Considering Skenderbeg...
In the 15th century in enslaved Albania under Ottoman Empire,there was a few families that ruled under the Sultan.On the north there were Dukadyin and Musaki,in the south Ariyanti and in the central Albania(today its Kroya region) the ruling family was Kastriot(Kastriots were Orthodox Serbs).
Skenderbeg's father's name was Ivan Kastriot.Ivan had a wife Vojislava(that's Serbian,Slavic name) and 4 sons: Stanisha,Reposh,Kostadin and
Djuradj(Dyurady or Dyordye,little hard to spell...on English it's George).
As an Orthodox Serb he(Ivan Kastriot,father of Djuradj,later known as Skenderbeg as we'll see) helped the construction of the biggest sanctity of its people the Hilandar Monastery on the "Ayis Oros"(Saint Mountain in Atos,Greece).If he wasn't Serb he would help construct an Albanian monastery,as every other Orthodox people in the region did for its self.But he constructed a "pirg"(tower near the Monastery that protects it from pirates and thiefs) at the Hilandar Serbian Monestary in Atos,Greece.
Here's a letter dedicated to the Monastery written in cyrillic(as Ivan Kastriot,father of Skenderbeg was a Serb.I'm asking if some1 of Serbs here could translate this letter from Skenderbeg's father so Hungarian can read this):
"Po neizrecivom milosrdju vladike moga Hrista,ja gresni nedostojni,ne smem se nazvati rob Hrista Boga mojega,Ivan Kastriot i sa sinovima mojim Stanisom i Kostadinom i Djuradjem iskazujuci revnost Gospodu Bogu,mome Svedrzitelju i pomoci preciste Vladicice nase Bogorodice Lavre Hilandarske,savjetovavsi se sa sinovima mojim prilozismo svetom manastiru koliko je u nasoj moci; sveblagi Bog i precista Bogomati neka prime ove nase male priloge kao sto su primili od one udovice 2 novcica.I prilozih selo Radostushe i s Crkvom s Precistom Bogorodicom koja je u selu Radostushi, i sa selom Trebishtem.
I tako prilozih oba ta sela da su slobodna od svih rabota malih i velikih,sa svim njihovim pravima,osim haraca careva i grada,a sve drugo da je svetog manastira,da nema vlasti nad njim ni kefalija,ni vlasnik,ni pisar,ni da daju desetak ,ni od zita ni od vina,ni od pcela,ni dinar na ime poklona,ni travninu,ni torovimu,nego da Crkva uyima sve svoje pravine po zakonu tij sela.I prosto receno da su slobodni od svih mojih rabota,malih i velikih."
Later,Ivan Kastriot's son Reposh and brother of Djuradj(Skenderbeg-that was his Turkish name) died in this Monastery and he was buried here.That's how close was this family Kastriot to the Monastery.
The youngest son of Ivan Kastriot was Djuradj Kastriot.Djuradj(George) Kastriot was enslaved by Turks and Islamized.As a Turkish servant he got the new name "Skenderbeg".
Later,He used the Hungarian-Turkish war in(1422-1444) when the Turkish power was weakening and regain rebelled against Turkish Sultan.He regain control of his motherland,central Albania around Kroya,and rebuild the govern of his family.Now what he did!?
As he was islamized,he NEVER REALLY ACCEPTED Islam and was asking all of those who was islamized too to return to its religion in his liberated central Albania.He killed those who rejected to return from Islam,adn the historians evaluate this number is about 1000 people.
Turkish Sultan Murad II attacked him,but Dyurady Kastriot(Skenderbeg),with help from Dubrovnik's Republic(Mletak's Republic,they was Serbs Catholics) was able to resist with major losses that brought him into very difficult position.He connected himself with other rulers trough the marriages,and so he gave his sister for Stefan Crnojevic,the ruler of Zeta.So,Skenderbeg gained support from him,too.
Also,what is interesting is that he spoke Serbian language and Turkish.Throughout the centuries of the Turkish Empire,all Kastriots were islamized and then Albanized,and the last descendant of this family as Kastriot that was Orthodox Serb died in 1918.Those who managed to escape and preserve its Serbian roots,today they have the surname Kastratovic.
So,thanks to the Albanian twisting of historical facts they are teaching its children that Skenderbeg was Albanian and that it was the "proof" of its national resistance to the Islamization and Ottoman Empire,which is a total lie!Albanians were the biggest Turkish allies and the most devoted servants.
Today Albanians believe so fanatically in this fairy tail that they made him their national hero and lately in the WWII they formed a hole nazi SS division called "Skenderbeg" that committed a genocide over Serbs in Kosovo during nazi German and Italian occupation.