Author Topic: Challenge to Ralph  (Read 13925 times)

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Offline Lisa

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #75 on: August 19, 2008, 09:47:24 AM »
Marzutra, I was the one that deleted that last line of your original post.  I guess I should have made that clear.  

The fact is, since we have zero tolerance for missionizing here, we can't have people slipping in little asides saying to people of other religions who can or cannot be G-d or the Messiah.  Discussions like that are perfectly valid for other forums but are not appropriate here.  

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #76 on: August 19, 2008, 09:48:12 AM »
I just finished reading through the five pages fo posts since I dropped off last night.

Thank you Ralph, I learned a lot, got a lot to think about, and I think some great discussion occurred. Before/after this post there is still a common binding truth.

Jews and Rightous Gentiles make great, complimentary allies. Together they can win in the fight against Nazisism and Islam.  You think G-d might just have a reason and a plan in place.  O0
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline George

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #77 on: August 19, 2008, 10:35:02 AM »
This comment has really disturbed me.  I couldn't figure out why exactly, until I realized the only place I have every heard the phrase "The Whites were and always will be the sworn enemies of Jews." I have never ever heard any Jew proclaim that "whites" were his enemy or even adversary.  The only place I have heard this phrase used is on Nazi forums.

I believe you are a Nazi and an impersonator.  You are trying to foment hate between Jews and Christians on this forum.  That is my opinion. 

Listen you worthless cockroach, I didn't start this thread. CF wanted to know who I am and I answered his questions. I don't give a damn what your opinion is. You should call me a nazi in my face. I doubt a coward like you would ever insult someone outside of a forum. I think since you've visited nazi forums and know their common phrases, you are the real nazi.

Offline Shamgar

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #78 on: August 19, 2008, 10:38:31 AM »
Ralph you are over reacting. Simply counter back with that you are not a Nazi. Name calling is not nice.
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #79 on: August 19, 2008, 11:15:24 AM »
What you follow today was not always considered "orthodox"
It is silly to pretend otherwise.   When you just openly state that your way is the true interpretation and the ones in the past were wrong or lying/distorting, that can be honest and logical.   Don't try to tell me that all of medieval Christian Europe would have stated or admitted that their own way was "not biblical" or not authentic.  They would have said their way was right.  Their priest said so and so did those who had whatever limited exposure to their scripture that they had.  (and the printing press increased exposure to the masses, but it didn't cause adoption of the modern interpretation you follow!)  I think it's a stretch and quite silly to pretend otherwise.  Or to pretend that all the priests of those days had never seen their own nt...

A comparison to a conflict between religious Jew and a secular Jew who doesn't know Torah is not a valid comparison.   Christian Europe was religious Christian, and they thought their way was right, whether it was or it wasn't.  I don't know how you can assume if CF went in a time machine and showed a different interpretation, they would all just say, 'of course CF but I'm evil and a pretender what do you expect'....   They were led to believe a different interpretation for century upon century, one which enabled the antisemitism that led to the shoah.   You CF simply believe that was a wrong interpretation and yours is the biblically accurate one while theirs isn't/wasn't.  For what it's worth, I think if you start claiming more than that you cease making sense...

First off--it looks like you are disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing. You don't like it when I speak about Judaism, you don't like it when I speak about my own faith, and you don't like it when I criticize any figure Chaim himself does. Maybe that is not the case, but I am certain that considering our history of debating, it might appear that way to an outsider. Please note that Lisa, who has been carefully monitoring this thread for religiously inappropriate speech and who has called me out in the past when I overreached, had no problem with what I said.

When did I ever complain about what you are saying?    I never said anything about your post(s) in this thread being inappopriate.  What is this all about?

I simply reacted to your arguments with logic.   I don't have a problem with being logical.   I do have a problem with delusion.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 11:26:28 AM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #80 on: August 19, 2008, 11:25:51 AM »
What you follow today was not always considered "orthodox"
It is silly to pretend otherwise.   When you just openly state that your way is the true interpretation and the ones in the past were wrong or lying/distorting, that can be honest and logical.   Don't try to tell me that all of medieval Christian Europe would have stated or admitted that their own way was "not biblical" or not authentic.  They would have said their way was right.  Their priest said so and so did those who had whatever limited exposure to their scripture that they had.  (and the printing press increased exposure to the masses, but it didn't cause adoption of the modern interpretation you follow!)  I think it's a stretch and quite silly to pretend otherwise.  Or to pretend that all the priests of those days had never seen their own nt...

A comparison to a conflict between religious Jew and a secular Jew who doesn't know Torah is not a valid comparison.   Christian Europe was religious Christian, and they thought their way was right, whether it was or it wasn't.  I don't know how you can assume if CF went in a time machine and showed a different interpretation, they would all just say, 'of course CF but I'm evil and a pretender what do you expect'....   They were led to believe a different interpretation for century upon century, one which enabled the antisemitism that led to the shoah.   You CF simply believe that was a wrong interpretation and yours is the biblically accurate one while theirs isn't/wasn't.  For what it's worth, I think if you start claiming more than that you cease making sense...

Now--as to the overall thrust of your argument, it appears that you are saying that the N.T. preaches anti-Semitism.

I never once said this.   Why do you constantly put words in my mouth?   You do this to others as well.  I never even came CLOSE to saying this.   I am getting very tired of you responding to things I never said.

You are way too defensive.     Let me be clear.    It is delusional to think that the Christian Europe of days gone by was KNOWINGLY taking a NON-BIBLICAL approach to their religion, and would they have been presented with CF modern biblical interpretation, they would have said "well of course, but I'm sick and evil and just pretending."   They THOUGHT their way was correct/biblical.    You can state that they were incorrect and had a nonbiblical interpretation, and like I said, I buy that logic, but they sincerely believed whatever was their own interpretation (objectively "incorrect" or not - which you and others in your church say it is).   It is a complete stretch and fantasy to suggest that all those priests and all those communities were knowingly distorting their own religion but knew the other (modern) interpretation was the correct one and just chose the incorrect one anyway.   They thought theirs was correct-biblical!   Whether it was or wasn't, they thought so.    It's up to the christian theologians and guys like yourself to determine what the correct interpretation of Christianity is/was.   Not me.   But don't tell me that those people didn't sincerely believe that what they were believing and doing was a 'biblical' correct approach.   The fact that they did doesn't mean they weren't wrong.    So your conclusion about what is 'the thrust of my argument' is completely off.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 11:28:25 AM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #81 on: August 19, 2008, 12:54:16 PM »
Let me be clear.    It is delusional to think that the Christian Europe of days gone by was KNOWINGLY taking a NON-BIBLICAL approach to their religion, and would they have been presented with CF modern biblical interpretation, they would have said "well of course, but I'm sick and evil and just pretending."
I already gave you the explanation, which you conveniently didn't notice, but for the record, the reason that this is true is because at that era and place the Bible was not considered the ultimate source of authority for Christianity, Church Tradition and decree was.

They THOUGHT their way was correct/biblical.
Correction, they thought it was correct according to church tradition. 

You can state that they were incorrect and had a nonbiblical interpretation, and like I said, I buy that logic, but they sincerely believed whatever was their own interpretation (objectively "incorrect" or not - which you and others in your church say it is).
So? Mormons today believe that all of us, if we live as good Mormons, will all become a gd after we die, and sincerely believe it.

It is a complete stretch and fantasy to suggest that all those priests and all those communities were knowingly distorting their own religion but knew the other (modern) interpretation was the correct one and just chose the incorrect one anyway.
No more or less than Muslims who believe that their religion is true. Do Muslims know that their religion is wrong and persist in believing it anyway? That's up for debate.

They thought theirs was correct-biblical!
For the jillionth time, they didn't use the Bible, by itself, as their guiding light--they went primarily on pontifical rulings (which were deemed incontrovertible and the direct words of G-d himself) and the decisions the church had made in the past. The Bible, during that era, was taken to be a second-tier source of knowledge and authority in Christianity. You don't know Christian history better than I do, and you're not going to prove otherwise.

Whether it was or wasn't, they thought so.
They used a completely different interpretive system than modern Christians. That's why it was fair for me to make the analogy of a Torah debate between you and a secular Jew. It would not be a fair debate--it would be apples and oranges. You each would have totally different sources of authorities in your lives.

It's up to the christian theologians and guys like yourself to determine what the correct interpretation of Christianity is/was.   Not me.

But don't tell me that those people didn't sincerely believe that what they were believing and doing was a 'biblical' correct approach.   The fact that they did doesn't mean they weren't wrong.    So your conclusion about what is 'the thrust of my argument' is completely off.
How difficult is it for you to understand this concept? Christendom in that era did not view the Bible as the primary source with which to make religious decisions. The sole, guiding authority was Pontifical authority and bull (decree)--meaning that what the pope said, went. The Pope was considered to be a living oracle of G-d, and therefore his declarations carried direct divine weight. After that, authority rested on church tradition and historical precedent--i.e. what past Popes had decided, or what early church fathers wrote and believed. Some of these early church fathers were extremely antisemitic (i.e. John Chrysostom), and they were held in a very high degree of esteem--at least as high as, if not higher, than the actual authors of the N.T. themselves. Their decisions, teachings, and practices were seen as divinely sanctioned. The best analogy that can be made for this for you, within Judaism, would be the belief that the great rabbinic scholars of history are divinely anointed with the authority to make halachic decisions. Medieval Christianity believed similarly of church fathers. (Note--I am not in the least, even remotely, comparing Jew-hating beasts with the great Torahic/Talmudic scholars of Judaism. I simply was making an analogy in order to illustrate the basis of their authority-system.) The Bible was viewed as the word of G-d, for sure, but it had to be interpreted and implemented by the Church hierarchy for true meaning and substance.

So that is why I can accurately claim what I do. The "Christians" of that era would not have thought of themselves as "biblical Christians"--such a concept did not exist on a wide scale until the Reformation, and really, even after that, not until various small Christian communities that wanted nothing to do with the Old World (such as the Puritans, Quakers, Anabaptists, etc.), sprang up. They would have viewed themselves as "Church Christians" or "Holy Roman Christians", because their lives were based upon the church itself, not a sacred text. If I were having a debate with one today, their first quarrel with me would not be interpretation of Scripture, but why I don't view church dictates as the direct word of G-d.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #82 on: August 19, 2008, 12:57:51 PM »
Listen you worthless cockroach, I didn't start this thread. CF wanted to know who I am and I answered his questions. I don't give a damn what your opinion is. You should call me a nazi in my face. I doubt a coward like you would ever insult someone outside of a forum. I think since you've visited nazi forums and know their common phrases, you are the real nazi.
Do we need any more proof this guy is a troll?

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #83 on: August 19, 2008, 01:02:14 PM »
This comment has really disturbed me.  I couldn't figure out why exactly, until I realized the only place I have every heard the phrase "The Whites were and always will be the sworn enemies of Jews." I have never ever heard any Jew proclaim that "whites" were his enemy or even adversary.  The only place I have heard this phrase used is on Nazi forums.

I believe you are a Nazi and an impersonator.  You are trying to foment hate between Jews and Christians on this forum.  That is my opinion. 

Listen you worthless cockroach, I didn't start this thread. CF wanted to know who I am and I answered his questions. I don't give a damn what your opinion is. You should call me a nazi in my face. I doubt a coward like you would ever insult someone outside of a forum. I think since you've visited nazi forums and know their common phrases, you are the real nazi.

Ralph? name calling is not needed here, if you guys got a debate or personal issues take it to pm and settle it out

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #84 on: August 19, 2008, 01:04:58 PM »
This comment has really disturbed me.  I couldn't figure out why exactly, until I realized the only place I have every heard the phrase "The Whites were and always will be the sworn enemies of Jews." I have never ever heard any Jew proclaim that "whites" were his enemy or even adversary.  The only place I have heard this phrase used is on Nazi forums.

I believe you are a Nazi and an impersonator.  You are trying to foment hate between Jews and Christians on this forum.  That is my opinion. 

Listen you worthless cockroach, I didn't start this thread. CF wanted to know who I am and I answered his questions. I don't give a damn what your opinion is. You should call me a nazi in my face. I doubt a coward like you would ever insult someone outside of a forum. I think since you've visited nazi forums and know their common phrases, you are the real nazi.
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #85 on: August 19, 2008, 01:45:19 PM »
But CF, not all Christians were Catholic.   Not all Christians followed the pope.   And not only catholics committed pogroms etc...

Offline Lisa

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #86 on: August 19, 2008, 01:47:23 PM »
Ralph, JTF works with all good people, whether they're Jews or non-Jews.  That's how Chaim wants it.  So if you disagree, then there's always the splinter forum to go to.  Otherwise, you need to keep your language civil.  

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #87 on: August 19, 2008, 01:57:33 PM »
C.F. I think what Kahane Was Right BT is trying to say is that whether or not the European Christians of the Middle Ages read the N.T. for themselves or whether they relied on their priests for knowledge, the fact remains that they believed themselves to be Christians.  And no doubt with the help of their priests, they justified themselves in the name of their religion. 

Now you can say that these were illiterate peasants that were manipulated by the priests, which was probably the case with many of them.  But it doesn't take away from the fact that their interpretation of their religion was used to justify their Jew hatred. 

Something else you all need to remember is that Christian Zionism and Christian philo-Semitism are relatively new phenomena.  So I don't think you should take it personally when some of the Ashkenazic Jews here (of European ancestry) express skepticism about Christian philo-Semitism. 

Otherwise, can we all please stop fighting here?

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #88 on: August 19, 2008, 02:09:13 PM »
But CF, not all Christians were Catholic.   Not all Christians followed the pope.   And not only catholics committed pogroms etc...

No. It was only the Catholics. I can bring Nik back to confirm.   ;)
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Offline George

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #89 on: August 19, 2008, 02:13:19 PM »
Do we need any more proof this guy is a troll?

You started this thread to try to make trouble for me. It's obvious you're a loser and you can't debate. You're obsessed with having people banned and I'm sue the moderators couldn't care less about your opinions. Christians have more Jewish blood on their hands than any other group. Bottom line. The Gospels make it clear that those who don't accept Christ will go to hell. This is what has motivated these animals to persecute, murder and rape Jews. Christians that don't believe this are not real Christians anymore than Muslims who don't want to exterminate infidels are real Muslims. If this is JTF then I think JTF should recruit Muslims who claim they support Israel because there are Muslims who say they do. From now on I will ignore you.

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #90 on: August 19, 2008, 02:16:47 PM »
This comment has really disturbed me.  I couldn't figure out why exactly, until I realized the only place I have every heard the phrase "The Whites were and always will be the sworn enemies of Jews." I have never ever heard any Jew proclaim that "whites" were his enemy or even adversary.  The only place I have heard this phrase used is on Nazi forums.

I believe you are a Nazi and an impersonator.  You are trying to foment hate between Jews and Christians on this forum.  That is my opinion. 

Listen you worthless cockroach, I didn't start this thread. CF wanted to know who I am and I answered his questions. I don't give a damn what your opinion is. You should call me a nazi in my face. I doubt a coward like you would ever insult someone outside of a forum. I think since you've visited nazi forums and know their common phrases, you are the real nazi.

Well I'm not alone here.  Admin Shlomo said the following earlier:
"what is all this "White" crap? Last time I checked, this wasn't the KKK forum."

I never ever hear Jews say they hate whites.  Ashkenazi Jews are "white."
I called you a Nazi because this is exactly how they speak...everything is about the "white" race and how Jews are attacking the "white" race.

If your a Jew, start acting like one and stop acting like a Nazi.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 02:18:54 PM by camerakid400 »
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Offline Shamgar

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #91 on: August 19, 2008, 02:23:54 PM »
Do we need any more proof this guy is a troll?

You started this thread to try to make trouble for me. It's obvious you're a loser and you can't debate. You're obsessed with having people banned and I'm sue the moderators couldn't care less about your opinions. Christians have more Jewish blood on their hands than any other group. Bottom line. The Gospels make it clear that those who don't accept Christ will go to hell. This is what has motivated these animals to persecute, murder and rape Jews. Christians that don't believe this are not real Christians anymore than Muslims who don't want to exterminate infidels are real Muslims. If this is JTF then I think JTF should recruit Muslims who claim they support Israel because there are Muslims who say they do. From now on I will ignore you.

This is not the Christianity I know and you are not characteristic of the Jews that I know. Sorry you are so unhappy and disapointed with your situation and life. As CF would say, "Peace be with you".
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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #92 on: August 19, 2008, 02:26:25 PM »
Do we need any more proof this guy is a troll?

You started this thread to try to make trouble for me. It's obvious you're a loser and you can't debate. You're obsessed with having people banned and I'm sue the moderators couldn't care less about your opinions. Christians have more Jewish blood on their hands than any other group. Bottom line. The Gospels make it clear that those who don't accept Christ will go to hell. This is what has motivated these animals to persecute, murder and rape Jews. Christians that don't believe this are not real Christians anymore than Muslims who don't want to exterminate infidels are real Muslims. If this is JTF then I think JTF should recruit Muslims who claim they support Israel because there are Muslims who say they do. From now on I will ignore you.

American Christians have never done the things you are talking about.  :-\
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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #93 on: August 19, 2008, 02:28:38 PM »
I said I'm an agnostic atheist and never said I was Jewish religiously. It doesn't matter what my mother is, I don't believe in Judaism.

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #94 on: August 19, 2008, 02:41:27 PM »
In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is quoted as saying that he had come to bring the sword, to "set father against son and mother against daughter" (Luke 12:53) and called on his followers to "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me" (Luke 19:27).

These words have, in the history of Christianity, been enacted in bloody reality many times - starting when an important political rebellion against the Roman Catholic Church took on a religious slant - leading to the split in European Christendom between Catholic and Protestant. This split sparked off a series of religious wars which were ultimately to be responsible for the death of nearly a third of all Europeans. If they do this to each other, who knows what they're willing to do to others. If they were Muslims they would've committed a genocide against each other. When this liberal culture wears off of them, and it eventually will, they will revert to their savage ways once more.

You fool.

Please Ralph, don't start with exegesis. You will embarrass yourself deeply.  ::)

I.e. is the second example (Luke 19:27) part of a parable. Not Jesus is speaking here, but the "highborn (noble) man".

You have to start reading in Luke 19:11
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #95 on: August 19, 2008, 02:59:48 PM »
Stop attacking the Christian members. It's so petty and divisive. It's also against the forum rules.
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Re: Challenge to Ralph
« Reply #96 on: August 19, 2008, 03:10:40 PM »
Ralph, if you think Christians are so bad, then you would really be better off ranting at the splinter forum.  We work with all good people here.