Spain responded to the Madrid bombings by pulling its troops out of Iraq, essentially surrendering to today's al qaeda jihadists. Spain is a terrible place for the inquisitions and expelling the Jews in 1492. They have also banned all books in their country (except the bible) for hundreds of years until only very recently. I have no sympathies with that corrupt culture, and their weakness in the face of Islam will only end up hurting them more.
There is a lot of truth in it. The people of Spain have elected the most selfhating gouvernment imaginable. Against this is Olmert a choirboy.
The worst part is, that this arrogant leftists are kissing the feet of every evil dictator on this planet and they feel during doing it superior.
Imo Zapateros heros like Chavez, Raoul and this clown Morales are such lowlifes. There is nothing on them I could admire. They are jealous, stupid, not educated and obsessed with power.
This are no examples, but deterrent socialist beasts. And they are all supporting Achmadenidschad.