Thank you.This individual doesn't know me.I have lost everything because of Muslims,not only house and goods but members of my family too!
Believe me, I understand what you and the rest of the heroic Serb people have gone through. I pray that I will see the day when Serbs take revenge over the Muslim Nazis who are reconquering Europe through the Balkans as well as their Western Nazi allies. But someone who has lost everything to Muslim Nazis should be staunchly opposed to Russia, the greatest ally that global Islam has in the world. Russia is fighting the Chechens within its own boundaries because it doesn't want to be bombed, but not only tells Israel not to fight back against the Arabs and the U.S. not to invade Iraq, but actually arms the Muslim enemies of each country AND builds nuclear weapons for Islamic nations.
I wish that you will wake up and realize that Serbia's counting on her so-called Russian ally through the years has only brought genocide.