelief that you say the US is for conquest. If anyone is commiting conquest that is the Russians.

As much as I  disagree with SerbChicago on the issue of Georgia, as much as I am disappointed with him for not seeing the parallels between Georgia and Serbia, one thing needs to be put into perspective. USA would invade or interfere in Mexican affairs if there was an anti-US regime there openly supported by Russia.

But, US dominance of the world is benevolent - the countries that US dominates benefit greatly from US protectorate. Even Serbian regime realizes that and that is why they are on their knees. Russians, on the other hand, are probably the most xenophobic people in the world today - they dominate as a "big brother" to spread corruption, anti-US sentiments and total control over their subordinates. You can see Russian bloggers and youtubers commentaries - they are filled with chauvinism, racism and anti-Semitism.

That's kind of how the Russian people are in general... cold, hard and mean spirited. I can only speak from experience so I might be biased but the government of Russia represents the people and vice versa, you can see it whenever you go into a Russian neighborhood here in the US.  I sure there are exceptions but Communism has taken the peoples' soul and turned them into heartless and ruthless individuals. Anytime you take G-d and G-d's People out of the equations Bad Things Will Happen!

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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #46 on: August 15, 2008, 04:05:52 PM »
No!But they should be little bit more respectful to Russians if they wont them to stop investing in Iran.Israel have made statement for Georgians:"We gave them a knife now it's up to them to use it".Now with that kind of statement what would Russians think?'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.If they really want Russians to stop arming Iran and Syria why would they send weapons to Georgia,support Ukraine in NATO and others ex-Soviet countries?For they own survival they should get of Russians back and not support US in everything they do.They should compromise with Russians.Isn't this rational thing to do for them?
Israel has nothing to prove to Russia and is not obligated to it in any way. This notion that Israel must completely be Russia's slave and do whatever it wants in order to avoid facing a Russian-engineered Islamic holocaust is a nonstarter. How about Russia stopping pursuing total regional hegemony and world domination, for a change?

How many years has Israel been aligned with Georgia? Two? How many years has Russia been aiding Syria and Iran? Fifty? Are you telling me that Russia is a belligerent nation only because Israel supports Georgia? Is any support for Georgia and opposition to Russia the same as attacking Serbia in your eyes? Come on; this is absurd.

I can't believe you are saying these things. We JTFers in America support the noble Serb people no matter what. Do you feel the same for Israel, right now?

CF ....that was a very good post   O0    This fellow reminds me of Muslims and how they blame Israel for everything. I can't help but wonder if perhaps this guy might be a Russian Muslim hanging out in Chicago.

Offline SerbChicago

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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #47 on: August 17, 2008, 01:06:04 AM »
No!But they should be little bit more respectful to Russians if they wont them to stop investing in Iran.Israel have made statement for Georgians:"We gave them a knife now it's up to them to use it".Now with that kind of statement what would Russians think?'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.If they really want Russians to stop arming Iran and Syria why would they send weapons to Georgia,support Ukraine in NATO and others ex-Soviet countries?For they own survival they should get of Russians back and not support US in everything they do.They should compromise with Russians.Isn't this rational thing to do for them?
Israel has nothing to prove to Russia and is not obligated to it in any way. This notion that Israel must completely be Russia's slave and do whatever it wants in order to avoid facing a Russian-engineered Islamic holocaust is a nonstarter. How about Russia stopping pursuing total regional hegemony and world domination, for a change?

How many years has Israel been aligned with Georgia? Two? How many years has Russia been aiding Syria and Iran? Fifty? Are you telling me that Russia is a belligerent nation only because Israel supports Georgia? Is any support for Georgia and opposition to Russia the same as attacking Serbia in your eyes? Come on; this is absurd.

I can't believe you are saying these things. We JTFers in America support the noble Serb people no matter what. Do you feel the same for Israel, right now?

CF ....that was a very good post   O0    This fellow reminds me of Muslims and how they blame Israel for everything. I can't help but wonder if perhaps this guy might be a Russian Muslim hanging out in Chicago.
Again all you see are insults!Is anything coming out your mouth useful or it's just crap as usually.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 01:15:57 AM by SerbChicago »
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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #48 on: August 17, 2008, 01:08:20 AM »
No!But they should be little bit more respectful to Russians if they wont them to stop investing in Iran.Israel have made statement for Georgians:"We gave them a knife now it's up to them to use it".Now with that kind of statement what would Russians think?'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.If they really want Russians to stop arming Iran and Syria why would they send weapons to Georgia,support Ukraine in NATO and others ex-Soviet countries?For they own survival they should get of Russians back and not support US in everything they do.They should compromise with Russians.Isn't this rational thing to do for them?
Israel has nothing to prove to Russia and is not obligated to it in any way. This notion that Israel must completely be Russia's slave and do whatever it wants in order to avoid facing a Russian-engineered Islamic holocaust is a nonstarter. How about Russia stopping pursuing total regional hegemony and world domination, for a change?

How many years has Israel been aligned with Georgia? Two? How many years has Russia been aiding Syria and Iran? Fifty? Are you telling me that Russia is a belligerent nation only because Israel supports Georgia? Is any support for Georgia and opposition to Russia the same as attacking Serbia in your eyes? Come on; this is absurd.

I can't believe you are saying these things. We JTFers in America support the noble Serb people no matter what. Do you feel the same for Israel, right now?

CF ....that was a very good post   O0    This fellow reminds me of Muslims and how they blame Israel for everything. I can't help but wonder if perhaps this guy might be a Russian Muslim hanging out in Chicago.

If he was a russian Muslim why would he call himself a Serb?
Why not a chechen then
He is a SERB

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Re: Michael Savage WAS right about Russian-Georgian conflict!
« Reply #49 on: August 17, 2008, 01:13:01 AM »
No!But they should be little bit more respectful to Russians if they wont them to stop investing in Iran.Israel have made statement for Georgians:"We gave them a knife now it's up to them to use it".Now with that kind of statement what would Russians think?'Enemy of my enemy is my friend'.If they really want Russians to stop arming Iran and Syria why would they send weapons to Georgia,support Ukraine in NATO and others ex-Soviet countries?For they own survival they should get of Russians back and not support US in everything they do.They should compromise with Russians.Isn't this rational thing to do for them?
Israel has nothing to prove to Russia and is not obligated to it in any way. This notion that Israel must completely be Russia's slave and do whatever it wants in order to avoid facing a Russian-engineered Islamic holocaust is a nonstarter. How about Russia stopping pursuing total regional hegemony and world domination, for a change?

How many years has Israel been aligned with Georgia? Two? How many years has Russia been aiding Syria and Iran? Fifty? Are you telling me that Russia is a belligerent nation only because Israel supports Georgia? Is any support for Georgia and opposition to Russia the same as attacking Serbia in your eyes? Come on; this is absurd.

I can't believe you are saying these things. We JTFers in America support the noble Serb people no matter what. Do you feel the same for Israel, right now?

CF ....that was a very good post   O0    This fellow reminds me of Muslims and how they blame Israel for everything. I can't help but wonder if perhaps this guy might be a Russian Muslim hanging out in Chicago.

If he was a russian Muslim why would he call himself a Serb?
Why not a chechen then
He is a SERB
Thank you.This individual doesn't know me.I have lost everything because of Muslims,not only house and goods but members of my family too!
The truth,justice and Serbian way