When Osbama does not have a teleprompter, sycophants, an audience clapping on cue like sea lions at a circus, and an lap dog press (shivers in my leg); he looks below average to poor. It was Straight Talk vs. Incoherent Stuttering at the Saddleback debate. Obama is used to getting the answers in advance, (and he will from the DNC lackeys who will be moderating the three debates this fall.) Since Obama isn't spoon-fed his questions and answers , he stammers and stuttersand looks like the incompetent fool that he is- and the MSM tries to spin and call it 'thoughtful' and 'nuanced' LOL!!
So what will Since McCain did well, he must have cheated. In other words...they are admitting that McCain did better than their Messiah- who did poorly. You only try to blame one's poor performance on some made-up advantage of the opposition, when you realize your man is totally out-classed. What they are doing, in essence, is showing they actually finally believe what everyone else saw and that is: Obama is not qualified. It was/has been/is obvious that Obama is no leader, no statesman, no diplomat, and has no clue and cannot handle direct questions without a script.
WHAT would he do when confronted with world leaders asking him on-the-spot questions and making demands? Will he tell them "I...uhhhh, ahhhh, hmmmm...let me see if that answer is in my paygrade...ahhh..." By the time he stops stuttering and ahhh-ing they will have armed, directed and launched their missles at us.
He's a novice with no executive experience and the flimsiest record in the past 100 years for a presidential candidate, being taken seriously for the role of commander-in chief.
